How to make the tab names visible in the main codeblocks window? - codeblocks

I sorry to ask this lame question but I'ev searched everywhere else and could not find an answer.
The bar that show the tab name in codeblocks is gone.when I open multiple files I don't know which one I am in.This is bothering me.How can I get it back?

View -> Hide editor tabs, try it and I guess your tab name would come back.
View -> perspectives -> Code::Blocks default may also work.

Uncheck the View->Hide editor tabs option. It worked.


Enter Insert/Edit mode of CLion IDE

New to CLion, not sure if its just me, but everytime I type, the "Search for" bar appears in the Project directory left side bar. I am unable to type anything into the opened file. The caret does not even appear on the file. It's like when using Vim, but you're not in Insert mode. I have no idea how to go and start typing into the IDE. Any recommendations to how to use this thing?
It it because the focus in on the Project pane:
Just click once in the editor pane (where the file you want to edit is displayed). The caret will appear and you will be able to type.
I know it's painful, but just restart the IDE. That's what I did and it works now.

Xcode 6 - Main.storyboard only showing up as source code, Interface Builder missing

Somehow my Xcode settings got messed up as it would only show my Main.storyboard file as XML code. I've been told this can be fixed by selecting the Interface Builder from the "Open As" menu, but there is nothing under the menu (the only "selection" is a greyed-out "<None>"). I've cleared my Xcode caches, but this does not help. Other than that, my project still compiles properly.
How can this be resolved?
As so many people have pointed out, right-click on the file and hover over Open As and select Default - Interface Builder.
However, if this is not an option for you because Open As shows <None>, make sure you are in the standard editor and not the version editor. Go up to View in Xcode menu --> view --> hover over Standard Editor and select Show Standard Editor. Now repeat the steps others have suggested and you should get the results you're looking for.
Hide Code Review helped here (Xcode 12.2).
You might be in code review mode and Xcode thinks you want to compare the XMLs
change to Standard Editor by clicking 'Command + Enter' key . Then Main.storyboard may show as Interface Builder.
I had the same issue, where "Open As" wasn't an option on the main storyboard, and xibs were also showing as XML.
The solution that worked for me was to right click on an xib which did have the "Open as --> Interface Builder" option. Then, I went back to storyboard, and the main storyboard showed up properly.
Tap on the Arrows icon that are left and right, see image below:
If you go over to the project outline and control click on the storyboard file and hold down the cursor, you will see the option to open as, this will let you open the storyboard as a certain type. Click on that and choose open as story board. Good luck!
Sorry, I think I misread your post. I thought you were doing those steps from the menu bar. Not the outline. I am assuming you have restarted Xcode and your computer.
I had this issue with Xcode 8, no luck with Open As > menu... and the solution was as follow:
Make sure the Type is Default - Interface Builder in the Identity and Type right panel (see screenshot). In my case it was "Swift source code" selected :
Now, in the left pane, right-click on your storyboard, and magically then the option Open As > Interface Builder - Storyboard appeared !
I had "Main.storyboard.xml" in Xcode 9 folder but can not see "Default - Interface Builder" in the list of extensions proposed in "Identity and type".
I simply deleted the .xml extension in the name of "Identity and type" and then I can see again "Default - Interface Builder" in Open as.
This is just a quick fix/ long shot, and depending on the specifics of your situation it might not be helpful at all, but you can import and open storyboard files in other projects.
So, try importing your storyboard file in a new project and see if it displayed correctly there.
Has helped me in the past with misbehaving nib files.
Took some doing but I found how to fix this every time... When you click on the storyboard and it is showing as source, click on the icon that shows the utilities view on the righthand side.. Look for the identity type.. Type should be Default - Interface Builder.. Mine got switch to C Source Code.. Not sure how.. but...
I was stuck at (Hide Code Review helped here . You might be in code review mode and Xcode thinks you want to compare the XMLs)
left and right arrow icons is code review Mode

Turn off Visual Studio Find Default Selection

When I Ctrl+Shift+F in VS2010, it puts whatever is near my cursor in the "Find what:" box - this is very irritating and never what I want.
Is there any way to make it default instead to the last thing I searched for?
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Find and Replace -> Automatically populate Find What with text from the editor
If you uncheck this option it will default to the last thing you searched for.
an nice. Glad i found this...
two work arounds i figured out... if you do want to search in selected text only sometimes but not all the time...
Mouse: Click back on the page and ctrl+A (its faster than having to grab the mouse and clicking the tiny drop down.)
Keyboard only: Well you cant technically do this, with any one command from but you can do this.
while find is active, hit
to get out of find and then hit
to activate the document then
to search the whole document
I am glad to find how to turn this off, but i am used to this keyboard commands now. So maybe i will leave it on.
if you don't learn to use the escape key in VS, especially for intellisense you are going to seriously drive yourself crazy.

Eclipse's tab double click on Visual Studio?

On Eclipse, whenever I double click a tab, it fills the workspace (by hiding all other views like project tree, console, etc).
Is there any way to do this on Visual Studio?
Note: i'm not looking for full screen, just want a way to declutter the workspace but still have access to menus.
Are you after this?
Set shortcuts for the Window.AutoHideAll function and for the Window.ResetWindowLayout function. In order for the ResetWindowLayout to work, you have to export your settings (make sure you select "All Settings") with all windows expanded and then import them again.
ResetWindowLayout will restore all windows to the way they were the last time you imported your settings.
Not with double click on tab, but you can do the same with Shift+Alt+Enter key combination.
This keyboard shorcut was changed to F11 from 1.9.1 vscode version.
All keyboard Shortcuts:
I was looking for that, as well, and I now just got used to using full screen (Shift+Alt+Enter), which hides a little too much, which you seem to think, as well, but does in fact still show the menus.
Looks like drby got it on this one. Just FYI. I pinged the VS team to ask about this and here is the response:
"There is no way to reverse the command automatically. For it to work as a toggle we would need to save which toolwindows were auto hidden and which ones were not when the command was run, which we don’t do (it would cause lots of interesting persistence questions, across profiles and VS sessions)."
The idea of a "Unhide All" command is what I suggested. So if you hide all then you can unhide all as well. There might be some windows you don't want to unhide but the 1 or 2 extra windows is better than not having an unhide IMHO.

Is there anyway to remove Design (and Split) views from Visual Studio 2005/2008?

I am trying to find a way to disable Design / Split views from appearing in Visual Studio. I figure there's no way to completely disable it, but I still can't seem to find a way to remove the shortcut (F7), or remove the buttons from the bottom bar.
The best I found was:
for HTML/ASPX - Options -> HTML Designer -> start pages in source view
for XAML -> Options -> Text Editor -> XAML -> Misc -> Always open documents in full XAML view
The keyboard shortcut is listed under View.ToggleDesigner.
I just want to be able to disable the Design view; the F7 shortcut is rather handy for swapping between source and code behind when doing web development.
Short blog post here apparently has an answer for this problem
You should be able to delete the keyboard assignment for F7 in the Keyboard Customization screen. All hotkey assignments are customizable AFAIK.
I doubt there's any way to get rid of the buttons on the UI.
Here is a solution for XAML
