Call a controller in Laravel 4 - laravel

In Laravel 3, you could call a controller using the Controller::call method, like so:
Controller::call('api.items#index', $params);
I looked through the Controller class in L4 and found this method which seems to replace the older method: callAction(). Though it isn't a static method and I couldn't get it to work. Probably not the right way to do it?
How can I do this in Laravel 4?

You may use IoC.
Try this:
and you may also give params:

If I understand right, you are trying to build an API-centric application and want to access the API internally in your web application to avoid making an additional HTTP request (e.g. with cURL). Is that correct?
You could do the following:
$request = Request::create('api/items', 'GET', $params);
return Route::dispatch($request)->getContent();
Notice that, instead of specifying the controller#method destination, you'll need to use the uri route that you'd normally use to access the API externally.
Even better, you can now specify the HTTP verb the request should respond to.

Like Neto said you can user:
But to send for instance a POST with extra data you could use "merge" method before:
$input = array('extra_field1' => 'value1', 'extra_field2' => 'value2');
return App:make('HomeController')->someMethodInController();
It works for me!

This is not the best way, but you can create a function to do that:
function call($controller, $action, $parameters = array())
$app = app();
$controller = $app->make($controller);
return $controller->callAction($app, $app['router'], $action, $parameters);
Route::get('/test', function($var = null) use ($params)
return call('TestController', 'index', array($params));

Laurent's solution works (though you need a leading / and the $params you pass to Request::create are GET params, and not those handled by Laravel (gotta put them after api/items/ in the example).
I can't believe there isn't an easier way to do this though (not that it's hard, but it looks kinda hackish to me). Basically, Laravel 4 doesn't provide an easy way to map a route to a controller using a callback function? Seriously? This is the most common thing in the world...
I had to do this on one of my projects:
Route::controller('players', 'PlayerController');
Route::get('player/{id}{rest?}', function($id)
$request = Request::create('/players/view/' . $id, 'GET');
return Route::dispatch($request)->getContent();
->where('id', '\d+');
Hope I'm missing something obvious.

$request = Request::create('common_slider', 'GET', $parameters);
return Controller::getRouter()->dispatch($request)->getContent();
For laravel 5.1

It's an Old question. But maybe is usefull. Is there another way.
In your controller: You can declare the function as public static
public static function functioNAME(params)
And then in the Routes file or in the View:


Using route actions with new laravel route syntax

I have question about syntax which I can not find an answer for.
I have code in routes file:
['as' => 'my_name', 'uses' => '\my\namespace\MyController#index', 'my_route_action' => 20]
And I would like to rewrite it using the new syntax for calling controller
[MyController#::class, 'index'] // would like to use this new syntax
And it works fine, but how can I add the custom route action 'my_route_action'?
I know it's possible to wrap the routes with a group and add it this way:
Route::group(['my_route_action' => 20], static function () {
[MyController#::class, 'index'] // would like to use this new syntax
But that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want to be adding one group for each route just to add the route action.
So I wanted to ask if it does exist something like ->addCustomAction() or how is this supposed to be done?
Unfortunately the route action is not a thing, and probably shouldn't be. Unsure what you're actually trying to achieve with that too.
If you're passing in GET data like a bit of data, you can do it through: {variable} so the URL would become the following:
Route::get('my-route-url/{model}/get', [MyController::class, 'methodName')->name('something')->middleware(['something'])
And in your controller, you dependency inject request if you're wanting to use that too, as well as the model:
public function methodName(Request $request, Model $model)
dd($request->all(), $model);
The "as" is the the name method. Middleware is still middleware.
If you're trying to do a Key/Pair bit of data, you need to use POST request and pass it in the data, which you can access via the $request->input('keyName') method in the controller.

