Methods to detect a common area in a series of images - algorithm

Suppose we have a series of digital images D1,...,Dn. For certainty, we consider this images to be of the same size. The problem is to find the largest common area -- the largest area that all of the input images share.
I suppose that if we have an algorithm to detect such area in two input images A and B, we can generalize it to the case of n images.
The most difficulty in this problem is that this area in image A doesn't have to be identically, pixel to pixel, equal to the the same area in image B. For example, we take two shots of a building using phone camera. Our hand shook and the second picture turned out to be a little dislodged. And the noise that's present in every picture adds uncertainty as well.
What algorithms should I look into to solve this kind of problem?

Simple but approximate solution, to begin with.
Rescale the images so that the amplitude of the shaking becomes smaller than a pixel.
Compute the standard deviation of every pixel across all images.
Consider the pixels with a deviation below a threshold.
As a second approximation, you can use the image at the full resolution as a template, but only in the areas obtained as above. Then register the other images with respect to it. The registration model can be translational only, but allowing rotation would be better.
Unfortunately, registration isn't an easy task. For your small displacements, Lucas-Kanade or Shi-Tomasi might be appropriate.
After registration, you can redo the deviation test to get better delineated regions.

I would use a method like SURF (or SIFT): you compute the SURF on each image and you see if there is common interest points. The common interest points will be the zone you are looking for. Thanks to SURF, the area does not have to be at the same place or scale.


Detecting a Partially Blurred Image

How would one go about creating an algorithm that detects the unblurred parts of a picture? For example, it would look at this picture:
and realize the non blurred portion is:
I saw over here how to measure the blur of the whole picture. For this problem, should I just create a threshold for the maximal absolute second derivative for the pixels? And then whichever one exceeds, is considered a non blurred region?
A simple solution is to detect high frequency content.
If there's no high frequency content in an area, it may be because it is blurred.
How to detect areas with no high frequency content? You can do it in the frequency domain (for example, with DCT), or you can do it in the spatial domain.
First, I recommend the spatial domain method.
You'll need some kind of high-pass filter. The easiest method is to blur the image (for example, with a gauss filter), then subtract it from the original, then convert to grayscale:
As you see, all the blurred pixels become dark, and high frequency content is bright. Now, you may want to blur this image, and apply a threshold, to get this:
Note: this process was done by hand, with gimp. Your algorithm can easily follow this, but need some parameters specified (like the blur radius, threshold value).

A Summary of How SURF Works

I am trying to figure out how SURF feature detection works. I think I have made some progress. I would like to know how off I am from what's really going on.
A template image you have already got stored and a real-world image
are compared on the basis of "key points" or some important features
in the two images.
The smallest Euclidean distance between the same points constitutes a
good match.
What constitutes an important feature or keypoint? A corner
(intersection of edges) or a blob (sharp change in intensity).
SURF uses blobs.
It uses a Hessian matrix for blob detection or feature extraction.
The Hessian matrix is a matrix of second derivatives: this is to
figure out the minima and maxima associated with the intensity of a
given region in the image.
sift/surf etc have 3 stages:
find features/keypoints that are likely to be found in different images of same object again (surf uses box filters afair). those features should be scale and rotation invariant if possible. corners, blobs etc are good and most often searched in multiple scales.
find the right "orientation" of that point so that if the image is rotated according to that orientation, both images are aligned in regard to that single keypoint.
computation of a "descriptor" that has information of how the neighborhood of the keypoint looks like (after orientation) in the right scale.
now your euclidean distance computation is done only on the descriptors, not on the keypoint locations!
it is important to know that step 1 isnt fixed for SURF. SURF in fact is step 2-3 but the authors give a suggestion how step 1 can be done to have some synergies with steps 2-3. the synergy is that both, step 1 and 3 use integral images to speed things up, so the integral image has to be computed only once.

