Parse.Com : How to get all data when certain column is null? - parse-platform

I have plan to sync from my data to my postgreSql local database with JS API. To do that, i have to get all data that have null value for Column last_sync (it's mean that data did not syncing with local database).
Please help me how to get all data that last_sync is null?

You're not stating what language you're using, but this is a solution for Android:
This will constrain the query to only those records that don't have a value set in last_sync
For JavaScript:

For Objective-C:
[query whereKeyDoesNotExist:#"last_sync"];


Adf column filter: which format does ADF use to generate the where clause in the VO's query?

TLDR; is there a way to understand at runtime which format is ADF using for dates behind the scenes? In particular the format used to render dates in dynamically generated sql code?
In the Oracle ADF Application I'm working on there are several table filters (by that I mean the field over the column in which I can write text/number/dates to query the table).
Filtering this way, the framework modifies the query of the View Object, adding the appropriate where clause. On the page there's also a button "Select all" that allows me to select all the data that's rendered in the table (there is a selection checkbox).
In the specific case, the query from the VO is used to aim two different goals:
update the rendered data in the table
if I press the "select all" button a function in the backend database is called (callable statement calling the function), passing as a parameter the query.
The first task is successfully reached (as the table is visually updated), but we had an issue with the second one.
The backend function uses the query to select all the extracted data (as iterating in ADF with java would be too slow).
The problem is that the where clause isn't correctly generated for the backend database (which is also oracle).
Basically the generated WHERE clause (which was added to VO's query automatically by the framework) was
WHERE record_date = '2020-10-12'
which I had to change to
WHERE record_date = to_date('2020-10-12', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
in order to have it correctly executed by the Oracle Db.
So now it's working (yay), but my concern is: isn't it dangerous to assume the date format will be 'YYYY-MM-DD' on every application's instance?
I think this 'YYYY-MM-DD' is the format in which ADF is managing dates (as the value is written as '2020-10-12' in the query).
But is there a way to understand at runtime which format is ADF using for dates behind the scenes? Or does it always use 'YYYY-MM-DD', or am I completely off-road and the storage format is another and I should ask which format does it use to render dates? But dates on page are visually rendered in another way :/
Sorry for my lack of expertise and have a nice day!
The value of the query field, which I'm getting by calling
is of class
and by printing it I obtain the date in format YYYY-MM-DD.
Would it be possible that the framework was simply using Date.toString?
This would raise another question: how can I be sure of the pattern used by Date.toString? The documentation isn't clear about it (and it says that it should be used only in development, so this is quite a remote scenario).
What you named 'Filter' is called 'Query by Example' or QBE in short. See the doc for more info.
You can change the query passed to the server using a bean method. Look at e.g. JDev Multi select component table filter for a sample.
Using dates in ADF is always dependent on the current user's settings. If the user don'T use a specific locale the default is 'yyyy-mm-dd'. This can be changed at different points, starting by the entity objects, view objects a,d finally in the UI by using converters.
The best way to use dates depends on the use case.

HybridRelations laravel mongo is really slow

Used HybridRelations to store user notifications in mongoDB instead of mysql and imported 3million records and now user->notifications()->take(5)->get() or user->notifications()->paginate(5) takes over 30 seconds.
any idea how to speed it up?
on mysql with same amount of records it took 200 milliseconds.
notificaiton model has user_id and description and priority and read flag and user_id is set as an index.
Maybe this suggestion can help you.
When use user->notifications() means the query like that
db.notificaiton.find( {"user_id": <?> } )
That will get all record by user_id.
You can dump the user->notifications() and check. That should be Collection type and contains more than 5 records.
The solution is this.
You can write specific method to ensure what your mongo query expression.
The problem was the column that you are sorting by should be an index as well as the columns you use where clause on.

Find a particular value in serialize array yii 2.0

I am working with Yii 2.0. Here is my field which has serialize value now i want to find that if 94 exist in this field than i need all values from this row.
post_parents: a:2:{i:0;s:1:"6";i:1;s:2:"94";}
All efforts will be appriciated & thanks in advance
This is a sql problem rather than Yii. Here is sam problem: Unserialize through query at database level itself
Build query like that:
$query->andWhere('your_field_here REGEXP '.*;s:[0-9]+:"your_value_here".*'); : query with two datetime at different column

I want to build sync method, both from my local database to and from to my local database. For first case ( from local to, Alhamdulillah my script run well. But for second case, i need query between column last_update and last_sync (i do not use updatedAt caused by i can't control it, so i use last_update).
Please explain me how to get all data if last_update is greaterThan last_sync?
From i got query between two dates, but it's from same column, the value of query is real value. But my case, the value of key = last_update is column name, last_sync.
Thank you...
You can't use a query constraint that compares two columns. You need to change your logic. Why do you store both a last_update and last_sync in a record?
Syncing is a complex subject and you can easily mess up the logic. I don't understand how you can store a last_sync date on every record, as this has to be different for every user. You need to store the last_sync value for each user, and use that to compare against the last_update column on all records.

Enterprise Architect Oracle long field column properties

I have a little problem with Enterprise Architect by Sparx System.
Im trying to model database schema for Oracle. I created table with primary key with data type long. But when im trying to modify column properties (set AutoNum = true) I see empty properties. I read documentation of EA and saw that I need to setup this property to generate sequence syntax.
When I change data type to number, or switch database to mysql (for example) everything is alright, there are properties so Im able to modify AutoNum value.
Did you had similar problem and found solution ? or maybe im doing something wrong.
It's becouse Oracle use sequence instead of autoincrement option. I've checked it and I think you have to use NUMBER column type and then set AutoNum property (you have to select Generate Sequences in options to get proper DDL code too). Instead of LONG data type you can set PRECISION and SCALE options on NUMBER type ie NUMBER(8) mean you can have 8 digits number and it can be set up to 38, so if you don't want to store info about every star in the universe will be enought for your scenario :)
