Laravel routing with or without parameter in a group - laravel

For my application I am trying to create a few routes entries.
One entry to initialise the application and another for AJAX requests.
So my application should hit the initialise function if I type but also if I want to type some additional parameters at the end something like this: or
The problem is that when ever I type this clashes with the fetchData get route used by my AJAX call.
How can I access the initialise function when hitting this URl or also hitting something like this: or
Route::group(['prefix' => 'drive'], function () {
Route::get('', 'CustomController#initialise');
Route::get('fetchData', 'CustomController#fetchData');

I've done some tests, and came with the following conclusion/solution:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'drive'], function () {
Route::get('fetchData', 'CustomController#fetchData');
Route::get('{param?}', 'CustomController#initialise');
function initialise($param = null)
Note that by changing the order of the routes you will actually load the correct route.
When you visit /drive/fetchData it will load fetchData route
When you visit /drive/ it will load initialise route without arguments
When you visit /drive/xyz it will load initialise route with $param being xyz
Hope it helps :)

My friend I want to get your attention to Laravel docs especially this one Route Parameters. You can tell router that this route can have parameter but also can not have it. Look at this example
Now you can get this specific parameter in your Controller function after request
public function initialize (Request $request, $specific = null)
Set it default to null as this param can both be past and not, so it should have some default value.
Good luck ;)

The following should work for you:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'drive'], function () {
Route::get('fetchData', 'CustomController#fetchData');
Route::get('{path?}', 'CustomController#initialise')->where(['path' => '.*']);
This will allow the following path:
/drive => initialise
/drive/1 => initalize
/drive/1/2/3 => initalize
/drive/fetchData => fetchData
Adding ->where(['path' => '.*']) will route any path to initalize, e.g. /1, /1/2, /1/2/3.
If you only want to allow the path to be one level deep you can remove the where:
Route::get('{path?}', 'CustomController#initialise');


Using route actions with new laravel route syntax

I have question about syntax which I can not find an answer for.
I have code in routes file:
['as' => 'my_name', 'uses' => '\my\namespace\MyController#index', 'my_route_action' => 20]
And I would like to rewrite it using the new syntax for calling controller
[MyController#::class, 'index'] // would like to use this new syntax
And it works fine, but how can I add the custom route action 'my_route_action'?
I know it's possible to wrap the routes with a group and add it this way:
Route::group(['my_route_action' => 20], static function () {
[MyController#::class, 'index'] // would like to use this new syntax
But that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want to be adding one group for each route just to add the route action.
So I wanted to ask if it does exist something like ->addCustomAction() or how is this supposed to be done?
Unfortunately the route action is not a thing, and probably shouldn't be. Unsure what you're actually trying to achieve with that too.
If you're passing in GET data like a bit of data, you can do it through: {variable} so the URL would become the following:
Route::get('my-route-url/{model}/get', [MyController::class, 'methodName')->name('something')->middleware(['something'])
And in your controller, you dependency inject request if you're wanting to use that too, as well as the model:
public function methodName(Request $request, Model $model)
dd($request->all(), $model);
The "as" is the the name method. Middleware is still middleware.
If you're trying to do a Key/Pair bit of data, you need to use POST request and pass it in the data, which you can access via the $request->input('keyName') method in the controller.

How to call resource route Codeigniter 4

Please I need help to enable me know how to map the resource route to http request.
for example am trying to call this url via axios
and i have created the following resource routes to call my api
//$routes->resource('api/unregisteredpatients/(:any)', 'UnregisteredPatients::show/$1', ['namespace' => 'Api']);
//$routes->get('api/unregisteredpatients/(:any)', 'UnregisteredPatients::show/$1', ['namespace' => 'Api']);
$routes->resource('api/unregisteredpatients/(:any)', ['controller' => 'Api/UnregisteredPatients']);
None of these was able to call my api method instead they all called the index() method, whereas I wanted it to call the show($id) method to enable me utilise the $id to fetch data.
public function show($id = null) {
Please I need help
This solves it for me, though I couldn't have a way to capture query parameters but passing the parameter as a segment gives me an AFAIK solution.
$routes->match(['get'], 'api/unregisteredpatients/(:any)', 'Api\UnregisteredPatients::show/$1');

Laravel PUT routes return 404

I'm trying to update data in the database
but it returns error 404 not found in postman
Just add 'Accept: application/json' header to request.
Please provide more code so we can find exactly where your problem is.
I assume you wrote the route in the api.php file and not in web.php file.
If you do so, you must enter the route as api/products/1.
You have to be aware of the route group prefix as well if you are using it. Every routes inside a group prefix will be wrapped and requires the prefix string in the beginning every time you want to access it.
For instance:
in web.php file:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
Route::put('products/{id}', 'productController#update');
# this will require you to access the url by tyiping "api/products/1".
and in the api php file (this is the more likely for new users have to be aware):
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
Route::put('products/{id}', 'productController#update');
# this will require you to access the url by tyiping "api/api/products/1" since the api.php file will automatically wrap your routes within an api prefix.
and one more thing you need to know, if you are using a getRoutesKeyName method on your model, you should follow wether the wildcard to use id's or maybe slug based on what you type inside the method.
For instance:
public function getRoutesKeyName(){
return 'slug';
# this will require you to type "products/name-of-product" instead of "products/1"

laravel 5.1 routes groups takes only the first controller?

Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
Route::controller(null, 'BoxController');
Route::controller(null, 'CostController');
This is a routed group in Laravel 5.1 the urls for the first controller is working but not for the second one 'CostController'.
If I switch the lines the first one works only. I want both controllers url to be prefixed with ...api/box/ and ...api/cost/
Examples on the internet has only one controller in the group, maybe there is another syntax?
I want the urls like : ( because I work on REST application)
not like:
Why are you using null for route?
If you'll use different routes, both will work:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
Route::controller('box', 'BoxController');
Route::controller('cost', 'CostController');
Passing null as route is one thing but the main culprit is that you are passing the same route for different controllers. The solution is to use real routes for the controllers, so. i.e. box for BoxController and cost for the other. It will work correctly then
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
Route::controller('box', 'BoxController');
Route::controller('cost', 'CostController');

how to use Route::input in laravel4?

I am trying to use Laravel 4 method called Route:input("users"). But I am getting following error
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Routing\Router::input()
Any idea how Route::input() works. Is there any file I need to change.
Thanks all
Route::filter('userFilter', function () {
if (Route::input('name') == 'John') {
return 'Welcome John.';
Route::get('user/{name}', array(
'before' => 'userFilter',
function ($name) {
return 'Hello, you are not John.';
It looks as though Route::input was added in Laravel 4.1, make sure this is the version you are working with if you need to use this functionality.
I assume you've read the docs, but since you asked how it works, here's the example:
Accessing A Route Parameter Value
If you need to access a route parameter value outside of a route, you may use the Route::input method:
Route::filter('foo', function()
// Do something with Route::input('users');
