Turn off spell-checking in Xcode Commit comments - xcode

Does anyone know how to turn off spell checking in Xcode's commit comments area? It's very annoying to always have to correct the correcter when typing in my notes. For example whenever I enter an iVar's name or a method name the spell checker will decide that I have spelt it wrong and make some ludicrous guess at what it should be.

Right-click in the comments area. There's a Spelling and Grammar menu. You can uncheck
"Correct Spelling Automatically", but I can't figure out how to make the setting persist. It goes back to the default on the next commit. (Using Xcode 5.1.1.)

I solved this by turning spell check off globally for my Mac.
System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Text
If that's an acceptable solution then it may help anyone reading this.

Click on Edit -> Format -> Spelling and Grammer and click on Show Spelling and Grammer. If it is checked it will be unchecked. Or Edit -> Format -> Spelling and Grammer and click on Check Spelling While Typing to have the same effect.


Reformat code in IntelliJ IDEA (macOS) does not work

Use IntelliJ IDEA for macOS. Problem
Whenever I do ⌥+⌘+L (shortcut to reformat code in macOS), code clean up does not apply.
I noticed that because I turned on the Final Modifier already (Make generated local variables final and Make generated parameters final in Settings: Editor -> Code Style -> Java -> Code Generation). But after shortcut, no finals are added.
However, if I do ⌥+⇧+⌘+L to open the reformat dialog and click run, it does add final to variables and parameters). It also work when I right click the file and choose reformat code.
I don't know why, isn't ⌥+⌘+L a shortcut that should do exactly the same thing?
This bring out my other question, is ⌥+⇧+⌘ really applying all my customize settings in Code Style and Inspections (assume I selected the right scheme (under Code Style) and profile (under inspections)?
My last question is, for example, let's say I have a custom scheme in IDE level for Code Style. Every time when I clone a project from let's say GitHub, how do I make the project automatically using my custom scheme instead of using the Project scheme and the Default scheme? Every time I have to go to Code Style and manually switch from "Stored in Project" to "Stored in IDE", so that I can select my custom scheme and click apply. Is there an easy way? Same for Inspections profile, I have to manually switch.
I have tried to solve these for so long, any help will be appreciated! Below are some links I found, but didn't solve my questions
Reformat code
Reformat file dialog
Code Style

How can i make intellij select the code completion suggestion without me having to navigate to it?

I am using IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.6 with the Ruby plugin.
I noticed that when i write in java, the code completion popup automatically highlights the first suggestion like so -
this allows me to just press "enter" in order to complete the word and continue.
when i write in ruby, however, no suggestion is selected, like so -
this makes it so that i have to navigate with the arrow keys in order to pick a suggestion before i can hit "enter".
i tried digging deep in the preferences and all over the internet, but i can't seem to find out why this is happening. i tried adding the option "insert selected variant by typing dot, space, etc.", but it doesn't work because there is no "selected variant"
i know this sounds small, but it's cutting off my workflow horribly, and i believe there are others out there who would like to know how to do this.
thanks to anyone who can help
Thanks to Eugen Martynov's comment, i found jetbrains' bug tracker site, where there i found an issue exactly like mine. click here to see the issue entry
to make it short, the answer is as follows:
open "search everywhere" (double shift)
search for "registry" and choose the one under "Actions" this will open a new window.
here look for the key ide.completion.lookup.element.preselect.depends.on.context and uncheck its box.
after the box has been unchecked code completion will select the first suggestion before user navigation.
Thanks again to Eugen for your help

How to make the tab names visible in the main codeblocks window?

I sorry to ask this lame question but I'ev searched everywhere else and could not find an answer.
The bar that show the tab name in codeblocks is gone.when I open multiple files I don't know which one I am in.This is bothering me.How can I get it back?
View -> Hide editor tabs, try it and I guess your tab name would come back.
View -> perspectives -> Code::Blocks default may also work.
Uncheck the View->Hide editor tabs option. It worked.

Turn off Visual Studio Find Default Selection

When I Ctrl+Shift+F in VS2010, it puts whatever is near my cursor in the "Find what:" box - this is very irritating and never what I want.
Is there any way to make it default instead to the last thing I searched for?
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Find and Replace -> Automatically populate Find What with text from the editor
If you uncheck this option it will default to the last thing you searched for.
an nice. Glad i found this...
two work arounds i figured out... if you do want to search in selected text only sometimes but not all the time...
Mouse: Click back on the page and ctrl+A (its faster than having to grab the mouse and clicking the tiny drop down.)
Keyboard only: Well you cant technically do this, with any one command from http://visualstudioshortcuts.com/14/ but you can do this.
while find is active, hit
to get out of find and then hit
to activate the document then
to search the whole document
I am glad to find how to turn this off, but i am used to this keyboard commands now. So maybe i will leave it on.
if you don't learn to use the escape key in VS, especially for intellisense you are going to seriously drive yourself crazy.

Change language being spell-checked in Textmate

In OS X applications such as Mail and Firefox you can right click in a text field and change the language being spell-checked. I can't figure out how to do the same in Textmate. Can it be done easily, and if, how?
Press ⌘: (it's a shortcut to Edit, Spelling, Show Spelling and Grammar) and change the language in the dropdown.
To update the error highlights on the active file, press ⌥⌘; twice to turn Check Spelling as You Type off and on again.
Edit / Spelling /check spelling as you type (click on it to uncheck).
Since there is no option in the TextMate preferences, there is no easy option. The only way to accomplish this is to change your preferred system language, i.e. going to "System Preferences" > "Language & Text" > "Language" and dragging the language you want to spell-check to the top. You have to log out and log in again to make this change work.
Hopefully there will be an easier solution in TextMate2.
Very old thread but in TextMate 2:
Edit -> Spelling -> various options to spell check are shown at the top of that menu. Below, choose System (Automatic by Language) ideally and it'll follow System Preferences, else choose from one of the other languages listed.
If using the "automatic" setting, you should not need to log in/out or restart Textmate 2 (at least, in OS X Sierra) to detect a change made in System Preferences, though you might need to toggle on and off the "system automatic" TextMate language selection if it doesn't seem to "see" the change straight away.
The ⌘: shortcut mentioned by #dipnlik works in TextMate 2, showing a popup menu hovering under the first "underlined in red" word and is useful for its "learn spelling" and "ignore spelling" options.