Invoice / OCR: Detect two important points in invoice image

I am currently working on OCR software and my idea is to use templates to try to recognize data inside invoices.
However scanned invoices can have several 'flaws' with them:
Not all invoices, based on a single template, are correctly aligned under the scanner.
People can write on invoices
Example of invoice: (Have to google it, sadly cannot add a more concrete version as client data is confidential obviously)
I find my data in the invoices based on the x-values of the text.
However I need to know the scale of the invoice and the offset from left/right, before I can do any real calculations with all data that I have retrieved.
What have I tried so far?
1) Making the image monochrome and use the left and right bounds of the first appearance of a black pixel. This fails due to the fact that people can write on invoices.
2) Divide the invoice up in vertical sections, use the sections that have the highest amount of black pixels. Fails due to the fact that the distribution is not always uniform amongst similar templates.
I could really use your help on (1) how to identify important points in invoices and (2) on what I should focus as the important points.
I hope the question is clear enough as it is quite hard to explain.
Detecting rotation
I would suggest you start by detecting straight lines.
Look (perhaps randomly) for small areas with high contrast, i.e. mostly white but a fair amount of very black pixels as well. Then try to fit a line to these black pixels, e.g. using least squares method. Drop the outliers, and fit another line to the remaining points. Iterate this as required. Evaluate how good that fit is, i.e. how many of the pixels in the observed area are really close to the line, and how far that line extends beyond the observed area. Do this process for a number of regions, and you should get a weighted list of lines.
For each line, you can compute the direction of the line itself and the direction orthogonal to that. One of these numbers can be chosen from an interval [0°, 90°), the other will be 90° plus that value, so storing one is enough. Take all these directions, and find one angle which best matches all of them. You can do that using a sliding window of e.g. 5°: slide accross that (cyclic) region and find a value where the maximal number of lines are within the window, then compute the average or median of the angles within that window. All of this computation can be done taking the weights of the lines into account.
Once you have found the direction of lines, you can rotate your image so that the lines are perfectly aligned to the coordinate axes.
Detecting translation
Assuming the image wasn't scaled at any point, you can then try to use a FFT-based correlation of the image to match it to the template. Convert both images to gray, pad them with zeros till the originals take up at most 1/2 the edge length of the padded image, which preferrably should be a power of two. FFT both images in both directions, multiply them element-wise and iFFT back. The resulting image will encode how much the two images would agree for a given shift relative to one another. Simply find the maximum, and you know how to make them match.
Added text will cause no problems at all. This method will work best for large areas, like the company logo and gray background boxes. Thin lines will provide a poorer match, so in those cases you might have to blur the picture before doing the correlation, to broaden the features. You don't have to use the blurred image for further processing; once you know the offset you can return to the rotated but unblurred version.
Now you know both rotation and translation, and assumed no scaling or shearing, so you know exactly which portion of the template corresponds to which portion of the scan. Proceed.
If rotation is solved already, I'd just sum up all pixel color values horizontally and vertically to a single horizontal / vertical "line". This should provide clear spikes where you have horizontal and vertical lines in the form.
p.s. Generated a corresponding horizontal image with Gimp's scaling capabilities, attached below (it's a bit hard to see because it's only one pixel high and may get scaled down because it's > 700 px wide; the url is ).

