I have applied dwt2 on 2D image, applied source and channel coding on LL sub band and transmitted it.
Now I have a question on the receiver side. Do I have to apply source and channel coding on HL, LH, HH and transmit as well to reconstruct the image on the other end (using idwt)? Is it possible to reconstruct LL sub band without the rest? I am asking this so as to save the computational time. What do you guys suggest?
The low passed part and high passed part of a wavelet decomposed signal are independent (actually orthogonal to each other), for a 2D image, you will have four sub-images after one level of decomposition and all of them are not related to each other.
So if the low frequency blurred image (LL part) is all you want to recover on the receiver side, you won't need the other parts.
Is there some algorithm that I can use to analyse image representation accuracies? Do people such as compression algorithm designers have some sort of objective way of comparing two image representations?
Say I'm trying to display a circle as a raster image; the higher the resolution, the closer the image comes to a perfect circle. The representations clearly become more accurate as you go along.
Now, how can I measure how close a particular representation of the circle is to the circle?
One method I came up with was to measure the area of the bits that didn't match between the high res and low res image (the XOR):
But how would I apply this to a non-silhouette image such as a photo or an anti-aliased image?
I assume that you are not thinking of mosaic images, which are easy to detect from the pattern of repeated values.
For a natural image, the question does not make sense. The image is as accurate as it can, performing area sampling (and in any case you have no ground truth).
This is your antialiased image:
Suppose we have a series of digital images D1,...,Dn. For certainty, we consider this images to be of the same size. The problem is to find the largest common area -- the largest area that all of the input images share.
I suppose that if we have an algorithm to detect such area in two input images A and B, we can generalize it to the case of n images.
The most difficulty in this problem is that this area in image A doesn't have to be identically, pixel to pixel, equal to the the same area in image B. For example, we take two shots of a building using phone camera. Our hand shook and the second picture turned out to be a little dislodged. And the noise that's present in every picture adds uncertainty as well.
What algorithms should I look into to solve this kind of problem?
Simple but approximate solution, to begin with.
Rescale the images so that the amplitude of the shaking becomes smaller than a pixel.
Compute the standard deviation of every pixel across all images.
Consider the pixels with a deviation below a threshold.
As a second approximation, you can use the image at the full resolution as a template, but only in the areas obtained as above. Then register the other images with respect to it. The registration model can be translational only, but allowing rotation would be better.
Unfortunately, registration isn't an easy task. For your small displacements, Lucas-Kanade or Shi-Tomasi might be appropriate.
After registration, you can redo the deviation test to get better delineated regions.
I would use a method like SURF (or SIFT): you compute the SURF on each image and you see if there is common interest points. The common interest points will be the zone you are looking for. Thanks to SURF, the area does not have to be at the same place or scale.
I am interested in using the Project Tango tablet for 3D reconstruction using arbitrary point features. In the current SDK version, we seem to have access to the following data.
A 1280 x 720 RGB image.
A point cloud with 0-~10,000 points, depending on the environment. This seems to average between 3,000 and 6,000 in most environments.
What I really want is to be able to identify a 3D point for key points within an image. Therefore, it makes sense to project depth into the image plane. I have done this, and I get something like this:
The problem with this process is that the depth points are sparse compared to the RGB pixels. So I took it a step further and performed interpolation between the depth points. First, I did Delaunay triangulation, and once I got a good triangulation, I interpolated between the 3 points on each facet and got a decent, fairly uniform depth image. Here are the zones where the interpolated depth is valid, imposed upon the RGB iamge.
Now, given the camera model, it's possible to project depth back into Cartesian coordinates at any point on the depth image (since the depth image was made such that each pixel corresponds to a point on the original RGB image, and we have the camera parameters of the RGB camera). However, if you look at the triangulation image and compare it to the original RGB image, you can see that depth is valid for all of the uninteresting points in the image: blank, featureless planes mostly. This isn't just true for this single set of images; it's a trend I'm seeing for the sensor. If a person stands in front of the sensor, for example, there are very few depth points within their silhouette.
As a result of this characteristic of the sensor, if I perform visual feature extraction on the image, most of the areas with corners or interesting textures fall in areas without associated depth information. Just an example: I detected 1000 SIFT keypoints from an an RGB image from an Xtion sensor, and 960 of those had valid depth values. If I do the same thing to this system, I get around 80 keypoints with valid depth. At the moment, this level of performance is unacceptable for my purposes.
I can guess at the underlying reasons for this: it seems like some sort of plane extraction algorithm is being used to get depth points, whereas Primesense/DepthSense sensors are using something more sophisticated.
So anyway, my main question here is: can we expect any improvement in the depth data at a later point in time, through improved RGB-IR image processing algorithms? Or is this an inherent limit of the current sensor?
I am from the Project Tango team at Google. I am sorry you are experiencing trouble with depth on the device. Just so that we are sure your device is in good working condition, can you please test the depth performance against a flat wall. Instructions are as below:
Even with a device in good working condition, the depth library is known to return sparse depth points on scenes with low IR reflectance objects, small sized objects, high dynamic range scenes, surfaces at certain angles and objects at distances larger than ~4m. While some of these are inherent limitations in the depth solution, we are working with the depth solution provider to bring improvements wherever possible.
Attached an image of a typical conference room scene and the corresponding point cloud. As you can see, 1) no depth points are returned from the laptop screen (low reflectance), the table top objects such as post-its, pencil holder etc (small object sizes), large portions of the table (surface at an angles), room corner at the far right (distance >4m).
But as you move around the device, you will start getting depth point returns. Accumulating depth points is a must to get denser point clouds.
Please also keep us posted on your findings at project-tango-hardware-support#google.com
In my very basic initial experiments, you are correct with respect to depth information returned from the visual field, however, the return of surface points is anything but constant. I find as I move the device I can get major shifts in where depth information is returned, i.e. there's a lot of transitory opacity in the image with respect to depth data, probably due to the characteristics of the surfaces.
