Installing wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage on SmartOS (Joyent) - wkhtmltopdf

How can I install wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage on SmartOS (Joyent)? I would like to use these with the node-wkhtml module.

Obviously, because there aren't available binary packages (from start page of named projects):
Download a precompiled binary or build from source
In case you are running on ... another Unix-like OS, you will need to use the posix-local target. It assumes that you already have all the build dependencies installed beforehand and will generate a tarball with the specification of local-MACHINENAME in the static-build/ folder.

Not sure if you found another solution or not, but I've recently compiled a static version of wkhtmltopdf (version from Github) with the custom Qt modules. Mailing list thread is here: Static Build - SmartOS Base64 14.1.0


Where does 'gmake docs' install HTML built from Qt 5.15.2 sources?

I've built and installed qtbase (and numerous other modules) from the Qt 5.15.2 sources cloned with Git, using a shadow-build directory. I issued qmake -query and checked that QT_INSTALL_DOCS points to /usr/share/qt5/doc/ Next, per the README, from the shadow-build TLD I issued gmake docs which appeared to build the documentation successfully in both HTML and QCH formats.
However, there's no sign that it installed them anywhere as it's supposed to - under /usr/share/qt5/doc/ are only QCH-format docs with old dates (presumably from a previous install using Ubuntu's package manager), certainly no HTML files or new QCH ones. The newly-built files are all there, under the shadow-build TLD, but I shouldn't rely on that to access documentation.
Is it perhaps only qmake, not gmake, that does the install step? qmake isn't documented as the tool for building and installing the documentation, and if I issue qmake docs it's rejected with an error of course - just as the README says, it's gmake docs (or make docs) which performs the build.
Can anybody please tell me what's needed to install the built documentation onto my system?

How to build opencv correctly in windows to get "opencv_createsamples.exe"

I want to learn and use haarcascade classifier using OpenCV for detection of object of my choice. I searched the internet and found that createsamples utility helps in creating dataset for positive and negative images. I know how to install OpenCV in python (pip install opencv-python works perfectly) but since I need to use that utility I need to build the OpenCV for my windows system.
My attempts to install OpenCV in windows
Attempt 1 : using MinGW and cmake
cloned latest OpenCV using git at "C:\OpenCV" from
Installed cmake
created build using cmake at "C:\OpenCV\build" using MinGW(64 bit) build system with default options
ran mingw32-make
ran mingw32-make install
It created an install directory in "C:\OpenCV\build\install"
but to my surprise opencv_createsamples.exe was not present there
opencv_visualisation.exe, opencv_annotation.exe, opencv_version.exe etc. are present
screenshot of install files generated
screenshot of build options selected in cmake by default
It is clear BUILD_opencv_apps is true by default and other apps were created except this one
still in source folder : createsamples.cpp is present in "C:\OpenCV\apps\" along with opencv_visualisation.cpp and others
Attempt 2: visual studio 14_15 build from official site
Downloaded OpenCV latest 4.0.1 from from webpage
extracted the opencv build at "C:\OpenCV401\"
still to my surprise at "C:\OpenCV401\build\x64\vc14\bin" no opencv_createsamples.exe
likewise other files are present
screenshot of files present in build
Attempt 3
This time I downloaded visual studio 10 build from this github page :
here at <OpenCV_DIR>/x64/vc10/bin/ all the amazing files are present
screenshot of files present in this build
So, my question is :
Why that utility was not built from the source using MinGW and cmake in my first attempt
Why they have not included in the official build
How to build using MinGW and cmake to get that utility correctly (maybe some build configuration needed?)
Createsamples was disabled in latest OpenCV (4.0 and greater): here.

Running PyPDFOCR on Windows via Python - Requiring Poppler?

I'm working on a project that requires the conversion of PDFs into their searchable counterparts, and have found that PyPDFOCR does exactly what I need to get the job done. However, when trying to install the module and its external dependencies, I'm running into issues where I can't download anything windows-related that defines pdfimages such as Poppler. I've search all around for any ways to install Poppler in order to run the module, but nothing seems to be supported or working. Any ideas?
Have you tried the Poppler download from: for Windows platform for Linux platform

compile static version of imagemagick convert util

looking to create static binaries for the imagemagick convert utlity on two platforms: ubuntu and os x.
the only discussion that I can find that discusses how to do this is from 2008, and is outdated.
I've tried downloading the .tar file from
the discussion above suggests the following steps:
untarring, then building each delegate library as static (e.g.
./configure --disable-shared)
globally building with ./configure --disable-shared --enable-delegate-build
running make
which should build static versions of the main utilities.
I'm running into trouble building the delegate libraries as static, since the file structure of imagemagick has changed a lot in the past few years.
can somebody point me to the correct way to build a static version of the utility?

How to install GNU gettext on windows 7?

I need to install version 0.15 or higher of GNU's gettext so that I can use some i18n feateres with django.
I've downloaded :
However I have no idea how to install it and there's no installation guide on their website.
How can I install it ?
I'm maintaining a GitHub repository with Windows binaries of gettext and iconv (I just updated it to the latest gettext version: 0.19.3)
You can find it here:
To see how I compiled them (if you want to do it yourself) take a look at
For windows, you may:
download gettext from;
unzip both gettext-runtime and gettext-tools
add the bin folder to to PATH
Django docs -
There are a lot of versions, this is what I've downloaded:
And added both bin folders to the Windows PATH.
This is the actual link pointing to the Windows installation: (v. 0.19.4)
I spent quite a while before found that there is the link pointing their from the github project mentioned by mlokati.
P.S. Here is the official instruction on this from the Django docs:
You can use tools from that NuGet package
The latest version of gettext setup is available here
-- -
You can find a direct .exe setup file and then you can just add it to the environment variable PATH.
