Error while shutting down 'Admin Server' from weblogic enterprise management console - oracle

I am using Weblogic Server em console to restart a webserver, URL looks like this:
AdminServer is named 'AdminServer', I wish to restart this server instance,
I click on server in EM console then user menu option like this:
(Weblogic server>Control>Shut Down...) I get this error:
'No Machine associated with server AdminServer. Please associate a machine to this weblogic server using weblogic console first.'
Not able to understand what this means....
What am i missing here?

With Oracle WebLogic, a Machine represents... well, a physical machine (and you can associate Servers i.e. WebLogic instances to it). This is not a fundamental concept except when using Node Managers. In general, you create Machine(s), Server(s) and their association with the configuration wizard at domain creation time.
It is however possible to add a Machine from the console (Environment > Machines > New):
But you can't add a RUNNING Server to a Machine with the console, which will be a problem for the admin Server. So, I'd recommend to use the configuration wizard to extend your existing domain and add Machine(s).
Note that all this will only solve the "shutdown problem", restarting will involve Node Manager which is very likely not configured.


How to Run WAS Liberty Core server as a Background Service in Windows

We have installed WAS Liberty Core 8.5.5 to run Maximo anywhere mobile applications.
If we start the server from CMD then we are able to access worklight console and maximo anywhere apps.
Command we are using to start the server.
server start server1
But once we closed the CMD window the server stops automatically.
Any workaround to run the server as a background Service ?
Also we need info on how to add WAS Liberty server to Windows startup service so that it will start automatically on system restart.
You can run Liberty as a Windows service:
bin\server registerWinService serverName
bin\server startWinService serverName
bin\server stopWinService serverName
Of course "net stop/net start" or services.msc can be used instead of startWinService/stopWinService
The feature to setup a proper windows service is not available in Websphere Liberty 8.5.5.x.
You can use sc.exe to create a service linked to the server executable, but it won't behave correctly i.e. it won't respond correctly to the commands from the services application. As an example, you will be able to start the service and the server will run, but then you will see an error saying the service did not respond in a timely fashion.
According to this question the proper functionality, as described in the other answer, only became available around version
Hope that helps,

Oracle OBIEE Analytics

I can not access the web interfaces of obiee. Any suggestions or solutions?
"www".localhost:7001 should just be localhost:7001.
Also, OBIEE runs on the /analytics deoloyment. /console is the WebLogic administration console.
You must use the correct URL:
Use this URL:
instead of:
Please check whether your URL is apt or not.
Because what I think it should be localhost:7001/em or localhost:7001/console which is Enterprise Manager and Weblogic Console respectively.
And for OBIEE web page, we use analytics that is nothing but localhost:9704/analytics or localhost:9502/analytics
Solely depends on your OBIEE configuration.
Hope it would be helpful.
Based on your screenshot it appears as if you are attempting to access weblogic console. I would make sure that node manager and Admin Server are both started and running. On Windows os, click on the start menu and type NodeManager/Start Weblogic and it will give you the shortcut icons.
Once those two have been started you should be able to login to weblogic console and to ensure that admin/managed servers are both running.
If you did an enterprise installation of OBIEE11g, the default port for analytics should be 9704 unless you manually configured to use a different port number.

Run “WebSphere application server” and “WebSphere Process Server” in a single machine

In our project we have installed both the “WebSphere application server” and “WebSphere Process Server” in a single machine. But we are unable to run both the server at a same time.
WebSphere Process Server is mounted on top of WebSphere Application Server, so while we are running the process server the default WebSphere application server instance is starting with the process server. So after that if we try to start the separately installed WebSphere application server, we are getting error that one instance is already running. Please suggest how to avoid this conflict and run both the process and application server in the single machine?
Both are using the same port. We already renamed the server name of the separately installed WebSphere application server with “server2” and Process Server’s application server name is “server1”
Please share your suggestions
You need to create separate profile. You don't have to install WAS first, or install it again, if you don't want. You may use Profile Management Tool from your installation to create new separate profile for WAS (choose Application Server profile type, not Process Server).
If you want complete separation e.g different versions (like vX of WPS and vY of WAS), or different fix pack level, you will need to do full separate WAS install.
Websphere Process Server extends Websphere Application Server (WAS), so you should install WAS first. Websphere Process Server (WPS) install should be made on top. When installation is complete you will be able to create WAS and WPS profiles on this machine. WPS profile always include WAS libraries and can be managed exactly the same way as WAS.
If you want separate servers, you should create two profiles, one for WAS and one for WPS.
You will be able to manage them separately.

WebSphere to Oracle - doesn't accept correct password

In WebSphere 6.1 I have created a datasource to an Oracle 11g instance using the thin JDBC client.
In Oracle I have two users, one existing and another newly created.
My websphere datasource is OK if I use the component-managed authentication alias of the existing user, but fails with "invalid user/password" message if I use the alias of the new user. The error message is:
The test connection operation failed for data source MyDB (Non-XA) on
server nodeagent at node MY_node with the following exception:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password;
logon denied DSRA0010E: SQL State = 72000, Error Code = 1,017.
View JVM logs for further details.
There is nothing in the JVM logs. I have grepped all websphere logs and they do not mention my connection at all.
I can confirm that the username and password are correct by logging in via SQLPlus or (to prove the JDBC connection is OK) via SQuirreL.
I have checked in Oracle that the new user has all the system privs that the existing user has.
Any thoughts on what is going on or how I can debug this further?
Just FYI. I am guessing you are running WebSphere in Network Deployment mode.
This behavior you're experiencing is actually by design.
The reason for it is that the "Test Connection" button you see on the admin console, invokes the JDBC connection test from within the process of the Node Agent. There is no way for the J2C Alias information to propagate to the Node Agent without restarting it; some configuration objects take effect in WebSphere as soon as you save the configuration to the master repository, and some only take effect on a restart. J2C aliases take effect on restarts.
In a Network Deployment topology, you may have any number of server instances controlled by the same Node Agent. You may restart your server instances as you'd like, but unless you restart the Node Agent itself, the "test connection" button will never work.
It's a known WebSphere limitation... Which also exists on version 7.0, so don't be surprised when you test it during your next migration. :-)
If this happens to anyone else, I restarted WebSphere and all my problems went away. It's a true hallmark of quality software.
Oftentimes when people tell me they can't log into Oracle 11g with the correct password, I know they've been caught out by passwords becoming case-sensitive between 10g and 11g.
Try this :
data source definition
use the j2c alias both autentication managed by component and autentication managed by container
IBM WAS 8.5.5 Knowledge Center - Managing Java 2 Connector Architecture authentication data entries for JAAS
If you create or update a data source that points to a newly created J2C authentication data alias, the test connection fails to connect until you restart the deployment manager.
After you restart the deployment manager, the J2C authentication data is reflected in the runtime configuration. Any changes to the J2C authentication data fields require a deployment manager restart for the changes to take effect.
The node agent must also be restarted.
I have point my data source to componenet-manage authentication as well as container-managed authentication.Its working fine now........

How do I launch the WebSphere management console in Windows 2003 Server

I am new to WebSphere application server. I need to make minor changes on the server.
I don't know how to launch the Admin console.
Assuming that the default ports are used you can access the console from http://localhost:9060/ibm/console
