Embed feed ObjectProperties: image is not visible in Yammer site feed page - yammer

I am using objectProperties for image to be visible in yammer feed of page. But it is not showing in yammer site feed page. Image url I am specifiying from SharePoint site collection image library(https://XX.sharepoint.com/SiteCollectionImages/PR.gif). However it is working fine if I give some internet accessed image (e.g. www.google.com/images/123.gif).
Also If I click on “goto page” link in that feed there same image is visible. Please note I am already logged in to SharePoint site with another tab.
objectProperties: {
type: "page",
title: pageTitle,
url: pageUrl,
image: "https://XX.sharepoint.com/SiteCollectionImages/PR.gif"
#Yammer-team: I think embed.ly is interrupting in home page feed. can you please check and confirm. Thanks.

I got the answer from Yammer documentation that currently yammer is supporting image url only accessible from publicly accessible content. https://developer.yammer.com/opengraph/#og-schema
one more comment from Myo Thein that - "We use embed.ly and hence it needs to be available on the internet."


WeChat thumbnail disappears when shared from the in-app browser

When a user shares a webpage from a mobile browser's share menu to WeChat, a thumbnail image is rendered with that link as intended (the open graph image is populated). If the user opens that link, the WeChat's in-app browser is opened. Now, when user clicks to share that link from within the in-app browser, the thumbnail is no longer there (empty thumbnail link is displayed).
What is different about WeChat's in-app browser that makes it so the open graph image is not captured in the thumbnail like it is when shared via a normal browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
Thank you in advance.
WeChat Provides a JSSDK, with the Share API in it you can specify the title, link, thumbnail, desc, etc of share behavior of current open page inside in-WeChat-browser.
For Example, I have a Page, title: A, link: www.a.com:
Without API, the share behavior is normal with title: A, link: www.a.com, thumbnail will be the first image in the webpage, and WeChat will grab some text for description.
With the API setup (code blow), the share behavior can be totally different: title: b, link: www.b.com, image: b.jpg, etc.
title: 'b',
link: 'www.b.com',
imgUrl: 'image/to/b.jpg'

How to capture a AppMonitoringChart static link in Access Web app?

For access web apps launched into a SharePoint site, clicking on "details" provides a page which has the following chart:
When I check the source of that "image", The link looks like this:
in other words, it's passing the data to the chart in the link itself. I want a way to capture the link to this image (without visiting the page manually/authenticating), which would allow me to track signin status for many projects. This, however is impossible if the image itself doesn't have a fixed path... does anyone have any ideas? Or a way to harvest the data that is fed into the chart programmaticaly?

Google+ Pages API - publishing a post with custom thumbnail of url attachment

We are using the G+ Pages API to post into a G+ Page. When creating a post, we enable link attachment with customization of the link thumbnail image.
Sometimes, the API ignores the image url with give it and selects another image (without returning any error message). I'm trying to understand why but I couldn't find any documentation that can provide an explanation.
Here is an example:
This is the url we are attaching to the post: https://business.yell.com/knowledge/attract-right-social-media-audience-increase-followers/
This is the body of the request:
"originalContent":"content text"
The image url is from a meta tag (og:image) in the article source, but the API ignores the url and uses a different image from the page.
Any idea what am I doing wrong?
OK, so I used facebook open graph object debugger on the url (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/) and found that
og:image was not defined, could not be downloaded or was not big enough. Please define a chosen image using the og:image metatag, and use an image that's at least 200x200px and is accessible from Facebook. Image 'https://business.yell.com/knowledge/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Anna-Bravington_avatar_1418999410.jpg' will be used instead.
If I send a different thumbnail image to FB it uses it but G+ for some reason (which I don't know what it is yet) ignores it.
Based on GooglePage api docs, there are 2 ways to posting an article with an image:
Article with an image from Google+ photos : Upload your image to Google+ photos. The image can be any public image from Google+ photos belonging to your Google+ Pages account — the image does not have to be from your target article page. You specify your post (Article) with the image's url using the direct URL returned by the Media.insert method. (Do not specify a private image as its rendering is undefined.)
Create an activity with a URL in the attachments array, and POST it with the preview argument set to true. (Example: $plus->activities->insert($remote_id , $activityObj, array("preview"=>true) ) ). This POST will return a preview rendering of your activity, with a list of thumbnail images for you to select from.
This is mean that the object.attachments.image.url have to be either a google+ photo url or a thumbnail image returned from object.attachments.previewThumbnails

Using Yammer embed to display feeds

I am using Yammer embed to show a group feed on a page in my ASP.NET MVC3 application. I have created a div whose Id is embedded-feed. I am using below javascript code to show a group feed.
<script src="https://assets.yammer.com/assets/platform_embed.js"></script>
<script data-app-id="<<valid app id>>" type="text/javascript">
container: "#embedded-feed",
network: "<<valid-site>>.com",
feedType: "group",
feedId: "<<Id for feed>>"
Upon loading the page, Yammer widget shows up with login button. When I click on login button, it opens up a new browser window and I get a pop up with the message - "The web page you are viewing is trying to close the tab. Do you want to close the tab?" I have already added yammer.com to trusted sites. Please share if you have any thoughts on what am I missing here.
Add yammer.com to trusted sites in Internet Explorer settings...
uncheck the checkbox to very server security.

Google ajax crawling not working with fetch as google

I am trying to test with "fetch as google" an orchard website which has ajax content . Shouldn't google replace http://cmbbeta.azurewebsites.net/#! with http://cmbbeta.azurewebsites.net/?_escaped_fragment_ (both links work). When i hit my beta website with fetch as google, the preview shows me that the page is loading the ajax content,and not the static one.
Am i missing something?
The preview that appears when you put your mouse over the link always seem to show the dynamic website. The important thing to look at is the fetch result that you can access by clicking the "Success" link in the "Fetch Status" column.
This is probably not affecting your site, but the Fetch as Google feature doesn't work for AJAX urls that are specified with the <meta> tag. See here.
