Enterprise Architect Oracle long field column properties - oracle

I have a little problem with Enterprise Architect by Sparx System.
Im trying to model database schema for Oracle. I created table with primary key with data type long. But when im trying to modify column properties (set AutoNum = true) I see empty properties. I read documentation of EA and saw that I need to setup this property to generate sequence syntax.
When I change data type to number, or switch database to mysql (for example) everything is alright, there are properties so Im able to modify AutoNum value.
Did you had similar problem and found solution ? or maybe im doing something wrong.

It's becouse Oracle use sequence instead of autoincrement option. I've checked it and I think you have to use NUMBER column type and then set AutoNum property (you have to select Generate Sequences in options to get proper DDL code too). Instead of LONG data type you can set PRECISION and SCALE options on NUMBER type ie NUMBER(8) mean you can have 8 digits number and it can be set up to 38, so if you don't want to store info about every star in the universe will be enought for your scenario :)


auto increment of data(int type) which is not Id(identity already used) ASP.NET MVC

I am trying to auto increment data, which is not Id, I have used Sql Identity on Id so can't use it anymore. I tried sql sequence to bind data column and it works if I add information from sql via script but it does not work on adding from visual studio. I tried to [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed)] but it does not work too. I have been searching this topic for 2 days in web but can't find any solution
You can use SQL Sequences for this. According to the documentation by Microsoft
A sequence is a user-defined schema bound object that generates a sequence of numeric values according to the specification with which the sequence was created. The sequence of numeric values is generated in an ascending or descending order at a defined interval and can be configured to restart (cycle) when exhausted. Sequences, unlike identity columns, are not associated with specific tables. Applications refer to a sequence object to retrieve its next value. The relationship between sequences and tables is controlled by the application. User applications can reference a sequence object and coordinate the values across multiple rows and tables.
You can create a sequence using the syntax below:
To check how it can be used in MVC, please check this post.
Hope this helps!

Delphi ADO - how to set default dataset column type without designer

Using Delphi 2007.
We do not use the designer to configure our DataSet. It is built automatically from the SQL query. So we need a solution where the fields are built at runtime.
I need to SELECT a large number (e.g. 2305843009213693951) from a NUMBER(19,0) column in Oracle using ADO. Our query works in SQLServer where the column is defined as BIGINT and is mapped automatically to a TLargeintField but for Oracle it is mapped to TBCDField. This behaviour is documented in a couple of places for instance here - TADOQuery.EnableBCD.
The problem (as mentioned in the same page) is that our number is in some instances too large and an overflow exception is thrown (it uses decimal under the hood). As expected / documented - if I use TADOQuery.EnableBCD(false) then the column is mapped to a TLargeintField which is what I want. However this option is set for all columns and seems a bit heavy handed.
An alternative is described:
Note: For fields with very large numbers of more than 19 significant digits, you can use TVariantField type persistent field objects. The TFloatField and TBCDField classes lack sufficient capacity for fields of this size. TVariantField allows the getting and setting of the field data as strings, preventing without loss of data due to insufficient capacity. However, arithmetic operations cannot be performed on numbers accessed through a TVariantField object.
So I tried configuring the fields to columns manually as described in this article - Creating a ClientDataSet's Structure at Runtime using TFields. But this doesn't appear to work as I get the exception: "Type mismatch for field 'total_rec' expecting: LargeInt actual: BCD'.
So is there a way to force ADO to return the dataset with a field of type TLargeintField for a NUMBER(19,0) without using the designer?
Interestingly ODAC maps the column to TLargeintField, but we are supposed to support ODAC and ADO.
I don't believe there is a way to manually control column data types returned by the ADOQuery. I tested overriding the procedure mentioned by kobik which determines the data type and this worked well. However we are not going to use this solution because I looked at the same code in XE4 and it appears it has been modified for use with large BCD numbers. We can wait until we upgrade from 2007 (hopefully next year).
The code I added to my overridden version of InternalInitFieldDefs was:
if (F.Type_ = adNumeric) and (F.NumericScale = 0) and (F.Precision < 10) then
FieldType := TFieldType(ftInteger);
I added
else if (F.Type_ = adNumeric) and (F.NumericScale = 0) and (F.Precision >= 19) then
FieldType := ftLargeint;

