Could not load the Tomcat server configuration - spring

I edited trying to change the port of the server, it didn't work and restored the original values and now I am getting the following error:
Could not load the Tomcat server configuration at /Servers/VMware
vFabric tc Server Developer Edition v2.9-config. The configuration may
be corrupt or incomplete. Resource is out of sync with the file
system: '/Servers/VMware vFabric tc Server Developer Edition
This is the default server provided by Spring Tool Suite.
The solutions I found did not help me, like copying all the TOMCAT_DIR/conf files to my server location, which is in workspace/Servers.
Any help?

I am not sure, that my problem is the same, I had similar issue about ports conflict.
My solution was based on changing ports in I deleted default Pivotal tc Server, than found in installation on the path
The last 4 lines in file are:
Change ports as you like (to have unused ports).
Create a new server. select Pivotal -> Pivotal tc Server... next.
On the next page push radio button Existing Instance and select tcServer. Finish.
Than try to start server to check, if ports are unused yet. If yes, the server should start.

To change a Tomcat port, you need to edit server.xml, not See: link.
Try reinstall/unzip again, and start from scratch. I often mess up servers, and can never work out what happened. It is much faster in the long run to reinstall.
Also, before you do that, try F5 in your IDE, because 'out of sync with file system' usually means you need to press F5 (refresh).


Glassfish 4.1.1, domain installed as a service does not restart as a service

I got a Glassfish 4.1.1 copy with two domains on Win2012R2 (no clusters, no instances). I've set a windows service for each of those.
Both services run regularly up until the moment when I restart either or both of them thru their admin web console (server (Admin Server) -> Restart). The following happens:
The domain-related service stops, but does not start again,
The allegedly stopped domain is perfectly functional (deployed apps and admin console are there) (!!!),
When I try to start the win service manually, I get Error 1067 (GF reports "something" is already listening on required ports and that's the domain itself that is now, somehow, NOT run as a service!),
I can start the service again only after I've stopped the domain thru server (Admin Server) -> Stop.
Why did I mention two domains? Because this does not happen when I have just one domain with its' service.
Domains do not share ports, only things in common are the JDK/JRE and general GF files.
Is this a bug in Glassfish or did I set something wrong?
This is a limitation, rather than a bug. The problem is that GlassFish has no way to tell whether or not it is running as a service (and, if it is, what the name of that service would be).
The restart command means that GlassFish is restarting itself, so Windows detects that the process it started has been terminated and shows the service as stopped, but GlassFish spawns a new JVM itself. It has no capability to tell Windows to start the service again.
Essentially, the behaviour you are seeing is expected.
After some more testing, I realized what was going on:
Glassfish is definitively capable of restarting its' own Windows service,
The thing that was happening is it takes GF a few seconds do this on its' own,
But, before GF domain could restart as a service, I clicked the URL to return to admin console, every time. That forced it to run as an ordinary executable.
It does seem like the restart happens faster with just one win service, but I won't claim that as an absolute truth without more testing, for which I have no time now.

Run “WebSphere application server” and “WebSphere Process Server” in a single machine

In our project we have installed both the “WebSphere application server” and “WebSphere Process Server” in a single machine. But we are unable to run both the server at a same time.
WebSphere Process Server is mounted on top of WebSphere Application Server, so while we are running the process server the default WebSphere application server instance is starting with the process server. So after that if we try to start the separately installed WebSphere application server, we are getting error that one instance is already running. Please suggest how to avoid this conflict and run both the process and application server in the single machine?
Both are using the same port. We already renamed the server name of the separately installed WebSphere application server with “server2” and Process Server’s application server name is “server1”
Please share your suggestions
You need to create separate profile. You don't have to install WAS first, or install it again, if you don't want. You may use Profile Management Tool from your installation to create new separate profile for WAS (choose Application Server profile type, not Process Server).
If you want complete separation e.g different versions (like vX of WPS and vY of WAS), or different fix pack level, you will need to do full separate WAS install.
Websphere Process Server extends Websphere Application Server (WAS), so you should install WAS first. Websphere Process Server (WPS) install should be made on top. When installation is complete you will be able to create WAS and WPS profiles on this machine. WPS profile always include WAS libraries and can be managed exactly the same way as WAS.
If you want separate servers, you should create two profiles, one for WAS and one for WPS.
You will be able to manage them separately.

