Porting VS2005 project to VS2008 - visual-studio-2010

i need to port a VS2005 Project (.NET2) to a VS2008 (.NET3.5) (or to VS2010 .NET4 not yet defined).
The project is composed by:
resources and configuration files (VS project files, like: .settings
.vbproj .myapp .config .xconfig .Designer.vb);
a lot of VB codes;
xsc, xsd, xss and xsx files;
a lot of Crystal reports for VS2005;
graphical resources.
The application take data in order to generate reports from more DB SQL Server 2005 istances.
What is the best way to approach to a migration activity?
Is there an internal migration tool?
If yes, what's the best practice to use it?
Which kind of files will be automatically ported to the new VS version?
Thanks in advance for all the provided information

It should be backward compatible.
Therefore, you should be able to simply open the project in the target version of Visual Studio and perform a conversion if required (for the project files). I suggest taking a backup first however, just in case.
Then compile test and test some more.
Should be fine.


Maintaining VC++ projects across several Visual Studio Versions?

We have a Windows Desktop only product suite that consists of several .exe applications and (obviously) quite a bunch of shared libraries between these apps. There's about 20 exe apps and maybe also about 20 shared libraries that are each used by several of these apps (some libs are very specific, some are just your good(?) old FooUtils.dll) Most code is C++, some C#.
Currently, all these reside in a single Visual Studio 2005 solution and are all built and released together. That works quite fine and each developer always can edit / see / debug any code he needs to. About 15 devs (mixed C++ / C#) on that product suite.
Now the problem
Due to migration pressure (language features, new 3rd party components) it becomes increasingly urgent to migrate some of the apps (read .exeprojects) to newer visual studio versions. Some to VS 2010 maybe (3rd party dependencies) some to VS2015. And some we just have not the resources to migrate them from VS2005 yet (third party constraints, as well as time/budget constraints).
This means that several of the shared C++ libraries will have to exist for several visual studio versions. (As opposed to the exe projects - these would just be built/maintained for one chosen VS version.)
Now the question
Given a set of (internal) shared libraries that need to be created for multiple different Visual-C++-Versions and that should be easily editable and maintainable for all devs, how are we to keep the Utils.vcproj(2005) the Utils.vcxproj(2010) and the Utils.vcxproj(2015) in sync?
Mostly to avoid manually having to maintain all files contained in the projects, but also regarding project settings / .[vs]props settings for these projects.
Ideas we had so far:
Just accept annoying triple maintenance of 3 project files in 3 different solutions (ugh.)
Use one of the vc.. project files as the master project and automatically (how??!) generate the other vc..files from it.
Use tools like CMake, Premake, ... ?? to generate these shared-shared library projects. (That would mean introducing a foreign configuration tool for our devs)
If you want to avoid manually updating your project files in separate versions of Visual Studio, you'll have to have a master configuration for the project of one sort or another. The two options you listed are basically your options:
Use one project version as the 'master'. In this case, the master must be the oldest version (VS2005 in your case?). Visual Studio has a project upgrade feature, to convert older projects to newer versions. When you load up an older project in a newer version, it prompts you to upgrade. This process can be automated with some simple scripting. Using devenv.exe <project/solution file> /upgrade you can upgrade a project from the command line.
Use CMake/Premake/etc. These add a little bit of overhead, but making supporting new platforms and configurations a lot less painless. If adding new dev tools is cumbersome to your process, and you're only supporting Visual Studio, the first option might be more suitable.

Build order and dependencies not preserved on upgrade from VS 2008 to 2010 with msbuild

I'm in the process of upgrading our VS 2008 solution to run on VS 2010
I managed to successfully build in VS 2010
My next step now is to configure a build machine running TFS 2008
Whenever I start a build it does my projects in alphabetical order with no regard for dependencies. I've googled a lot and I can't seem to find a solution to this.
The closest solution to my problem is found here: msdn link which links to this: dependency solution
However I'm dealing with 129 projects, so I would really rather not do this all manually in the xml.
Has anyone been able to effectively remap the dependencies in a way which msbuild recognizes without manipulating the xml for days...?
It turns out that the conversion to VS 2010 makes the build agent have to use the .NET 4.0 version of msbuild.
So I followed the steps outlined here and it worked: Building .NET 4.0 Applications Using Team Build 2008. Keep in mind that those instructions were written during the beta and the path is now v4.0.30319.
This was required even though all my projects are targeting 3.5
Basically I had to make a one line change and now everything is happy (still working on getting my build to pass but the order is good). It had nothing to do with dependencies not being preserved, simply that the way dependencies were being managed wasn't understood by msbuild 3.5
We also have a large number of projects. We wound up (programmatically) creating a MasterSolution.sln file that contained all of the projects. We also require our developers to only use project references in their code. This way, MSBuild always gets the correct order as it parses the .sln file.

automate adding references in large VS solution

I'm working on a VS solution with 100+ projects in C#. I'm currently migrating it from VS 2008 to VS 2010. There is some work to be done because a lot of the projects use Enterprise Library 4 (which has to be upgraded to 5.0) and WCSF 2008 (which has to be upgraded to SCSF 2010). I'm going through the SCSF upgrade instructions, and one involves doing this:
Add a reference to the following
Service Location assembly in each
project that has a reference to an
Enterprise Library assembly.
Is there any way to do this without going through the IDE? I mean, opening up each of 100-odd projects, then checking the references, then adding a reference if necessary, is one way of doing it, but is there a faster way? I was thinking along the lines of doing a search over the project files for a particular reference, then doing an insert if it was found.
If you've done this kind of thing before, suggestions would be very welcome. Thanks.
If you want to do this through the IDE, you can write a macro using VSProject.References to add/remove references as necessary.
However, C# project files (.csproj) are just XML, so you may be able to write a simple utility that can adjust the file as necessary using the standard XML classes.

Any addins for VS2010 to support VS2005 projects?

Some of the old projects in our company are left to be built with VS2005 in autobuild system (making them build correctly in 2010 cost time). Is it any addins for VS2010 that will allow to open VS2005 project and edit it's files without converting project file itself to VS2010 format (converting will kill autobuild)? Of course i can create a separate project named "xxx_vs2010.vcproj" for each of such products, but that will be a mess :(.
An alternative to consider is to target the VS2005 C++ toolchain from within VS2010. See Native Multi-Targeting and the Project Upgrade Guide. That way, no need to modify source code to appease the VS2010 C++ compiler.

Importing WinSCP source files into Microsoft Visual Studio 2008?

I am pretty new to programming. I would like to download an open source project and build it in my Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. In fact, I tried to import and build the application WinSCP:
But I didn’t work. Please can somebody help me and tell me which files do I have to download (from sourceforge) and how to import these into Microsoft Visual Studio in order to build the application. Thank you a lot. David
WinSCP seems to be written in Borland C++ Builder or whatever it's called today. It's not a standard C++ program and wouldn't compile in any other compiler because it uses special features only present in BCB. (It uses Delphi-style components, VCL and thus the __property keyword.)
Unfortunately, a lot of Open Source projects have very poor support for Microsoft's development tools. One project that comes to mind as being not too big and having workable MSVC project files is FreeType2, but that's a library and not an application, which probably makes it not very interesting for toying around with.
In support forum of winscp, they say, that you can't compile this project in Visual Studio.
Winscp appears to be a CPP project using a makefile instead of a sln file. VS uses SLN and *proj files to control builds and such. A good way to start would be to open VS, create a new console project (and solution) and go through some tutorials online.
If you really want to just see how a large project works in VS, grab something like IronRuby or IronPython or even something like the Witty twitter client.
In the general case, it is not possible to pour the C++ sources of a program into Visual Studio and expect it to work. C++ programming environments are far too different between operating systems for that. If you have a open-source program which builds and runs fine on Linux (for example), it may need several weeks (or months) or programming effort to make it run on Windows.