Limiting AutoIncrement to a specific range

I am trying to create an application for work. The app will be used internally and should allow us to assign some barcode numbers to our product SKUs. I am using Visual Studio / Basic 2010 Express to build this as my very limited and beginners experience is with VS 2010 Express.
I'll give a bit of information about how I see this application working and then I'll get on with my actual question:
I see the app allowing us to create a new Product in the database by a user entering the SKU and description of the product and then the app will assign this product the next available base number for the barcode and from there the app will (if required) generate the correct EAN13 and GTIN14 barcodes and store them against that SKU.
As a company we have a large range of barcode numbers we can use and we have split this large range up so that the first 50,000 (for example) are for our EAN13 codes, the next 50K are for our GTIN14 codes for Inner Cartons and the remaining 50K are for Master Cartons.
So in order to achieve this I have my Product table which contains the fields 'SKU', 'Description' and 'BarcodeBase'. I have managed to set the BarcodeBase field as unique and I am attempting to use AutoIncrement(Seed & Step) to make sure that this assigns the product a base barcode (before I calculate the check digit) that falls within the EAN13 range as described above...
So finally my question is: Is there a way I can put an upper limit on AutoIncrement so that on the off chance, way way in the future, the base barcode number will not overflow into the next range?
I've been googling unsuccessfully for an answer and I am only coming across things which talk about the data type of the field having a limit. For example the upper limit of an Int32 type. Through my searches I have become vaguely aware of the 'Expression' property of the field and also the possibility of coding a partial class - but I don't know if that is the right direction to go in or if there is something much simpler that I am overlooking / have not found.
I would really appreciate any help!
Edit: As per GrandMasterFlush's comment - I have added a local database to my VS project. So I think I am using a SQL Server Compact 3.5 db.
Use a CHECK constraint, e.g.:
CHECK (BarcodeBase BETWEEN 1 AND 50000);
I suggest you do not make BarcodeBase an IDENTITY column in the Product table (IDENTITY is the feature that you are referring to as "autoincrement"). IDENTITY is really designed for surrogate key use only and isn't ideal for meaningful business data. You can't update an IDENTITY column, it isn't necessarily sequential, may have gaps in the number sequence and you also only get to use one IDENTITY column per table. Instead of using IDENTITY in the Product table you can generate the sequence elsewhere, for example by incrementing a single value stored in a single row table.

how to insert in to db when number is having digits greater than m for number(m,n) in oracle

in DB which i do not have privilege to alter.
a column has number(13,4) and how is it possible to insert 999999999999999999 whose length is more than 13 ? It is throwing exception. Is it possible to convert in to 1.23e3 format and does the db save this format?
no it is not possible because of the rules and limitations you mentioned yourself. The column has that formatting, you cannot change it so you cannot make it fit. period
No it is not possible to insert a number, which is greater than the specified precision and scale of the column.
You have to change the database.
If you don't have permissions to alter the table then simply ask someone who does; you have a valid "business" need to do so.
I would highly recommend not working out some way to "hack" around this limitation. Constraints such as this exist to enforce data quality. Though maybe misapplied in this situation, putting data in two different formats in the same column makes it immeasurably more difficult to retrieve data from the database. Hence why you should always store numbers as numbers etc.
No, unfortunately not. There is no way how to achieve this.

Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - Data Generation Plan Setting Incorrect Data Type for Column

I have been looking into how to generate test data in our database so that we can test CRUD operations without running into foreign key constraint issues on insert.
The approach I decided to take was through Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate's Data Generator feature. Setting up the Data Generator plan for our specific database wasn't too difficult, but I am being held up by a data type issue.
Specifically, one of the columns in the database is set to be of type Bit; however, the data generator plan is setting the data type to int. From here, the only generator options I can select are Data bound generator, Integer, Sequential data bound generator, SmallInt, and TinyInt.
All options except those with Int in their name don't produce an output value when running the generator. Running the generator with one of the Int generators to try and generate a value results in this error:
Error 1 TSD50003: The generator Int is not valid for column [dbo].[Contract_Relationship].[status] - type bit
This error is obvious given that the column is actually a bit instead of an Int. What isn't so obvious is how I can go about changing the data type on the column to be the correct one.
I have tried looking at the data type generator definitions under the Tools > Options > Database > Default Generators and Bit falls under the Default Data Generator Category which is tied to the Boolean type under the SQL Data Type Category.
From here I am also unable to change the generators as the dropdowns for the Default Data Generator category are tied to each SQL Data Type. Trying to change the data type of the Bit column in the Data Generator plan also doesn't work as it is read only.
Finally, I would set the column to null as a work around but it is set to be not null. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to change the data type of the column to be Bit?
I noticed after poking around a bit more in the Dev team's schema files that the column is actually set to an Int data type in there Create Table .sql files. It would seem to me that the information the Data Generator is using for the schema comes from these files.
It seems odd that the column is incorrect between the create table files and the actual database in the SQL Server client, but it is probably something not related to my question directly.
I would still be interested if anyone knew how to change the data type in the data generator, or even where the data generator is pulling the schema information from.
