Turn off Visual Studio Find Default Selection - visual-studio-2010

When I Ctrl+Shift+F in VS2010, it puts whatever is near my cursor in the "Find what:" box - this is very irritating and never what I want.
Is there any way to make it default instead to the last thing I searched for?

Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Find and Replace -> Automatically populate Find What with text from the editor
If you uncheck this option it will default to the last thing you searched for.

an nice. Glad i found this...
two work arounds i figured out... if you do want to search in selected text only sometimes but not all the time...
Mouse: Click back on the page and ctrl+A (its faster than having to grab the mouse and clicking the tiny drop down.)
Keyboard only: Well you cant technically do this, with any one command from http://visualstudioshortcuts.com/14/ but you can do this.
while find is active, hit
to get out of find and then hit
to activate the document then
to search the whole document
I am glad to find how to turn this off, but i am used to this keyboard commands now. So maybe i will leave it on.
if you don't learn to use the escape key in VS, especially for intellisense you are going to seriously drive yourself crazy.


PyCharm Delete Whole Line with cursor moving up

A very specific question, for use on Mac OS:
In VSCode, it's very easy to simply hold ⌘ Command and hit ⌫ Delete for however many whole lines I want to delete and the cursor will keep deleting upward.
However, running PyCharm, it's not available, and I'm having trouble mapping the exact feature.
Going to Preferences -> Keymap -> Editor Actions allows you to map "Delete Line," but using this will just delete downward. Is there a way to mimic the feature of being able to hold down ⌘ Command and just ⌫ Delete lines upward?
To find the shortcut on your setup open up the "Search Everywhere" box with one of the following:
Double ⇧ Shift
⌘ Command+P
⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+P (opens directly on Actions tab)
Then go to the "Actions" tab and search for the shortcut you are looking for, in this case "Delete Line":
Then it shows the shortcut (in my case ⌃ Control+⇧ Shift+K)
In the Jetbrains documentation it does not show up anything to remove a whole line (or at least, I am missing it out).
I know it is not the same, as what you do in VScode is much faster, but you can always shift+home(gets you the whole line if you are at the end of the line)+delete.
I do not think there is another way from jetbrain's doc.
I think I found it by cassualty: R shift+ del.
EDIT2: Just found out that R shift+ del actually cuts (like ctrl+ x).
I know that the post is a bit old but I think it worths to post the 'actual' solution to this issue.
Basically, when you try to delete line in PyCharm for Mac, the IDE is deleting the caret (according to the documentation). Although, IdeaVim plug-in is making your life even more difficult if you don't know how to use it. I don't have experience either.
Disabling IdeaVim plug-in will solve the problem. The IDE will ask you to restart it in order to apply the new settings. After that you can select whatever you want in your code and just hit the backspace button on your Mac to delete. And, yes, all these issues with the key shortcuts are caused by the IdeaVim.
The IdeaVim extension can be disabled from the PyCharm Preferences.

Is there a key command to open suggestion menu (see image) in ReSharper

This has always bugged me and this morning I decided to try and find out if there is a key command to open the resharper suggestion menu and quickly up/down select the appropriate option. It's annoying to have to grab the mouse every time.
I checked the Resharper key commands list but couldn't spot anything that sounded like it would be it (although I found a few cool key commands I never knew about, particularly the encapsulate field command!)
Anyone know it if it exists?
Alt + Enter
This is unless you chose to keep the Visual Studio shortcuts instead of ReSharper ones.

# shows solution navigator instead of typing an #

I can't seem to find a question on this, but it might be because I'm unable to find a good way to search for it...
I recently updated my installation of Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools, and now every time I type # in a code window, I get a search window of some sort opened instead of the # symbol in my code. I can't find the key setting that triggers this, and it's beginning to be a real problem.
I'm on a Swedish keyboard, so to get # I press Alt Gr+2. I've gone through all the settings under Tools/Options/Keyboard that starts with "View.", but found nothing.
Can anybody help me delete this keyboard mapping?
Update: I just realized that the key mapping Alt Gr+2 is equivalent to Ctrl+Alt+2. But I still can't find what it's mapped to...
I found the problem in the comment thread on the VS team blog post on the Solution Navigator - it turns out this problem is built-in into the extension, and they're working on fixing it for the next release. (Basically, they're binding stuff to Ctrl+2 and 2, but VS also takes the Ctrl+Alt equivalents, which then are interpreted as Alt Gr...)
For now, disabling Solution Navigator solves the problem (but, obviously, makes Solution Navigator unavailable...), but hopefully there will be a fix out pretty soon.

Does intellisense work in XCode?

I am a noob to XCode, so forgive what could be a dumb question. It seems like XCode kind of does intellisense (or code completion). When I type in:
[self setT
it suggests the setTitle because its the first matching one. Is there a way to make it work a bit more like Visual Studio where you get a dropdown of available methods/properties/etc...?
You can press "Esc" for a list of suggestions.
You can also turn on automatic suggestions in the preferences.
Fn + Esc will bring up a list of them, and you may have to enable it in preferences
It's not always context sensitive (or gets confused about context easily)
But it still works

Can Ctrl+Backspace be made to work in VS2008's Solution Explorer?

I'm working in an ASP.NET MVC Beta 1 project, and I've noticed that if I want to rename a file in the Solution Explorer pane, Ctrl+Backspace does not do what it should (delete the closest "word"), and I get a silly box character and annoyed.
I'm doing this rather a lot as I'm using jTemplates, so rather than train myself out of using this very useful key combination, is there a way to make this function as expected in VS2008?
Probably not. File a bug on connect.microsoft.com, and hope that they fix it in VS 2010.
I'm not sure if this completely works, but if you go to Tools -> Options: Environemt -> Keyboard, you can set up short cuts.
Type "Rename" in the Show commands containing textbox.
Search for "File.Rename"
Put your cursor in the "Press shortcut keys" textbox and press Ctrl+Backspace.
Press Assign and it should take over the shortcut combination.
Hope that works for you.
