Is there a config option to add a field for link text in Ckeditor Link dialog? - ckeditor

I know that in order to make a link in Ckeditor you type in the text and then highlight it and then click the Link button and add the URL and then press OK. Problem is that many of our customers are used to having it also to be able to add the link text, name or description whatever you want to call it in the Link dialog. So is there a way to add that field? We are using Ckeditor version 4.5.6.
I would like to have something like this:
But currently it's like this:

No. Currently that feature is not available. There's a feature request for that, but you can't be sure when it will be available.
You can use the API instead to modify the link dialog on the fly and add that field.


Invoke dialog and fill its content dynamically in CKEditor

I'm new to CKEditor development. I have written a plugin to insert custom tag element ( pre ) and update its attributes.
I want to open the plugin dialog( dialog name is snippet ) once user clicks the pre tag element, And i want to fill the textarea with clicked element innerHTML in dialog.
I have two questions.
How to invoke the plugin dialog dynamically?
How to access the elements inside the dialog?
Enjoy the official plugin development tutorial – there you'll find all the answers. You'll not be able to re-use another plugin's dialog easily though. You need another dialog.
But don't worry, you can copy&paste the source code of Source Dialog plugin's dialog, which is very simple, and use it for your plugin. Code Snippet dialog is also pretty straightforward.
You may find Developer Tools plugin useful.
You can observe various events with the API of the editor easily (including click).

Alert on custom identification

I use TFS 2013 Update 2 and Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
How can I create an identification to a workitem where I can create an alert on?
I have workitems for a specific customer. I added a tag to those workitems. I want an alert when something changes with a workitem with that tag. Because alerts don't support tags, I created a custom field but I also can't set an alert with the "=" operator on that field.
Please help.
Rather than using tags can you try setting an area path for your specific customer, and put the work items under this area? Then you can use the custom alert template "A work item under a specified area path changes" to receive your alerts.
The only solution that I can think of is to add a "tag" to the title of the workitem. We have the taggging and set the tag Foo. We also place the tag in the title like this (Foo). Than we have a query that searches for workitems that only have the real tag and not the title tag. Of course also the other way around.
We are going to use this until the next version were hopefully this feature is added. See for the uservoices the following:
Custom fields in work item alerts and Use tags in alerts.

CKEditor: Customizing the Table Dialog Window

I am using the CKEditor module for Drupal7.
I want to customize the Table dialog window.
I saw this thread, But I am not clear where to add the code that #oleq added.
Here is the URL: Set default table properties for CKEditor?
In what file should I add the code?
If you're using the regular ckeditor module (ie not through wysiwyg module), then you can just add it to the bottom of:
If you're using wysiwyg module and ckeditor library, then it's more complicated, and I'll post it as a separate question since a few people have asked this.

How to perform Preview in CKEditor

I am using CKEditor to get HTML from the user. The user will use HTML tags and it will be saved in the database. I need a functionality for the user to see how the page will be displayed when open as .html before saving in the database.
Is it possible to do that using CKEditor and if yes.....then how?
It's certainly possible, but depends a lot on your specific requirements.
Get the contents of the editor using editor.getData(), then open a pop up window displaying that content - this should be relatively simple with JavaScript so I won't give any examples - you'll have to try it yourself first :). If a pop up is not something you want to use, maybe use an inline dialog, such as the ones that jQuery uses.
I would create the workflow so that the preview box has a save button inside it, forcing the user to preview before saving. If that's not acceptable, then create a separate button on your page to do the preview.

Joomla editor plugin development

I'm trying to make a plugin for each administration page with editor fields i.e. on the new article page or the new category page.
I'm not sure how exactly I should arrange this. It is a must that the triggers already exist i.e. I don't want to edit any template files.
So I have to use one of these then:
system type
content type
editors type
editors-xtd type
Where should I put this plugin? A system plugin might work but then the plugin gets triggered on each page which I find not the best
The content type won't get triggered at all.
The Editors type doesn't work either.
The editors-xtd works but it wants a button back as a return vale and I dont have a button because the plugin is mostly javascript based and automatic
What else can I use?
Even though you're talking about a plugin, if you're talking about the editor field Joomla has it built in using JForm:
<field name="test1"
label ="Test Field"
(Note: editor, not editors) See this link for more information. Also, looks like this page was just put up yesterday - probably also has more information that could be useful since it sounds like a component may be more useful to you than a plugin.
