How to change TFS query result default columns? - visual-studio

I'm using the Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013 web interface and have created and saved many queries with custom columns, sort orders etc.
However, when creating a new query or doing a "search" (i.e. the "Search work items" control in top right of Queries page) the default columns are always: ID, Work Item Type, Title, State, Assigned To and Tags.
How do I change the default columns so that all new queries will default to my preferred columns?

From an MSDN forum post:
And for these work items which are shipped with TFS Server, the information is stored in the team project template. For example, if you are working with a Agile team project, go to MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0\WorkItem Tracking\Queries, select the query you would like to custom the displayed columns and make changes.
For Visual Studio the change is different. This setting is changed via the registry at this location:
I haven't found a consistent Name for the key that affects this default between versions so the item you need to change depends on your version. A little trial and error should narrow down which key to change.
MSDN forum source

You have to add your desired columns for every single work item query via editing columns in the Column Options page. I can't figure out you one way to save default column options to use for new created work item queries.
For example, to add other columns in the Search query, you need to click Column Options function in the Editor page to choose columns you want.


How can I change value in choice column in Dynamics 365

I need to change value of choices in choice type column in CRM. There is one field name and other is value. I am able to change the name as we know but not the value of it
AFAIK, the modern PowerApps maker portal still has some limitations, it does not contain all the functionalities for parity as in our classic D365 editors. You are hitting one of those limitations.
Pls switch to classic version from the maker portal or navigate to the classic by clicking the top gear icon in Model driven app, then click the "Advanced settings".
Under Settings - Solutions - Entity - Field, you can edit the existing options, both the text and value. This will unblock you for time being.
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If you create a virtual entity connector in your DataVerse to your CRM data, you can change all your choices from there as well.
As a best practice we should create different choice which is re-usable at any
places. One can create the choice by clicking on New select More and then Choices. Once created the choice, can able to add different choice name along with their default value. if needed to change the value we can edit those. please check below image

Finding fields in report builder

One of the columns in my Table actually has a value which is picks from a field from dataset and a textbox (for example =Fields!Total.Value/ReportItems!Textbox80.Value). The Total Field comes from a dataset in my report however I am struggling to find the Textbox80 . Is there any way I can search for this Textbox from Report builder UI. I tried seeing in Properties view as well but Could not find a way. I looked at below link also for help but it talks about BIDS which I cant see in Report builder
This seems to be a potential duplicate of How do I find a specific textbox within a SSRS 2008 R2 Report
The answers show that there is no specific way to do this with the report builder UI without selecting each report item and manually checking the properties menu.
The textbox can easily be seen if you are viewing the report in Visual studio (using the properties drop down box at the top of the screen)
The textbox can also be found if you edit the .rdl file in a text editor, which can then allow you to attempt to locate the textbox

Lightswitch nested autocomplete boxes

I have Lightswitch 2013 and need to have nested autocomplete boxes. All the examples on the Internet are for older versions of Lightswitch and there are just a few differences in their examples from my version. Example: When adding Data Item for Local Property, Type "someTable" (Entity) doesn't come up as a choice. Also, if I click on one of my tables, then when I drag this Local Property to the screen is doesn't create an autocomplete box. Seems simple, but frustrating when I've tried many different ways. Please provide specific example using Lightswitch 2013. Thanks in advance. Steve
The steps are:
(1) Create a table called Customers(Id, Name) and a table called Orders(Id, CustomerId, Description) Create a foreign key relationship between Customers.Id and Orders.CustomerId.
(2) Update your LightSwitch 2013 Data Source
(3) Create an Add/Edit screen using the Orders table.
(4) By Default, all the fields (Id, Customer, Description) should be included. The Customer field should default to 'Details Picker' (The Choices will be 'Auto' and will lookup Customers in the Customers table)
Note: The Details Picker will AutoComplete after you type a minimum of three characters.
Thanks for the answer. I figured it out myself. I played around with displaying fields on my screens to see what was actually happening until I finally found out that I can add a specific data binding? to my properties and didn't have to use the drop down choices. I've got it working now.
This seems like a basic requirement for using Lightswitch. I wish someone would be able to post a detailed step by step solution to properly using nested autocomplete boxes. I'm not sure I would remember how to do nexted autocomplete boxes if I had to do this again in a year.
When an expert, like a Beth Massi, provides a detailed example for a specific version of Visual Studio or Lightswitch, it would be nice if that expert, or his/her replacement, would provide a new detailed example whenever Visual Studio or Lightswitch has a new version. Thanks for all the help I have received by searching the Internet.

Is it possible to extend the PBI View of TFS in Visual Studio?

I am using Visual Studio 2012, TFS 2012, and I want to do this for PBI (Product Backlog Items)
I would like to add a "button" or something of the sort to help me create Tasks for my PBIs. (This is something I have been requested to do).
So as I am Viewing a PBI or a List of PBIs I could have a button that popups a Window inside Visual Studio with some options which will trigger the creation of different tasks and such. Is this possible?
Or should I create a separate program that will allow me view the WorkItems and implement the functionality there (for example with C#/WPF)
You should look at following links. Looks like you are looking to create/update work items in bulk. You can easily import your pbi work items to excel and add/update in bulk or also use work item templates for that.
If that doesn't work then you can write code using TFS API to create work items and do other things as well. Using that you can have your own form and add custom steps and then call Api to create the work items.
TFS API to create work items:
Use work item templates to pre-populate fields:
Bulk add or modify work items with Excel:
Bulk modify work items:
This already exists out of the box. When viewing a PBI go to the Tasks tab and click New. It will create a new Task that is automatically linked back to the PBI. It will also set the Iteration and Area to match the Parent PBI.

MS Dynamics CRM: Entity name covers drop-down arrow, automatically re-label?

We've just set up Dynamics CRM 2013. We're using the Outlook 2010 plug-in. A new entity has been created called "Projects," in which the users give the project a name (which is fairly long: Typically something like "2014 Project Name Client Name") and we assign activities and track emails to that project. The problem is that the project name in the blue bar doesn't truncate; instead it spills over the drop-down arrow (which lets you see related activities, contacts, etc) and is un-clickable. Logging in through the web interface, it truncates properly. Is there a way we can force it to truncate after a certain amount of letters, or use the ProjectID field for that label instead of the name? I'm fairly new to Dynamics so a simple solution would be much, much preferred.
A screenshot with an arrow pointing to the over-running field:
We had the same problem when using IE8. In IE9, the long name is truncated properly so the related button/link/whatever it is works as expected. MS unlikely to fix this issue in IE8 just fyi. If it's a custom entity, the primary key field will be the name and that field is used in the UI when it wants to show a record. So you have two options. Change the browser version or only use short names.
