SpringSource Tool Suite: Infinite redirect in vFabric tc server (tomcat) - spring

I'm running SpringSource Tool Suite 3.2.0.RELEASE. I have a working application that runs just fine when configured to launch from root context ("/"). I need to move this to a subdirectory (e.g. localhost:8080/myapp ). When I do this in the included tomcat server and then launch the home page, my site goes into an infinite 302 redirect loop.
The site does use Spring Security. However I have a feeling that's not the problem because I've configured log4j to output "trace" messages from all of org.springframework. It happily spits out all the usual startup messages, but when I try to access the home page, it prints absolutely nothing. It's as though the request isn't even getting as far as Spring in the pipeline before the redirect happens. The only evidence I've found in my logs that something is amiss is the recorded 302's in the access log.
How can I debug this problem? SOMETHING is telling the site to redirect somewhere, but I cannot tell what/where/why.
My steps to set the path, in case it helps:
Right Click on VMware vFabric tc Server .... and choose "Open"
Choose the Modules tab
Select my site and choose "edit"
Set the path to /myapp (I also tried /myapp/ )
Save and restart the server

Must be just a glitch. I removed the website module, saved, cleaned the tc server work directory, re-added it and restarted. Back in business. Hope this helps somebody.


Installing ColdFusion 11 on Windows Server 2012 / IIS 8.0

I've done this many times in the past, but this is new, and I think CF11 is the problem. Not sure.
Fresh Windows Server 2012.. installed CF11. Selected "Configure All IIS Websites" during install. There's only two sites configured in IIS -- Default, and one other, which has its own name (test.mydomain.com) configured in the hosts file and in DNS. In its webroot is a single index.cfm file, and a subdirectory thereof, is an actual ColdFusion web app.
When I browse to the webroot, I get a standard Microsoft IIS page, rather than the index.cfm file. If I browse to the subdirectory, I get 404.
I've set index.cfm as the default document.
The path specified to the webroot is correct.
If I run the wsproxyconfig.exe file, it shows nothing is configured. I click Add, select IIS. In the drop-down where you configure a specific site, it says None and is not selectable. If I try to add, I get the error, "Unable to configure WebSocket Proxy Enable the required WebSocket Protocol option in IIS." I've looked all over IIS and can't find where this setting might be.
What's interesting is I can get the cfadmin page to load and function just fine ( there are no port numbers in that URL so it must be passing through IIS. So I'm not really sure what the problem is. Is it the connector? Is it something else? I'm stumped.

Websphere Application Server 7 - Redirecting HTTPS request to HTTP

I'm facing some problems with my WAS setup. The HTTPS link is redirecting to an HTTP. I am sure this is not an application issue since I tested the same application on other environments and it is working.
I had copied the virtual host configuration from the environment that is working, but still not getting it to work. I checked the other environments's Web Container Customer Properties and it does not have any.
Any thing that needs to be checked?
Update :
I saw below the virtual host there is a link called "Update global Web server plug-in configuration". Do I need to click this and copy the generated file to all nodes?

Could not load the Tomcat server configuration

I edited catalina.properties trying to change the port of the server, it didn't work and restored the original values and now I am getting the following error:
Could not load the Tomcat server configuration at /Servers/VMware
vFabric tc Server Developer Edition v2.9-config. The configuration may
be corrupt or incomplete. Resource is out of sync with the file
system: '/Servers/VMware vFabric tc Server Developer Edition
This is the default server provided by Spring Tool Suite.
The solutions I found did not help me, like copying all the TOMCAT_DIR/conf files to my server location, which is in workspace/Servers.
Any help?
I am not sure, that my problem is the same, I had similar issue about ports conflict.
My solution was based on changing ports in catalina.properties. I deleted default Pivotal tc Server, than found in installation catalina.properties on the path
The last 4 lines in file are:
Change ports as you like (to have unused ports).
Create a new server. select Pivotal -> Pivotal tc Server... next.
On the next page push radio button Existing Instance and select tcServer. Finish.
Than try to start server to check, if ports are unused yet. If yes, the server should start.
To change a Tomcat port, you need to edit server.xml, not catalina.properties See: link.
Try reinstall/unzip again, and start from scratch. I often mess up servers, and can never work out what happened. It is much faster in the long run to reinstall.
Also, before you do that, try F5 in your IDE, because 'out of sync with file system' usually means you need to press F5 (refresh).

Web application is seemingly not running when deployed in websphere

I have a war file which I deployed and ran in tomcat. Then I deployed it in websphere from admin console. The status of the webapplication is seen as started along with the built-in web applications such as "ivtApp", "query", etc. Now from this link:
It looks like the port number for web application is 9080 for http. I tried to run the application using the link:
(I am using "{" because this website didn't allow typing localhost)
the context root being spring3HibernateMaven. And I get page not found error in the browser. So I thought there must be something wrong with my web application. Hence I tried to run their web application:
Which gives the same error. Even
gives the same error. I assume it should show something for this url as is shown from tomcat.
So how can I run the/any web application in websphere? FYI, I downloaded the latest version of websphere from their website.
ivtApp has context path "ivt", so you need to use host:9080/ivt
Btw, you can find context path setting in websphere\application control panel

how to connect to WebSphere 7 admin console, or how to view error logs if it's not starting?

I have IBM RAD / WebSphere 7 installed locally. My web application I'm developing runs fine.
I'm trying to log into the WAS admin console.
In the "Servers" view, I right-click the server > Administration > Run Administration Console ... but I get a "webpage cannot be found" error page.
In Firefox, I attempt to browse to the admin console URL, I tried each of the following but no luck:
Any ideas what the URL is?
Or, alternately, if the admin console is not starting due to some error, is there a log file somewhere where I can find the error?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
The third of those would normally be the correct one, but the port number depends on what happened during the profile creation process. Find the profile directory and then look in the properties directory for the portdefs.props file. That will tell you what the correct port number should be.
It is possible to create a profile without the admin console application, in which case it will obviously never work. You could also try running wsadmin from the profile bin directory to see whether you can connect to the admin service that way.
Any errors from the admin console application will be reported in the normal log files in the profiles/profilename/logs/servername directory.