So while no return frame is enough, the real question seems to be the construction of a larger model (point cloud to open, possibly voxel spaces as one scales up) to bring successive scans into a common model. It's reminiscent of synthetic aperture algorithms in spirit, but the letters in the equations are from a whole different set of laws.
In short, I think a more interesting approach is to synthesize a more complete model by successive accumulation of point cloud data - now, for this to work, the device team has to have their dead reckoning on the money for whatever scale this is done. Also this addresses an issue that no sensor improvements can address - if your visual sensor is perfect, it still does nothing to help you relate the sides of an object at least be in the close neighborhood of the front of the object.
I have a query on calculation of best matching point of one image to another image through intensity based registration. I'd like to have some comments on my algorithm:
Compute the warp matrix at this iteration
For every point of the image A,
2a. We warp the particular image A pixel coordinates with the warp matrix to image B
2b. Perform interpolation to get the corresponding intensity form image B if warped point coordinate is in image B.
2c. Calculate the similarity measure value between warped pixel A intensity and warped image B intensity
Cycle through every pixel in image A
Cycle through every possible rotation and translation
Would this be okay? Is there any relevant opencv code we can reference?
Comments on algorithm
Your algorithm appears good although you will have to be careful about:
Edge effects: You need to make sure that the algorithm does not favour matches where most of image A does not overlap image B. e.g. you may wish to compute the average similarity measure and constrain the transformation to make sure that at least 50% of pixels overlap.
Computational complexity. There may be a lot of possible translations and rotations to consider and this algorithm may be too slow in practice.
Type of warp. Depending on your application you may also need to consider perspective/lighting changes as well as translation and rotation.
A similar algorithm is commonly used in video encoders, although most will ignore rotations/perspective changes and just search for translations.
One approach that is quite commonly used is to do a gradient search for the best match. In other words, try tweaking the translation/rotation in a few different ways (e.g. left/right/up/down by 16 pixels) and pick the best match as your new starting point. Then repeat this process several times.
Once you are unable to improve the match, reduce the size of your tweaks and try again.
Alternative algorithms
Depending on your application you may want to consider some alternative methods:
Stereo matching. If your 2 images come from stereo camera then you only really need to search in one direction (and OpenCV provides useful methods to do this)
Known patterns. If you are able to place a known pattern (e.g. a chessboard) in both your images then it becomes a lot easier to register them (and OpenCV provides methods to find and register certain types of pattern)
Feature point matching. A common approach to image registration is to search for distinctive points (e.g. types of corner or more general places of interest) and then try to find matching distinctive points in the two images. For example, OpenCV contains functions to detect SURF features. Google has published a great paper on using this kind of approach in order to remove rolling shutter noise that I recommend reading.
How do I segment a 2D image into blobs of similar values efficiently? The given input is a n array of integer, which includes hue for non-gray pixels and brightness of gray pixels.
I am writing a virtual mobile robot using Java, and I am using segmentation to analyze the map and also the image from the camera. This is a well-known problem in Computer Vision, but when it's on a robot performance does matter so I wanted some inputs. Algorithm is what matters, so you can post code in any language.
Wikipedia article: Segmentation (image processing)
[PPT] Stanford CS-223-B Lecture 11 Segmentation and Grouping (which says Mean Shift is perhaps the best technique to date)
Mean Shift Pictures (paper is also available from Dorin Comaniciu)
I would downsample,in colourspace and in number of pixels, use a vision method(probably meanshift) and upscale the result.
This is good because downsampling also increases the robustness to noise, and makes it more likely that you get meaningful segments.
You could use floodfill to smooth edges afterwards if you need smoothness.
Some more thoughts (in response to your comment).
1) Did you blend as you downsampled? y[i]=(x[2i]+x[2i+1])/2 This should eliminate noise.
2)How fast do you want it to be?
3)Have you tried dynamic meanshift?(also google for dynamic x for all algorithms x)
Not sure if it is too efficient, but you could try using a Kohonen neural network (or, self-organizing map; SOM) to group the similar values, where each pixel contains the original color and position and only the color is used for the Kohohen grouping.
You should read up before you implement this though, as my knowledge of the Kohonen network goes as far as that it is used for grouping data - so I don't know what the performance/viability options are for your scenario.
There are also Hopfield Networks. They can be mangled into grouping from what I read.
What I have now:
Make a buffer of the same size as the input image, initialized to UNSEGMENTED.
For each pixel in the image where the corresponding buffer value is not UNSEGMENTED, flood the buffer using the pixel value.
a. The border checking of the flooding is done by checking if pixel is within EPSILON (currently set to 10) of the originating pixel's value.
b. Flood filling algorithm.
Possible issue:
The 2.a.'s border checking is called many times in the flood filling algorithm. I could turn it into a lookup if I could precalculate the border using edge detection, but that may add more time than current check.
private boolean isValuesCloseEnough(int a_lhs, int a_rhs) {
return Math.abs(a_lhs - a_rhs) <= EPSILON;
Possible Enhancement:
Instead of checking every single pixel for UNSEGMENTED, I could randomly pick a few points. If you are expecting around 10 blobs, picking random points in that order may suffice. Drawback is that you might miss a useful but small blob.
Check out Eyepatch (eyepatch.stanford.edu). It should help you during the investigation phase by providing a variety of possible filters for segmentation.
An alternative to flood-fill is the connnected-components algorithm. So,
Cheaply classify your pixels. e.g. divide pixels in colour space.
Run the cc to find the blobs
Retain the blobs of significant size
This approach is widely used in early vision approaches. For example in the seminal paper "Blobworld: A System for Region-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval".