Alert on custom identification - visual-studio

I use TFS 2013 Update 2 and Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
How can I create an identification to a workitem where I can create an alert on?
I have workitems for a specific customer. I added a tag to those workitems. I want an alert when something changes with a workitem with that tag. Because alerts don't support tags, I created a custom field but I also can't set an alert with the "=" operator on that field.
Please help.

Rather than using tags can you try setting an area path for your specific customer, and put the work items under this area? Then you can use the custom alert template "A work item under a specified area path changes" to receive your alerts.

The only solution that I can think of is to add a "tag" to the title of the workitem. We have the taggging and set the tag Foo. We also place the tag in the title like this (Foo). Than we have a query that searches for workitems that only have the real tag and not the title tag. Of course also the other way around.
We are going to use this until the next version were hopefully this feature is added. See for the uservoices the following:
Custom fields in work item alerts and Use tags in alerts.


Is there a config option to add a field for link text in Ckeditor Link dialog?

I know that in order to make a link in Ckeditor you type in the text and then highlight it and then click the Link button and add the URL and then press OK. Problem is that many of our customers are used to having it also to be able to add the link text, name or description whatever you want to call it in the Link dialog. So is there a way to add that field? We are using Ckeditor version 4.5.6.
I would like to have something like this:
But currently it's like this:
No. Currently that feature is not available. There's a feature request for that, but you can't be sure when it will be available.
You can use the API instead to modify the link dialog on the fly and add that field.

How to change TFS query result default columns?

I'm using the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013 web interface and have created and saved many queries with custom columns, sort orders etc.
However, when creating a new query or doing a "search" (i.e. the "Search work items" control in top right of Queries page) the default columns are always: ID, Work Item Type, Title, State, Assigned To and Tags.
How do I change the default columns so that all new queries will default to my preferred columns?
From an MSDN forum post:
And for these work items which are shipped with TFS Server, the information is stored in the team project template. For example, if you are working with a Agile team project, go to MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0\WorkItem Tracking\Queries, select the query you would like to custom the displayed columns and make changes.
For Visual Studio the change is different. This setting is changed via the registry at this location:
I haven't found a consistent Name for the key that affects this default between versions so the item you need to change depends on your version. A little trial and error should narrow down which key to change.
MSDN forum source
You have to add your desired columns for every single work item query via editing columns in the Column Options page. I can't figure out you one way to save default column options to use for new created work item queries.
For example, to add other columns in the Search query, you need to click Column Options function in the Editor page to choose columns you want.

Set up Enable Rule in CRM Visual Ribbon Editor

I'm using the CRM Visual Ribbon Editor to create a custom button which sends all selected emails. However, since Email is an Activity entity, other activities could be in the user's selection when pressing the button.
Is there is an enable rule that specefies that all selected items are Emails?
If so, how do I use it?
If not, could a custom rule written in JScript work?
Thanks for any help!
I had to do something like this with a custom entity of mine. I needed to enable a button based on the record status.
I think something like this will only really be possible using a custom rule written in JScript that you could use to query the records and see what type they are.
Hope this helps

TFS2010 - Link to other work item embedded in text field?

When entering a work item in TFS2010, it's often nice to refer to other tickets in the text free fields (either description or Acceptance Criteria field).
Most other ticket tracking software I have used automatically creates links/hyperlinks to other tickets if you put appropriate text into these fields (e.g, Trac, BugTracker.NET, etc).
I understand the link tab, and that you can create relationships there, but it would be lovely to have this feature available and clickable in the other text field.
Does TFS2010 (+ Visual Studio 2010) support something like this? I cannot find for the life of me, a solution.
If you use a rich text edit field (the advanced text field available for work item definitions, with coloring buttons and so on), you can include hyperlinks, also to other workitems etc. This is however a manual exercise to make the hyperlink point to the correct item, there is no automatic recognition of #-tags or whatever to refer to other workitems.
Hi you could use a plugin called TFS Extensions Kit. TEK workitem. This is a Visual Studio extension that allows, besides other features, to open, in Visual Studio, workitems and queries from a Hyperlink.
So you could use the hyperlinks in any field.
Look at the Visual Studio Gallery:TFS Extensions Kit. TEK workitem
You can download a demo from here
It's an old question, but if you get here looking for the answer for VSTS the answer is hashtag followed by itemId. Similar to #UserName to reference another user.
Eg. In comments box typing This is a dupe of #2428 will translate into This is a dupe of User Story 2428: Story name where User Story 2428: Story name is a link to the item.

Where is TFS work item help text displayed?

I'm creating some custom work items in TFS and the helptext field seems handy but I don't see where it is being displayed in Team Explorer or Team System Web Access.
Where is this information displayed?
When you hover over the type of the field. For instance create a new bug and hover over the "rank" and you should see "Stack rank used to prioritize work"
