Running PyPDFOCR on Windows via Python - Requiring Poppler? - windows

I'm working on a project that requires the conversion of PDFs into their searchable counterparts, and have found that PyPDFOCR does exactly what I need to get the job done. However, when trying to install the module and its external dependencies, I'm running into issues where I can't download anything windows-related that defines pdfimages such as Poppler. I've search all around for any ways to install Poppler in order to run the module, but nothing seems to be supported or working. Any ideas?

Have you tried the Poppler download from: for Windows platform for Linux platform


How to install applications on a windows docker container?

I'm trying to create a Docker container based on the abrarov/msvc-2019 (windows based) image and I need to install additional programs such as Conan.
In the Dockerfile, what do I need to write in it to be able to install Conan? I can't just use something like "apt install" since Windows doesn't support anything of the sort. I can't find anything online about this.
I tried downloading the .exe installer locally and copy it inside the container, and then run the .exe during the building of the image. Something like this :
COPY conan-win-32_1_33_0.exe C:\\
RUN conan-win-32_1_33_0.exe;
But the image doesn't finish building and it's just stuck in the RUN part.
The most recommended way is using pip:
pip install conan
Another official ways are listed on download page. But as you listed, Windows installer is the another way.
For Windows you still can try Chocolatey, but it's not maintained by Conan team.
In the past we tried something similar and worked, a MSVC 15 Docker image with Conan. However, due Visual Studio license, we can't build images for distribution. You could fork the project and use it for your own propose.

Can't build the haskell shakespeare library on windows 10. Any ideas?

I'm trying to install Yesod through cabal on my HP computer, but the building process fails when shakespeare library gets the turn. MSYS2+MinGW in the path, the rest actually works. What could be the issue? I have my suspicions that it might be due to the x64 processor I have, but not sure.
Tried installing globally with runhaskell, but same story.
C:\Users\Ivan Kretov>cabal install shakespeare
Warning: The install command is a part of the legacy v1 style of cabal
Please switch to using either the new project style and the new-install
command or the legacy v1-install alias as new-style projects will become
the default in the next version of cabal-install. Please file a bug if
you cannot replicate a working v1- use case with the new-style commands.
For more information, see:
Resolving dependencies...
Starting shakespeare-2.0.20
Building shakespeare-2.0.20

Running qtcreator 4.0.1 on a lxc-container

Using this link I created a container and after getting some packages, I want to start a qtcreator 4.0.1 on it. I use a ssh connection to connect to the container. After launching qtcreator I get an error such as this:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
in "".
Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, xcb.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I installed all prerequisites packages as listed here but still the problem is remained.
I must mention that I am using a privileged container in opposite of the link.
xcb listed as available plug-ins but it does not run. Is there any suggestion to get around this bug?
This answer has the main solution. In my case I find the in path /path_to_qt/plugins/platforms/ and after running ldd command on it I found that it has not one of its dependency after install this package using sudo apt install libegl-mesa0-dev I could run qtcreator.

Perl 5.16 on windows 7 failed to install Template Toolkit

I tried to install Perl 5.16 module 'Template-Toolkit' on windows 7 by using this command in cmd:
C:>ppm install Template-Toolkit
ppm install failed: Can't find any package that provides Template-Toolkit
All other modules I installed (AppConfig, DBI, DBD-mysql, MailTools, GD, Chart, GDGraph, ..) succeeded.
Following this webpage as a guide, they mention (under ActivateState Perl section) that you may not install Perl into a directory that contains a space (eg "C:\Program Files"), because it will break the Template-Toolkit installer. Since I installed Perl directly in 'C:\' -> 'C:\Perl64\', this could not be the case.
Is there a solution for this problem? Or should I use an older version of Perl, mentioned here?
The only errors in the error log are errors in the documentation (minor encoding issues).
The module could be installed safely. Just use cpan to do it. You'll just have to force the installation.
cpan> install Template
For me, that runs without issue. (The failing tests are skipped since they're dev-only tests.) If if fails for you and the only failures are the two errors from t/zz-pod-kwalitee.t, you can safely follow up with
cpan> force install Template
According to the ppm template-toolkit page, the build for ActiveState's Perl 5.16 failed (which is why it isn't available).
Your options seem to be:
Fix whatever bug is stopping it being built (it looks like it is just a couple of tests on the POD, so it could be an easy fix)
Use an older version of ActiveState Perl
Use a different distribution of Perl for Windows (such as Strawberry Perl)
Use a different operating system (e.g. Ubuntu in a virtual machine)
I got Warning and Error messages after these commands:
cpan> install Template
Please seen the screen shot below.
I haven't tried it myself but you can get Template::Alloy from the ActiveState PPM: which claims it supports the TT2 syntax among others.

Compile the most recent version of a package in an old system for local use

I need to know if it is possible to compile the best and newest package in an old, ancient system. Why? Well I'm limited at my company: I need to develop an application in an old Debian 3.0 server and I would prefer to use newer software to accomplish my task. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to upgrade nor install any package.
Specifically, I want to parse XML files comfortably using xmlstarlet to do so. This server doesn't have it installed; if I download an older version of xmlstarlet supported by the system it's too old that I just lost the functionality I need. It just has three dependencies: libc6, libxml2 and libxslt1.1 (which are installed but are too ancient for a newer version of xmlstarlet)
So the question is: is there a way I can download this package and its dependencies (I think they are few and simple) and somehow compile them to work locally (not necessarily on the system's path, just in a working directory) without affecting in any way the legacy packages of the same name?
This system doesn't has PEAR either, nor PHP5, nor xmllint and I want to avoid coding in PHP4 to parse these XMLs. I really would like to work with xmlstarlet.
The answer to How to specify non-default shared-library path in GCC Linux? Getting "error while loading shared libraries" when running looks like it should work fine.
Or you could try static linking:
./configure --enable-static-libs