Laravel 5.3 dynamic routing to multiple controllers

I'm using Laravel 5.3. I have a bunch of urls that I'd like to handle with a single route, to multiple controllers.
GET /admin/foo => FooController#index
GET /admin/foo/edit/1 => FooController#edit($id)
GET /admin/bar => BarController#index
GET /admin/bar/edit/1 => BarController#item($id)
GET /admin/baz => BazController#index
GET /admin/baz/edit/1 => BazController#item($id)
I want to be able to detect if the controller exists, and if not throw a 404 or route to a default controller (which may throw a 404).
Below is what I've got so far, but I'm not sure what I'm doing. Shouldn't I be instantiating the controller using the service container? I don't think I should be hardcoding namespaces like this. And my handling of the id parameter is sketchy. Perhaps I should have two routes for these two patterns or something?
Route::get('/admin/{entityType}/{action?}/{id?}', function ($entityType, $action = 'index', $id = null) {
$controllerClass = 'App\Http\Controllers\\' . ucfirst($entityType) . 'Controller';
$controller = new $controllerClass;
$route = app(\Illuminate\Routing\Route::class);
$container = app(\Illuminate\Container\Container::class);
return (new Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher($container))->dispatch($route, $controller, $action);
I'd recommend you to define a route for every controller explicitly. This is the best way to build a maintainable app.
Also, if using one route and one method is an option (with right architecure it is) use one route:
Route::get('/admin/{entityType}/{action?}/{id?}', 'Controller#method');
And one entry point:
public function method($entity, $action = null, $id = null)
// Handle request here.

Laravel 5: Calling routes internally

Is there a way, in Laravel 5, to call routes internally/programmatically from within the application? I've found a lot of tutorials for Laravel 4, but I cannot find the information for version 5.
Using laravel 5.5, this method worked for me:
$req = Request::create('/my/url', 'POST', $params);
$res = app()->handle($req);
$responseBody = $res->getContent();
// or if you want the response to be json format
// $responseBody = json_decode($res->getContent(), true);
*note: maybe you will have issue if the route you're trying to access
has authentication middleware and you're not providing the right credentials.
to avoid this, be sure to set the correct headers required so that the request is processed normally (eg Authorisation bearer ...).
UPDATE: i've tried this method with laravel 8 and it works but if you're using PHP version 8.0 you might need to call opcache_reset(); before this line $req = Request::create('/my/url', 'POST', $params); to avoid an error.
see guzzlehttp/guzzle dosn't work after update php to php 8 for more info
You may try something like this:
// GET Request
$request = Request::create('/some/url/1', 'GET');
$response = Route::dispatch($request);
// POST Request
$request = Request::create('/some/url/1', 'POST', Request::all());
$response = Route::dispatch($request);
You can actually call the controller that associates to that route instead of 'calling' the route internally.
For example:
Route::get('/getUser', 'UserController#getUser');
class UserController extends Controller {
public function getUser($id){
return \App\User::find($id);
Instead of calling /getUser route, you can actually call UserController#getUser instead.
$ctrl = new \App\Http\Controllers\UserController();
This is the same as calling the route internally if that what you mean. Hope that helps
// this code based on laravel 5.8
// I tried to solve this using guzzle first . but i found guzzle cant help me while I
//am using same port. so below is the answer
// you may pass your params and other authentication related data while calling the
//end point
public function profile(){
// '/api/user/1' is my api end please put your one
$req = Request::create('/api/user/1', 'GET',[ // you may pass this without this array
'HTTP_Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-type' => 'application/json'
$res = app()->handle($req);
$responseBody = json_decode($res->getContent()); // convert to json object using
json_decode and used getcontent() for getting content from response
return response()->json(['msg' =>$responseBody ], 200); // return json data with
//status code 200
None of these answers worked for me: they would either not accept query parameters, or could not use the existing app() instance (needed for config & .env vars).
I want to call routes internally because I'm writing console commands to interface with my app's API.
Here's what I did that works well for me:
<?php // We're using Laravel 5.3 here.
namespace App\Console;
use App\MyModel;
use App\MyOtherModel;
use App\Http\Controllers\MyController;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
class MyCommand extends Command
protected $signature = 'mycommand
{variable1} : First variable
{variable2} : Another variable';
public function handle()
// Set any required headers. I'm spoofing an AJAX request:
request()->headers->set('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
// Set your query data for the route:
'variable1' => $this->argument('variable1'),
'variable2' => $this->argument('variable2'),
// Instantiate your controller and its dependencies:
$response = (new MyController)->put(new MyModel, new MyOtherModel);
// Do whatever you want with the response:
var_dump($response->getStatusCode()); // 200, 404, etc.
var_dump($response->getContent()); // Entire response body
// See what other fun stuff you can do!:
Your Controller/Route will work exactly as if you had called it using curl. Have fun!