algorithm - warping image to another image and calculate similarity measure

I have a query on calculation of best matching point of one image to another image through intensity based registration. I'd like to have some comments on my algorithm:
Compute the warp matrix at this iteration
For every point of the image A,
2a. We warp the particular image A pixel coordinates with the warp matrix to image B
2b. Perform interpolation to get the corresponding intensity form image B if warped point coordinate is in image B.
2c. Calculate the similarity measure value between warped pixel A intensity and warped image B intensity
Cycle through every pixel in image A
Cycle through every possible rotation and translation
Would this be okay? Is there any relevant opencv code we can reference?
Comments on algorithm
Your algorithm appears good although you will have to be careful about:
Edge effects: You need to make sure that the algorithm does not favour matches where most of image A does not overlap image B. e.g. you may wish to compute the average similarity measure and constrain the transformation to make sure that at least 50% of pixels overlap.
Computational complexity. There may be a lot of possible translations and rotations to consider and this algorithm may be too slow in practice.
Type of warp. Depending on your application you may also need to consider perspective/lighting changes as well as translation and rotation.
A similar algorithm is commonly used in video encoders, although most will ignore rotations/perspective changes and just search for translations.
One approach that is quite commonly used is to do a gradient search for the best match. In other words, try tweaking the translation/rotation in a few different ways (e.g. left/right/up/down by 16 pixels) and pick the best match as your new starting point. Then repeat this process several times.
Once you are unable to improve the match, reduce the size of your tweaks and try again.
Alternative algorithms
Depending on your application you may want to consider some alternative methods:
Stereo matching. If your 2 images come from stereo camera then you only really need to search in one direction (and OpenCV provides useful methods to do this)
Known patterns. If you are able to place a known pattern (e.g. a chessboard) in both your images then it becomes a lot easier to register them (and OpenCV provides methods to find and register certain types of pattern)
Feature point matching. A common approach to image registration is to search for distinctive points (e.g. types of corner or more general places of interest) and then try to find matching distinctive points in the two images. For example, OpenCV contains functions to detect SURF features. Google has published a great paper on using this kind of approach in order to remove rolling shutter noise that I recommend reading.

