How to show custom attributes in desciption tab - magento

I have two tabs in product details page 1.description 2. additional information.
I want to remove additional information tab and move its attributes to description tab.
I am using magento 1.8.

By default the the Additional information tab it's because of the attributes configuration (show on products page must be marked as no if you don't want they to appear).
As for changing the tab is more complicated because it depends on you theme, if you have a public url we might be able to help with the rest.

You need to manage your attributes,
Go to catalog->attribute->manage Attribute Sets
Then you will get the all attribute sets grid,
Where choose your attributes set which contains the additional information attributes,
then you will get the edit attribute set window. where you can manage your attribute sets, By drag and drop option
Hope This works.


How to change Magento product default attribute label

I have a task here to add extra information in the existing attributes' label as screenshot displays.
The attributes I am going to modify are Name, Status, Visibility, Price and Special Price. So first of all, I would like to know if this is doable?
If yes, I would like to know a bit more about how to do it. I tried to search on Google and SO but can't find anything related.
I've done some extensions and some of them are adding custom attributes to product using install script. But I have no idea how to just add extra html to existing attributes' label.
Go to Catalog > Manage Attributes > Select the Attribute , you can edit exisitng Attribute label as below image

How to make attributes selection independent from each other in frontend?

i need help with magento.
I have tried several ways but could not find it.
Lets say i have a product with 2 different attributes like Color and Size.
When i add those attributes to a product and than check the frontend, i first need to choose one attribute in order to make the other attribute selectable.
IsnĀ“t it possible to make alltibutes independent from each other selectable, so the user can choose which attribute he likes to select first.
In my knowledge, it is not possible to make attributes independent of each other, because magento manages associated products according to options selected.
But you can decide which option should control other by drag attributes up or down in admin for each product.
You don't need to use attributes but can simply create custom options on the configurable product level. These custom options will be displayed for every linked simple product and your customers can select each of those independently.
Be careful to create these options on the configurable product level. If you chose to create them on the simple product level you won't be able to link the products anymore unless you set the custom options to "not required".
(Keep in mind I am using Magento version 1.6.2, so this might be different for newer versions)
Hope that helped.

Setting default values for Design tab in Product Information in Magento admin

I was wondering, is it possible to set default values for the Design tab of a product in the dashboard in Magento admin. By default, this is how the design tab looks:
Given this, I find it quite tedious to have to repeatedly select the design and page layout every time I add a new product. So, is there any way I can set this to the option I use most for products? Also, I'd like to hide Active From, Active To and Custom Layout Update if it's possible.
If you want to one design to all product, then you can set it from app\design\frontend\YOUR_TEMPLATE_PATH\default\layout\catalog.xml.
From this xml you can set template. Search for <catalog_product_view translate="label"> and under this node you will find template settings.
Hope this will help
So, you want default image for most of the product? Otherwise, you want to add new image, you can add image on based on each product?
If you want based on upper description, Go to
Under Catalog tab and Click on Catalog Menu link and Go to Product Image Place Holders. You can set there for default image. If you add new product image on each product, new image override to this default image.See picture
Hope help :)

Allow to add configurable product without selecting attribute

I have set up a few config products with the options to change the colour. At the moment I have a table which shows all the options so you can add more than one option at once but It is also showing colour swatchs which are shown by the attribute.
The problem is that if a colour swatch is not clicked then you can't add to cart, so I need some way of making Magento allow users to add to cart without selecting the attribute.
I have changed the attribute colour to Values Required: No but this hasn't fixed the issue?
If you are trying to pre-select an attribute option as #slayer-birden suggested, there is an extension which allow us to select a default option when we configure the associated products - set preconfigured values on product edit page
I didn't personaly tried it yet, but looks like it will do the trick.

product customization with extra price in magento

I am using Magento for my online store. Now i need to add a extra feature, throught which, customer can choose a custom text that needs to be engraved on the product. This feature must be available for only few products, so i have added a yes/no dropdown custom attribute in the "manage product" section. If yes is chosen for a product, i need to show a text box in that product details page in the store frontend.
The customer can enter the custom text in the text box, which needs to be saved and shown in the order invoice. And a extra fixed charge needs to be added to the product price, when this feature is used by the customer.
Does any community module available for this feature in magento or Do i need to create a custom module to do this, if so please guide me in carrying this out.
Thanks in Advance.
This feature is already available.
Create a new product!
Open the Custom Options Tab
Add a custom option
Give your new option a title and select field as input type
Now the attributes for this new options get displayed
Add a fixed or percent price to it
Also you need a SKU for every new option so that the options are displayed in the order process (invoice etc)
So if a customer fill in this field the additional price is added automatically.
I hope this helps further.
No need to add a yes/no box, just add an text field option to those specific products. Did i miss something obvious here?