SpringSource Tool Suite: Infinite redirect in vFabric tc server (tomcat)

I'm running SpringSource Tool Suite 3.2.0.RELEASE. I have a working application that runs just fine when configured to launch from root context ("/"). I need to move this to a subdirectory (e.g. localhost:8080/myapp ). When I do this in the included tomcat server and then launch the home page, my site goes into an infinite 302 redirect loop.
The site does use Spring Security. However I have a feeling that's not the problem because I've configured log4j to output "trace" messages from all of org.springframework. It happily spits out all the usual startup messages, but when I try to access the home page, it prints absolutely nothing. It's as though the request isn't even getting as far as Spring in the pipeline before the redirect happens. The only evidence I've found in my logs that something is amiss is the recorded 302's in the access log.
How can I debug this problem? SOMETHING is telling the site to redirect somewhere, but I cannot tell what/where/why.
My steps to set the path, in case it helps:
Right Click on VMware vFabric tc Server .... and choose "Open"
Choose the Modules tab
Select my site and choose "edit"
Set the path to /myapp (I also tried /myapp/ )
Save and restart the server
Must be just a glitch. I removed the website module, saved, cleaned the tc server work directory, re-added it and restarted. Back in business. Hope this helps somebody.

How to install Hudson on windows server 2008?

I'm calm... Everyone loves windows...
How to install Hudson on windows 2008?
More specifically - what exactly is 'Windows filtering platform' thingy and how to kick it so it would allow Hudson pass through?
This is what i get in event log when i hit java -jar hudson.war and try to open web page:
The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a bind to a local port.
Application Information:
Process ID: 2896
Application Name: \device\harddiskvolume1\windows\system32\java.exe
Network Information:
Source Address: ::
Source Port: 5353
Protocol: 17
Filter Information:
Filter Run-Time ID: 0
Layer Name: Resource Assignment
Layer Run-Time ID: 38
Temporary disabled firewall through control panel - nothing changed.
I'm kind of speculating here, but maybe try running it in Tomcat? I'd hope the Tomcat team put the work into their installer/Windows Service to have it handle port binding without too much headache...
The problem you're having is that, while you turned off the firewall, the rules are still affecting it. Try disabling MPSSvc and running it again. Or try:
Netsh.exe AdvFirewall Set CurrentProfile State Off
Obviously, be very careful if this is a production environment.
We've been running Hudson in Apache Tomcat on Windows Servers for almost two years now without incident. I never even tried to run it through IIS (assuming that's what you're using). Just run the Windows installer for Tomcat 6.0 (7.0 may not yet be supported) and then drop hudson.war in the Tomcat webapps directory. Tomcat will automatically extract the .war contents and start up the application. You may also want to get into the Hudson configuration files and set the value of the HUDSON_HOME directory if you don't want it to use the default.

Error while shutting down 'Admin Server' from weblogic enterprise management console

I am using Weblogic Server em console to restart a webserver, URL looks like this:
AdminServer is named 'AdminServer', I wish to restart this server instance,
I click on server in EM console then user menu option like this:
(Weblogic server>Control>Shut Down...) I get this error:
'No Machine associated with server AdminServer. Please associate a machine to this weblogic server using weblogic console first.'
Not able to understand what this means....
What am i missing here?
With Oracle WebLogic, a Machine represents... well, a physical machine (and you can associate Servers i.e. WebLogic instances to it). This is not a fundamental concept except when using Node Managers. In general, you create Machine(s), Server(s) and their association with the configuration wizard at domain creation time.
It is however possible to add a Machine from the console (Environment > Machines > New):
But you can't add a RUNNING Server to a Machine with the console, which will be a problem for the admin Server. So, I'd recommend to use the configuration wizard to extend your existing domain and add Machine(s).
Note that all this will only solve the "shutdown problem", restarting will involve Node Manager which is very likely not configured.