Laravel how to route old urls

I am using Laravel 4.
I have an old url that needs to be routable. It doesn't really matter what it's purpose is but it exists within the paypal systems and will be called regularly but cannot be changed (which is ridiculous I know).
I realise that this isn't the format url's are supposed to take in Laravel, but this is the url that will be called and I need to find a way to route it:
(xxx will be different on every request)
I can't figure out how to route this with laravel, i'd like to route it to the method PaypalController#ipbIpn so i've tried something like this:
Route::post('forum/index.php?app=subscriptions&r_f_g={id}-paypal', 'PaypalController#ipbIpn');
But this doesn't work, infact I can't even get this to work:
Route::post('forum/index.php', 'PaypalController#ipbIpn');
But this will:
Route::post('forum/index', 'PaypalController#ipbIpn');
So the question is how can I route the url, as it is at the top of this question, using Laravel?
For completeness I should say that this will always be a post not a get, but that shouldn't really make any difference to the solution.
Use this:
Route::post('forum/{file}', 'PaypalController#ipbIpn');
And then in the controller, use
public function forum($file) {
$request = Route::getRequest();
$q = (array) $request->query; // GET
$parameters = array();
foreach($q as $key => $pararr) {
$parameters = array_merge($parameters, $pararr);
You can then access the get parameters via e.g.
echo $parameters['app'];
you can use route redirection to mask and ending .php route ex:
Route::get('forum/index', ['uses'=> 'PaypalController#ipbIpn']);
Route::redirect('forum/index.php', 'forum/index');

Laravel 4 parameter as controller action

I would like to know if there is a possibility in Laravel 4 to actually call function of controller based on parameter given. For example if I have route like :
then is there a way to call controller action based on 'action' param ? In Kohana I could write something like:
'auth/<action>' -> defaults (controller=>'UserController',action=>'<action>'
Well not exacly like that but you know what I mean :) Anyway if there is no chance to do that then do I have to split my route to single routes ?
Sounds like you just need to route to the controller with auth being the base URI.
Route::controller('auth', 'AuthController');
This controller (AuthController) now expects your methods to be prefixed with the HTTP verb they should respond to. You can also use the getIndex method to respond to the base URI, which in this case is auth.
An example controller might look something like this:
class AuthController extends Controller {
public function getIndex()
return 'Index page'; // Responds to localhost/auth
public function getLogin()
return 'Login page'; // Responds to localhost/auth/login
There is one thing you should be aware of. If you do Route::controller('/', 'HomeController'); then it should be LAST. Any routes after it will not get called because of Laravel automatically adding a "missing method" route that will catch anything that isn't matched by a routable method on the controller.
More on RESTful controllers at the official documentation.
I haven't tested this exact code, but I used something similar and it worked:
Route::any('auth/{action}', function($action){
$controller = new UserController();
You might find you also need to handle parameters, like this:
Route::any('auth/{action}/{param}', function($action, $param){
$controller = new UserController();
You could even tweak it to cover all your controllers:
Route::any('{controller}/{action?}/{param?}', function($controller,$action='index',$param=null)
$controller = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $controller))).'Controller';
$controller = new $controller;
$action = lcfirst(str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('-', ' ', $action))));
return $controller->$action($param);
If you wanted to have an index action with a parameter, that wouldn't work, but otherwise, it seems to work well enough. It's also not going to handle a second parameter, if you were wanting to do that.
Lots of ways you could extend this idea.
Jason's answer is more correct, (matches the docs, cleaner code, etc.) but if you didn't want to think about HTTP methods, or you wanted a sort of master route to handle nearly every request, this is an option.
