looking to create static binaries for the imagemagick convert utlity on two platforms: ubuntu and os x.
the only discussion that I can find that discusses how to do this is from 2008, and is outdated.
I've tried downloading the .tar file from http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-7.0.0-0.tar.gz.
the discussion above suggests the following steps:
untarring, then building each delegate library as static (e.g.
./configure --disable-shared)
globally building with ./configure --disable-shared --enable-delegate-build
running make
which should build static versions of the main utilities.
I'm running into trouble building the delegate libraries as static, since the file structure of imagemagick has changed a lot in the past few years.
can somebody point me to the correct way to build a static version of the utility?
On my OS X box, brew install unison gives me version 2.51.2. But the system I need to sync with runs CentOS 6.10 for which there appears to be no existing 2.51.2 binary. I also can't compile from source on that machine as it doesn't have the right tools and I am not root.
To solve this I would like to compile unison from source on my Ubuntu machine on which I am root. But this has to be a static compilation to run on the CentOS machine.
How can I make a static binary of unison?
The Makefile has the line include src/Makefile.OCaml but I don't know anything about OCaml and am not sure what I would need to change to make a static binary.
In the Makefile, there should be a line STATIC = false. Either change that to true, or just compile with the line make STATIC=true.
Some caution, according to this blog post the STATIC option doesn't actully do anything as of at least version 2.32.52, and I see no changes in the change log to indicate that this has been fixed, but the author of the blog post says, and I've confirmed, that building a static binary works for the latest version of Unison, 2.48.
How can I install wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage on SmartOS (Joyent)? I would like to use these with the node-wkhtml module.
Obviously, because there aren't available binary packages (from start page of named projects):
Download a precompiled binary or build from source
In case you are running on ... another Unix-like OS, you will need to use the posix-local target. It assumes that you already have all the build dependencies installed beforehand and will generate a tarball with the specification of local-MACHINENAME in the static-build/ folder.
Not sure if you found another solution or not, but I've recently compiled a static version of wkhtmltopdf (version from Github) with the custom Qt modules. Mailing list thread is here: Static Build - SmartOS Base64 14.1.0
I am working at building Boost 1.53.0 with Boost Log 2.0r862 on Mac OSX 10.8.2 and installed it to a fake root to keep the /usr/lib* and /opt/lib* clean. I built and installed Boost with./bootstrap --prefix=/path/to/myfakerootdirand installed the library with./b2 install
This built and installed successfully; when running cmake on my project it properly detects the library include and lib directory. Yet after it completes building and attempts to run the executable I get
dyld: Library not loaded: libboost_system.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/brad/dev/strata/strataextract/build/Debug/StrataExtractUnitTests
Reason: image not found
Some the possible issues I've researched include:
1.Using otool to change the executable manually (Though it seems like a very "hacky" solution)
2.Use a modified portfile at Github Macports Overlay (Though the current version offered is too old for my project.
3.Multiple build tutorials on Boost, unfortunately most referencing Bjam which from what I
understand is no longer good practice.
I seem to remember of a similar situation requiring me to set relative path to false, but I am unsure how I would do this with Boost + bjam.
How can I integrate SCIP with MinGW and Msys?
Whilst you are waiting for a real answer, I can already guide you to this page from the official site on how to build SCIP (see below). For actual integration there is a pointer in the faq:
How do I construct a problem instance in SCIP?
First you have to create a SCIP object via SCIPcreate(), then you
start to build the problem via SCIPcreateProb(). Then you create
variables via SCIPcreateVar() and add them to the problem via
SCIPaddVar(). The same has to be done for the constraints. For
example, if you want to fill in the rows of a general MIP, you have to
call SCIPcreateConsLinear(), SCIPaddConsLinear() and additionally
SCIPreleaseCons() after finishing. If all variables and constraints
are present, you can initiate the solution process via SCIPsolve().
Make sure to also call SCIPreleaseVar() if you do not need the
variable pointer anymore. For an explanation of creating and releasing
objects, please see the doxygen documentation.
NOTE: See the directories "examples/MIPsolver/" and "examples/Queens/" for simple examples
Remarks on Building/Installing under Windows using MinGW (from http://scip.zib.de/doc/html/INSTALL.php)
To build your own Windows binaries under Windows, we recommend using
the MinGW-Compiler with MSYS from mingw.org
First install MSYS, then MinGW to the mingw folder inside the msys
folder. Now you need to install the following packages to the mingw
- zlib (or use ZLIB=false ZIMPL=false since zlib is needed for ZIMPL and ZIMPL-support in SCIP)
- pcre (or use ZIMPL=false since pcre is needed for ZIMPL and ZIMPL-support in SCIP)
- gmplib (or use ZIMPL=false since gmplib is needed for ZIMPL and ZIMPL-support in SCIP)
(After calling "make clean" in the ZIMPL folder you will also need
flex and bison to remake ZIMPL. We recommend NOT to use "make clean"
inside the ZIMPL-folder if you do not have these packages installed.)
You can download these additional packages as precompiled binaries for
example from: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages.html
(zlib&pcre) http://cs.nyu.edu/exact/core/gmp/ (gmplib) or compile the
source on your own from the project homepages: http://www.zlib.net/
http://www.pcre.org/ http://www.gmplib.org/ (The command "./configure
--prefix=/mingw ; make ; make install" should succeed without problems and installs the packages into the mingw folder.)
Now "make READLINE=false" should be compiling without errors. Please
note that we do NOT support creating the doxygen documentation or
readline-usage under Windows.
Since there are no real symlinks in MSYS, the include and library
files of SoPlex and ZIMPL are actually copied into the
SCIP-lib-folder. When you recompile ZIMPL or SoPlex after compiling
SCIP you have to copy the libraries manually into the SCIP-lib-folder
and recompile SCIP afterwards.
I've written an application using Qt on OS X. The installed SDK automatically installed as a framework which I didn't want. So I cloned their newest version from the Qt git repository and built it from source as static libraries. I would like it to compile using those static libraries instead of the framework but in preferences in setting the version/Path of Qt no matter what path I direct it to it says it's not a valid Qt directory. What has to be in a qt Directory that constitutes it being valid?
I'm closing this, The problem was installing on OSX I needed to declare -no-framework when running configure.
Some tips;
Install into a path that doesn't contain spaces
Use -prefix $PWD from the current path, and set the PATH, INCLUDE and LIB env variables appropriately - this makes it possible to have multiple Qt builds, e.g. multiple shadow builds from one source directory
Don't do static configure - it makes using plugins difficult, and assuming you use LGPL you have to ship the .o files.