how to use Route::input in laravel4? - laravel-4

I am trying to use Laravel 4 method called Route:input("users"). But I am getting following error
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Routing\Router::input()
Any idea how Route::input() works. Is there any file I need to change.
Thanks all

Route::filter('userFilter', function () {
if (Route::input('name') == 'John') {
return 'Welcome John.';
Route::get('user/{name}', array(
'before' => 'userFilter',
function ($name) {
return 'Hello, you are not John.';

It looks as though Route::input was added in Laravel 4.1, make sure this is the version you are working with if you need to use this functionality.
I assume you've read the docs, but since you asked how it works, here's the example:
Accessing A Route Parameter Value
If you need to access a route parameter value outside of a route, you may use the Route::input method:
Route::filter('foo', function()
// Do something with Route::input('users');


How to setup url in JavaScript to pass multiple parameter to controller in Laravel without using request

I setup the url by JavaScript to call a function in controller with only one parameter($RoleID) like this
$RoleID = $(this).val();
let $url = '{{route("Admin.role.permission.LoadMember",':id')}}'
$url = $url.replace(':id', $RoleID);
}// end fucntion success
It works ok, Now I would like to do the same with more than one parameter without using Request
I tried like this
document.getElementById('function').addEventListener('change', function(e) {
if ('function') {
$FncID =;
let $url = '{{route("Admin.role.permission.LoadActionsInRolePermissions",'[$ModuleID,$RolID,$FncID]')}}';
}// end fucntion success
But unfortunately, It is not work. Pls help me.
Thank in advance
You haven't shown us how you defined the route, nor what laravel version you're using, but I highly suggest taking a read on the docs on how route parameters work.
As example, say this is your LoadMember route:
Route::get('permission/load-member/{id}', [PermissionController::class, 'loadMember'])->name('Admin.role.permission.LoadMember')
Then, as follows:
{{route("Admin.role.permission.LoadMember",['id' => ':id'])}}.
By passing an associative array with key => value assignment, Laravel knows where to place the given values in the url.
For a multi-parameter route, it works exactly the same:
Route::get('permission/load-actions-in-role-permissions/{moduleId}/{rolId}/{fncId}', [PermissionController::class, 'loadActionsInRolePermissions']) ->name('Admin.role.permission.LoadActionsInRolePermissions')
{{route("Admin.role.permission.LoadActionsInRolePermissions",'['moduleId' => $ModuleID, 'rolId' => $RolID, 'fncId' => $FncID]')}}
Also, may I suggest using camelCase for variable names, and kebab-case or snake_case for route naming? It highly improves readability and future developers who might work on your project will have a better guess at how your route structure works.

Laravel routing with or without parameter in a group

For my application I am trying to create a few routes entries.
One entry to initialise the application and another for AJAX requests.
So my application should hit the initialise function if I type but also if I want to type some additional parameters at the end something like this: or
The problem is that when ever I type this clashes with the fetchData get route used by my AJAX call.
How can I access the initialise function when hitting this URl or also hitting something like this: or
Route::group(['prefix' => 'drive'], function () {
Route::get('', 'CustomController#initialise');
Route::get('fetchData', 'CustomController#fetchData');
I've done some tests, and came with the following conclusion/solution:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'drive'], function () {
Route::get('fetchData', 'CustomController#fetchData');
Route::get('{param?}', 'CustomController#initialise');
function initialise($param = null)
Note that by changing the order of the routes you will actually load the correct route.
When you visit /drive/fetchData it will load fetchData route
When you visit /drive/ it will load initialise route without arguments
When you visit /drive/xyz it will load initialise route with $param being xyz
Hope it helps :)
My friend I want to get your attention to Laravel docs especially this one Route Parameters. You can tell router that this route can have parameter but also can not have it. Look at this example
Now you can get this specific parameter in your Controller function after request
public function initialize (Request $request, $specific = null)
Set it default to null as this param can both be past and not, so it should have some default value.
Good luck ;)
The following should work for you:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'drive'], function () {
Route::get('fetchData', 'CustomController#fetchData');
Route::get('{path?}', 'CustomController#initialise')->where(['path' => '.*']);
This will allow the following path:
/drive => initialise
/drive/1 => initalize
/drive/1/2/3 => initalize
/drive/fetchData => fetchData
Adding ->where(['path' => '.*']) will route any path to initalize, e.g. /1, /1/2, /1/2/3.
If you only want to allow the path to be one level deep you can remove the where:
Route::get('{path?}', 'CustomController#initialise');

