timestamp not working in hive - hadoop

I have a table with one column data type as 'timestamp'. Whenever i try to do some queries on the table, even simple select statement i am getting errors.
example of a row in my column,
'2014-01-01 05:05:20.664592-08'
The statement i am trying,
'select * from mytable limit 10;'
the error i am getting is
'Failed with exception java.io.IOException:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "051-08000"'
Date functions in hive like TO_DATE are also not working.If i change the data type to string, i am able to extract the date part using substring. But i need to work with timestamp.
Has anyone faced this error before? Please let me know.

Hadoop is having trouble understanding '2014-01-01 05:05:20.664592-08' as a timestamp because of the "592-08" at the end. You should change the datatype to string, cut off the offending portion with a string function, then cast back to timestamp:
select cast(substring(time_stamp_field,1,23) as timestamp) from mytable


sum() function gives wrong answer in hiveql

I was playing around with a simple dataset that you can find here.
No matter what I do, calling the SUM() aggregate function on the 4th column of the given data set returns the wrong answer.
Here is the exact code that I have used:
create database beep_boop;
use beep_boop;
create table cause (year INT, sex STRING, cause STRING, value INT)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\n'
stored as textfile
tblproperties("skip.header.line.count" = "1");
load data inpath '/user/verterse/CauseofDeath.csv' into table cause;
select sum(value) from cause;
The answer that I get is 11478567 as shown in the screenshot here.
But using the SUM() in MS Excel gives an answer of 12745563.
I tried deleting the table/database and recreating them from scratch. I tried uploading the csv file again. I tried using different datatypes like INT and BIGINT for the value column. I tried skipping and not skipping the header line. Nothing works. I also know that the file is being read completely because select count(*) from cause; returns a correct answer of 1016.
P.S.: I am new to Hadoop, Hive and big data in general.

Oracle- save dates with correct centuryinfo

I am trying to insert nvarchar2 values into my oracle Date field. When my source nvarchar2 value is '20701130', I want to save it as '30/11/2070' in my oracle column. And, if the source value is '21150529', I want to save it as '29/05/2115'.
I tried different formatting options to achieve this, but the year is always getting saved as two digits and is not indicating the correct century.
One of my Queries:
VALUES(TO_DATE('21061030', 'RRRR-MM-DD'));
Now, when I select after the above query, I get the result as 30/10/06 which is not we want, it should be '30/10/2106'.
You can go about it in many ways:
You alter the session date format itself to a format you want to achieve like :
Another approach is once you have achieved a date from a string passed using to_date then you can again add to_char to display the date in a format you want.
To_date will convert your string to a date using the format you have provided but while selecting it will still display the date as per the format provided in the session that's why we use To_char to change it to a format we want to display it into.
select to_char(TO_DATE('21061030', 'RRRR-MM-DD'),'RRRR-MM-DD') "DATE" from dual;
Thanks for the help.
I have pasted my SQL below if anyone is interested.
-- To insert into table
-- To read from the table, this gave me the result 30/01/2106
Appreciate the help.

wrong date format in bi reports oracle

I have the following date which is in varchar2(11) column in database:
select valid_untill from SALES_ORDERS_V where header_id = 7999410;
Using rtf template and xml source, the report output (PDF) is:
4950-11-19 04:45:49:0
I don't know its equal to "30-May-2016".
Why this is showing this, as I did not do any formating in rtf?
Not familiar with either RTF or XML-Publisher, but whenever you retrieve a date saved in string format, IF you use it as a date in your code and not as a string, you must make sure you retrieve it correctly.
In this case, with your select statement: it shouldn't be select valid-until from... (or is it really misspelled, with two l at the end: valid_until?) If it is meant to be used as a date, it should be
select to_date(valid_until, 'dd-Mon-yyyy') from ...
Really the problem here is that the date is stored as a string and not in the date datatype. Good luck!

VB.NET OLEDBDataReader - Null value in resultset (DATETIME)

I'm new to VB.NET programming, so pointing to examples is greatly appreciated.
I've got a OleDB connection to an Oracle 11g database. I'm reading a single row from a table and trying to populate a row object (mClockInOutInfo). The problem I'm running into is that there is a null DateTime (timestamp) column in the returned row.
Of course, I started with the mClockInOutInfo.RowDate = dr.GetDateTime(0) (assume the RowDate column is the first column in the query).
I quickly found out that nulls should be checked, so I added the = If(IsDBNull(dr.GetDateTime(0)), DBNull.value, dr.getDateTime(0)) to the code. (I now use the NullSafeString functions found around here somewhere. But there was nothing for DateTime types. I tried to make one, no success. So I'm still with the If(IsDbNull(...)) code for my datetime columns.
The problem I'm having is that I get the error: "Specified cast is not valid." when evaluating that statement. I've verified the column type with the .GetDataTypeName(0) method. It returns DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP. I've reviewed the schema information to verify that the column is actually the information I'm looking for. From what I can tell, the error is being generated while evaluating the IsDBNull(drRecent.GetDateTime(0)) portion of the if() statement. I've confirmed this by breaking the statement into a multi-line if statement:
if IsDBNull(dr.GetDateTime(0)) Then
End If
I get the same cast error thrown by the if IsDBNull(...) line.
So, I went back to the SQL string and did a Coalesce on the column with the empty data in it. I received the same cast error. Finally, frustrated, I changed the sql query to use the TO_DATE function and fed in a date string with the appropriate format parameter. I STILL receive this same cast error.
The property in the mClockInOutInfo is defined as DateTime. There are other columns defined exactly the same way and those that have data in the table are not giving any errors.
Any ideas of what I should be doing when the database allows nulls in a DateTime (Timestamp) column? All ideas welcomed. Thank you in advance.

Comparing Date column to sysdate yields: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

I've been having a strange issue where the comparison of a date column to SYSDATE yields the following error:
01858. 00000 - "a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected"
*Cause: The input data to be converted using a date format model was
incorrect. The input data did not contain a number where a number was
required by the format model.
*Action: Fix the input data or the date format model to make sure the
elements match in number and type. Then retry the operation.
I'm re-creating a MATERIALIZED VIEW; which included some minor changes, and whenever the process aborts it always points to the '>=' in the following derived table query:
WHERE end_date >= SYSDATE
Now end_date is a type DATE, and I can actually execute this query by itself, but whenever I try to run it in the materialized view it always aborts with the error above. Although last week I was able to create it with the same query.
Any ideas?
Thank you,
Hi I'm terribly sorry for the long delay. I just couldn't post the whole statement for security reasons.
Now the issue has been resolved. The problem was that our materialized view script was aggregating data from 17 different places vía a UNIONs. Now for some reason the error was pointing to wrong line of code (see below).
Now this was like the tenth statement in the script, but the error really was in the sixth statement in the script; which was obviously misleading. In this statement a particular record (out of millions) was attempting the following operation:
to_date(' / 0/ ') <-- This was the cause of the problem.
Note that this text wasn't like this in the actual script it literally said to_date(<column name of type varchar>), but 2 records out of 15 million had the text specified above.
Now what I don't quite get is why Oracle points to the wrong line of code.
¿Is it an Oracle issue?
¿Is it a problem with the SQL Developer?
¿Could it be a conflict with a hint? We use several like this: /*+ PARALLEL (init 4) */
Thank you for all your help.
Is desc a column name? If yes then you are using a oracle reserved keyword desc as a column name.
desc,---- here
WHERE end_date >= SYSDATE
We cannot use oracle reserved keywords in column names.
Please change the column name.