Image fingerprint to compare similarity of many images

I need to create fingerprints of many images (about 100.000 existing, 1000 new per day, RGB, JPEG, max size 800x800) to compare every image to every other image very fast. I can't use binary compare methods because also images which are nearly similar should be recognized.
Best would be an existing library, but also some hints to existing algorithms would help me a lot.
Normal hashing or CRC calculation algorithms do not work well with image data. The dimensional nature of the information must be taken into account.
If you need extremely robust fingerprinting, such that affine transformations (scaling, rotation, translation, flipping) are accounted for, you can use a Radon transformation on the image source to produce a normative mapping of the image data - store this with each image and then compare just the fingerprints. This is a complex algorithm and not for the faint of heart.
a few simple solutions are possible:
Create a luminosity histogram for the image as a fingerprint
Create scaled down versions of each image as a fingerprint
Combine technique (1) and (2) into a hybrid approach for improved comparison quality
A luminosity histogram (especially one that is separated into RGB components) is a reasonable fingerprint for an image - and can be implemented quite efficiently. Subtracting one histogram from another will produce a new historgram which you can process to decide how similar two images are. Histograms, because the only evaluate the distribution and occurrence of luminosity/color information handle affine transformations quite well. If you quantize each color component's luminosity information down to an 8-bit value, 768 bytes of storage are sufficient for the fingerprint of an image of almost any reasonable size. Luminosity histograms produce false negatives when the color information in an image is manipulated. If you apply transformations like contrast/brightness, posterize, color shifting, luminosity information changes. False positives are also possible with certain types of images ... such as landscapes and images where a single color dominates others.
Using scaled images is another way to reduce the information density of the image to a level that is easier to compare. Reductions below 10% of the original image size generally lose too much of the information to be of use - so an 800x800 pixel image can be scaled down to 80x80 and still provide enough information to perform decent fingerprinting. Unlike histogram data, you have to perform anisotropic scaling of the image data when the source resolutions have varying aspect ratios. In other words, reducing a 300x800 image into an 80x80 thumbnail causes deformation of the image, such that when compared with a 300x500 image (that's very similar) will cause false negatives. Thumbnail fingerprints also often produce false negatives when affine transformations are involved. If you flip or rotate an image, its thumbnail will be quite different from the original and may result in a false positive.
Combining both techniques is a reasonable way to hedge your bets and reduce the occurence of both false positives and false negatives.
There is a much less ad-hoc approach than the scaled down image variants that have been proposed here that retains their general flavor, but which gives a much more rigorous mathematical basis for what is going on.
Take a Haar wavelet of the image. Basically the Haar wavelet is the succession of differences from the lower resolution images to each higher resolution image, but weighted by how deep you are in the 'tree' of mipmaps. The calculation is straightforward. Then once you have the Haar wavelet appropriately weighted, throw away all but the k largest coefficients (in terms of absolute value), normalize the vector and save it.
If you take the dot product of two of those normalized vectors it gives you a measure of similarity with 1 being nearly identical. I posted more information over here.
You should definitely take a look at phash.
For image comparison there is this php project :
And my little javascript clone:
Unfortunately this is "bitcount"-based but will recognize rotated images.
Another approach in javascript was to build a luminosity histogram from the image by the help of canvas. You can visualize a polygon histogram on the canvas and compare that polygon in your database (e.g. mySQL spatial ...)
A long time ago I worked on a system that had some similar characteristics, and this is an approximation of the algorithm we followed:
Divide the picture into zones. In our case we were dealing with 4:3 resolution video, so we used 12 zones. Doing this takes the resolution of the source images out of the picture.
For each zone, calculate an overall color - the average of all pixels in the zone
For the entire image, calculate an overall color - the average of all zones
So for each image, you're storing n + 1 integer values, where n is the number of zones you're tracking.
For comparisons, you also need to look at each color channel individually.
For the overall image, compare the color channels for the overall colors to see if they are within a certain threshold - say, 10%
If the images are within the threshold, next compare each zone. If all zones also are within the threshold, the images are a strong enough match that you can at least flag them for further comparison.
This lets you quickly discard images that are not matches; you can also use more zones and/or apply the algorithm recursively to get stronger match confidence.
Similar to Ic's answer - you might try comparing the images at multiple resolutions. So each image get saved as 1x1, 2x2, 4x4 .. 800x800. If the lowest resolution doesn't match (subject to a threshold), you can immediately reject it. If it does match, you can compare them at the next higher resolution, and so on..
Also - if the images share any similar structure, such as medical images, you might be able to extract that structure into a description that is easier/faster to compare.
As of 2015 (back to the future... on this 2009 question which is now high-ranked in Google) image similarity can be computed using Deep Learning techniques. The family of algorithms known as Auto Encoders can create a vector representation which is searchable for similarity. There is a demo here.
One way you can do this is to resize the image and drop the resolution significantly (to 200x200 maybe?), storing a smaller (pixel-averaged) version for doing the comparison. Then define a tolerance threshold and compare each pixel. If the RGB of all pixels are within the tolerance, you've got a match.
Your initial run through is O(n^2) but if you catalog all matches, each new image is just an O(n) algorithm to compare (you only have to compare it to each previously inserted image). It will eventually break down however as the list of images to compare becomes larger, but I think you're safe for a while.
After 400 days of running, you'll have 500,000 images, which means (discounting the time to resize the image down) 200(H)*200(W)*500,000(images)*3(RGB) = 60,000,000,000 comparisons. If every image is an exact match, you're going to be falling behind, but that's probably not going to be the case, right? Remember, you can discount an image as a match as soon as a single comparison falls outside your threshold.
Do you literally want to compare every image against the others? What is the application? Maybe you just need some kind of indexing and retrieval of images based on certain descriptors? Then for example you can look at MPEG-7 standard for Multimedia Content Description Interface. Then you could compare the different image descriptors, which will be not that accurate but much faster.
So you want to do "fingerprint matching" that's pretty different than "image matching". Fingerprints' analysis has been deeply studied during the past 20 years, and several interesting algorithms have been developed to ensure the right detection rate (with respect to FAR and FRR measures - False Acceptance Rate and False Rejection Rate).
I suggest you to better look to LFA (Local Feature Analysis) class of detection techniques, mostly built on minutiae inspection. Minutiae are specific characteristics of any fingerprint, and have been classified in several classes. Mapping a raster image to a minutiae map is what actually most of Public Authorities do to file criminals or terrorists.
See here for further references
For iPhone image comparison and image similarity development check out:
To see it in action, check out eyeBuy Visual Search on the iTunes AppStore.
It seems that specialised image hashing algorithms are an area of active research but perhaps a normal hash calculation of the image bytes would do the trick.
Are you seeking byte-identical images rather than looking for images that are derived from the same source but may be a different format or resolution (which strikes me as a rather hard problem).