Call to a member function middleware() on null

I use the following middleware in routing Laravel:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/'], function() {
Route::resource('admin', 'adminController')->middleware('auth');
Route::resource('profile', 'profileController')->middleware('role');
I get this error when i call 'admin' or 'profile' path in URL
Use this
It is because Route::resource() does not return anything. Its void. It doesn't return an object.
Laravel 5.4 - Illuminate\Routing\Router#resource
In Laravel 5.5 (in development), Route::resource() will be returning an object for fluently adding options to.
Simply reverse the order:
Route::middleware('scope:clock-in')->resource('clock', 'ClockController');
As lagbox stated:
Route::resource() does not return anything.
However middleware does.
Most likely your resource controller is not resolving to an actual controller. Some things to check
Check you actually have an adminController, and that the class name is in the correct case
Check that your controller is in the default namespace and, if not, change the controller namespace, or add a namespace attribute to your route
Check that your controller is not causing an exception on start that is being ignored resulting in you having a null controller.
In Laravel 8.x you can solve this problem with:
Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth','middleware' => 'role'], function () {

Laravel 4 magic method __call replacement in controllers

I am building a permission system and I need to have granularity over every method of every controller, so i was thinking to implment this with the __call magic method on my base controller like so:
public function __call($name, $args)
if ( $this->checkPermission() )
call_user_func_array(array($this, $name), $args);
// handle error
But apparantly this does not work in Laravel 4. How would be right approach to emulate that __call magic method ? I thought of before filters but they are not handed the called method name and arguments
__call is a magic method that is called when the method does not exist on the class. So I don't see how that would help you.
My suggestion would be to use a before filter, as you do have access to the current route and request.
Route::filter('permissions', function($route, $request)
You could then use methods like $route->getAction() to extract the controller and method that will be called and $route->getParameters() or $request->segment() to get the arguments.
Just register all routes inside a group that has this filter applied.
Route::group(array('before' => 'permissions'), function()
Route::get('/', function() { });

Call a controller in Laravel 4

In Laravel 3, you could call a controller using the Controller::call method, like so:
Controller::call('api.items#index', $params);
I looked through the Controller class in L4 and found this method which seems to replace the older method: callAction(). Though it isn't a static method and I couldn't get it to work. Probably not the right way to do it?
How can I do this in Laravel 4?
You may use IoC.
Try this:
and you may also give params:
If I understand right, you are trying to build an API-centric application and want to access the API internally in your web application to avoid making an additional HTTP request (e.g. with cURL). Is that correct?
You could do the following:
$request = Request::create('api/items', 'GET', $params);
return Route::dispatch($request)->getContent();
Notice that, instead of specifying the controller#method destination, you'll need to use the uri route that you'd normally use to access the API externally.
Even better, you can now specify the HTTP verb the request should respond to.
Like Neto said you can user:
But to send for instance a POST with extra data you could use "merge" method before:
$input = array('extra_field1' => 'value1', 'extra_field2' => 'value2');
return App:make('HomeController')->someMethodInController();
It works for me!
This is not the best way, but you can create a function to do that:
function call($controller, $action, $parameters = array())
$app = app();
$controller = $app->make($controller);
return $controller->callAction($app, $app['router'], $action, $parameters);
Route::get('/test', function($var = null) use ($params)
return call('TestController', 'index', array($params));
Laurent's solution works (though you need a leading / and the $params you pass to Request::create are GET params, and not those handled by Laravel (gotta put them after api/items/ in the example).
I can't believe there isn't an easier way to do this though (not that it's hard, but it looks kinda hackish to me). Basically, Laravel 4 doesn't provide an easy way to map a route to a controller using a callback function? Seriously? This is the most common thing in the world...
I had to do this on one of my projects:
Route::controller('players', 'PlayerController');
Route::get('player/{id}{rest?}', function($id)
$request = Request::create('/players/view/' . $id, 'GET');
return Route::dispatch($request)->getContent();
->where('id', '\d+');
Hope I'm missing something obvious.
$request = Request::create('common_slider', 'GET', $parameters);
return Controller::getRouter()->dispatch($request)->getContent();
For laravel 5.1
It's an Old question. But maybe is usefull. Is there another way.
In your controller: You can declare the function as public static
public static function functioNAME(params)
And then in the Routes file or in the View:
