Prestashop 1.6 default theme price - themes

In prestashop 1.6 default theme i would like to change the price like on the photo. I tired the product.tpl file but its not working. I dont know why but i can not finde it the main file where i can modify the template. Is there any solution for this problem ? i should put simply just a br tag but i dont know what file should i use.
There has to be someone who know it. Should i try an another file ? or can i do it in the css ?

If you're using default-bootstrap theme you should look into themes/default-bootstrap/product-list.tpl
after changes remember about clearing the cache in Adv. Preferences -> Performance

Two files shows products prices : product.tpl and product-list.tpl :
product-list.tpl is your product list on category page.
product.tpl shows only one product (product page)
You also have in themes/default-bootstrap/css files, like product.css and product-list.css
Before working on it (and as Krystian said), desactivate cache.
Prices have HTML useful classes in Prestashop :
This would help finding correct lines in template files.


Magento price showing twice

I installed a new template on my Magento store and when I got to a product page it shows the price twice? Most of my products are a "simple" Product and I have one "Configuarable" product
Any ideas how I can get rid of one of the prices?
Here is Simple product:
Here is configurable product: (with an option selected)
Any ideas?
I'm running latest and can't find a fix anywhere
You need to check your
app/design/frontend/default/your _theme/temlate/product/view.phtml
1st: inspect find the class or id
2nd: then remove wrong price code
before doing this take a backup of your file
I don't think anyone can help you here unless it's a popular theme people would know. The problem is not in Magento, it's in the theme files. You will need to find the theme file and check the php logic to truly know what is happening there. Best case, contact the theme developer if you purchased it or switch to a new theme.
To find the theme file responsible for printing the price, you can enable template hints. This will show the hints to you and all the customers, so be diligent about doing this live. Secondly, you will need to take a look at the block which encompasses the pricing. When you find the template name, just go to the .phtml file and see what's going on there with the price output.
Edit app/design/frontend/default/your_theme/template/catalog/product/view.phtml
Look for price divs and comment one.

Why is my wish list limited to one item?

Im using magento 1.9 and im having an issue with the wishlist, for some reason it will only let me have one item in my wishlist and when I goto add another item to the wishlist it replaces the item that was already in my wishlist, there is nothing in the configuration to limit the wishlist item im just a bit confused at why it would be doing this, any ideas ?
Right!!, after hunting the web to try and find a solution I have found a solution, you have to edit the file app/code/core/Mage/Wishlist/Model/Wishlist.php
public function getItemCollection()
and change
$this->_itemCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('wishlist/item_collection')
$this->_itemCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('wishlist/item_collection')
this worked for me and im using magento
the source for this fix is here:
This is an out of the box feature, you do not need to edit any core code to fix this. Correction: You don’t have to edit any code
I had the same issue and found it was from an improper import of products and that website availability was incorrectly set.
It seems that Magento added a website filter on the wishlist collection to prevent items not available in a website from appearing in a customer's wishlist.
It also seems that items may not have a website value => which prevents wish list items from appearing (or just 1 item, the last one added).
How to fix it : Simply select your store products on catalog page, select ‘Update Attributes’ action and click on submit.
Select Websites panel and check your website in ‘Add Product To Websites’ block.
Reindex your data if necessary.
You can now add your products to your wishlist and see all of them in your wishlist. This is the proper solution and does not remove functionality from your Magento webstore.
Simply reindex everything in: System > Index management

joomla using virtuemart i want the description to be placed under products

I have a joomla site using virtue mart in my products. I want my description to be placed under the products. Any help would be appreciated.
You will see here that the description is above the products.
I have had a look through the source files but was wondering the best way to go about this as I may just be missing something.
I hope you are using , VM2.x Versions.
The the Product Details Page Source file you can found on the following path.
The product description and short descriptions are included in the default.php layout.
If you want to change the description ordering simply change its position as per your requirement.
$this->product->product_s_desc and $this->product->product_desc;
If you are planning to change the default VM template style , I recommend to use Joomla Override Concept this way you can simply override the default template with your own.
Here you need to override productdetails view then simply like below.
copy all the files from components\com_virtuemart\views\productdetails\tmpl\ and paste this to , templates/your_template/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/ If you unable to find this path inside your template folder you have to create that.
This will simply load your new layouts from template folder rather than default path.
Hope it clear for you..
The VM Template system also lets you create additional view templates for categories and products. To override the default categories, category, or productdetails view, simple use the standard Joomla template override method. Copy /components/com_virtuemart/views/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php to /templates/[Your Template]/html/com_virtuemart/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php and make your changes to the template version of default.php.
To create additional views that can be set on a per category/product basis, simply copy /templates/[Your Template]/html/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php to a new file name like /templates/[Your Template]/html/[categories, category, or productdetails]/myView.php and make the desired changes. In the Virtuemart category or product configuration, you will find myView in the drop down list of alternatives views that can be used.

How can i edit the product template of Magento Website

Sorry for asking for very basic question. Actually i am very new to magento hence couldn't find the solution..Here is the question:
I have a magento ecommerce website and i want to edit the product template of the website.
I have both magento and FTP credentials. But not able to figure out where is the actual product template.
in which folder i have to look for the product template file?
I want to append some HTML to each product page hence i am looking for it.
Please Advise.
Hope to get some help.
The best way to debug this type of issue when new to magento is to "Turn on Template Path Hints"
Log into the admin
Goto -> System ->Configuration, and on the bottom of the list select “Developer”
click on Debug – you will only see “Profiler”. Here is the trick – you have to switch the “Current Configuration Scope:” [in the upper left] to a website instead of default. Select “Main Website”.
Now you will see the selection for Template Path Hints – check yes. This will display the path of the template for each block of the page so you can find stuff! You can also choose to “Add Block Names to Hints” to see the corresponding model class for the block.
Which going to point you to app/design/frontend/[theme]/default/template/catalog/product/*
Read more #
In addition to the previous answer make sure to disable the cache otherwise you might not see the results right away.
The Product page has many files attached but mainly the most importants, in my opinion, areI
the media.phtml that controls the size of your mage, more views, etc then you have the
the upsell.phtml that call the upsell products and
the view.phtml that combine all these files.
You can find them at
Copy these files and paste them in your theme directory. DO NOT OVERRIDE THEM! and also keep in mind you have: single product, configurable product, etc so you'll have to edit those files as well if you need!
Hope this helps and any feedback from other users is always appreciated.
I have a Magento e-commerce website and I want to edit the product template of the website. I have both Magento and FTP credentials. But not able to figure out where is the actual product template. in which folder do I have to look for the product template file, I would like to edit my product by adding some code. I found this folder in FTP /public_html/app/design/frontend/ET/base/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/view/productlabels.phtml
I edit some code
unit price :
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var Quantity = document.getElementById("qty").value;
var UnitPrice = document.getElementById("options[4]").value;
var vUnitPrice = vUnitPrice / vQuantity;
vUnitPrice = $("#vUnitPrice ").val(total2.toFixed(2));
but nothing changes, help me please

Magento - Adding quantity box to upsell / related products

I have a question regarding Magento. I want to be able to add a quantity box to the products that show up in the 'related products' list that is shown on the product detail page. This way a visitor can order a related item multple times instead of only once per action. I have been looking for a solution for this for over 2 weeks, but I can't seem to find anything usefull. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance!
Think you need to edit this template: your_package/your_theme/template/catalog/product/list/upsell.phtml. If you do not have that file already in your theme, simply copy it in your theme and package following the rest of the path.
There you can add you Qty input box and add Add to Cart button and change the URL to include the qty. You should bear in mind that you may have also configurable/bundle products displayed as an up-sell, so you should cover these too.
