How to capture a AppMonitoringChart static link in Access Web app? - image

For access web apps launched into a SharePoint site, clicking on "details" provides a page which has the following chart:
When I check the source of that "image", The link looks like this:|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|1|0|0|0|4|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|2|0
in other words, it's passing the data to the chart in the link itself. I want a way to capture the link to this image (without visiting the page manually/authenticating), which would allow me to track signin status for many projects. This, however is impossible if the image itself doesn't have a fixed path... does anyone have any ideas? Or a way to harvest the data that is fed into the chart programmaticaly?


Maintaining image preview in Netlify CMS

When uploading an image in Netlify CMS, I get a preview image, which however disappears right after a refresh. The image I attached shows the source attribute the preview element uses - it looks like the logic here assumes that the image is already deployed to the same domain (which in turn assumes that the site the CMS manages lives on the same domain as the CMS interface itself). Is there a way to change the base URL just for the preview, e.g. to some kind of https://rawgit/...-like URL. I am looking for a setting that affects only the preview widget behavior and nothing else (where the image is saved, what URL path it adds in the post frontmatter etc).
Thanks in advance for any pointers!

Wrong OG image when sharing to Facebook despite FB Debugger displaying correctly

I just added an OpenGraph image to a site I'm working on and using the FB Debugger the info retrieves the correct image, however when sharing the url I still see default images being displayed (there was no specified OG image before). Is there something I'm missing here? The site uses a custom Python based framework and image is served via gzip from an Amazon EC2 instance, if that would affect the output in any way.
The problem is not with your website.
Facebook takes some time to refresh images inside even though you can see the changes on Facebook Debug Tool.
In order to view your new image inside Facebook you can do two things:
Manipulate a little the URL you are trying to share, this way
Facebook will fetch the open graph data again.
Just give it some
time, it will be refreshed after a few hours.
There are three way to change your image you need to clear the
1) Manually clear facebook catch using the facebook tool
2) Add version code end of the url like ?v=1
3) write the GraphAPI code from when you click on the share button it will clear the facebook page cache.

Custom title and image for Facebook share button on AJAX result

This question exists in different flavors, but not for AJAX pages.
I use AJAX to pull a single video into my page and I want a custom FB share button for it. Everything I've read so far says that FB pulls the required title and image from meta-tags in the page's < head> section (og:image and og:title).
I've tried to change the meta properties when the AJAX call returns, before rendering the share button. This hasn't worked. It uses the values that were present upon initial page load. I have yet to encounter a single answer to this question.
Are there data attributes I can add to the 'fb-like' div to specify a custom title and image (similar to data-href)?
You need an individual URL for each individual piece of content that you want to share. Open Graph objects (and simple shared links “become” such, automatically) are identified by their URL (og:url).
Now if your whole page is built on AJAX, you still need to create such individual URLs somehow – the Facebook scraper tool does not “speak” JavaScript, and relies solely on the OG meta information that the server delivers for any URL it requests.
Since the hash part of an URL is only of relevance client-side (and does not even get send to the server), “typical” AJAX URLs that rely on those to tell the client which piece of content to load in the background are no good here.
So if you want to share two pieces of content (videos) as and, then you have to make sure that your server delivers the meta data for each video under its respective URL.

Facebook like page loading

I need to know how is it possible using AJAX to navigate between pages like Facebook. When I click a link in Facebook the url in address bar changes and the main content area is reloaded with new content but the navigation list on left, header on top and chat on left side remain intact. It appears that those sections are not reloaded. How this become possible when the address bar changes? please ,if possible give a small example.
You can use libraries such as history.js coupled with ajax calls. This library dynamically modifies the URL as you are clicking around the site. The library is available at And a great demo is available at

How to suppress &ref=nf query string from Facebook wall posting image link?

I am writing an iPhone app that includes the ability to publish a link to a user's wall on Facebook using the latest Facebook supplied iOS SDK. To the dialog method I give a name, caption, description, link, and picture in a params dictionary. The method call successfully opens a dialog for the user in the app (after authenticating), where they can add a message and tap Publish. So far, so good.
Looking at the result on the user's wall, both the title of the post (the "name" in the dictionary mentioned above) and the picture associated with the post are clickable links with the url I specified in the method call (via "link"), as expected. Well almost.
Now the problem: while the link on the post title is exactly as specified, the link on the image has the additional, unwanted query string ?ref=nf appended. I want to know how to suppress this, as it breaks my shortened link.
I don't think this is iOS specific. It happens on this Facebook developer Feed Dialog page as well. Go down to the section Example, and click where it says Click here to try the url yourself, you’ll get a Post To Your Wall page. If you click Publish and then go to your own wall, you will see that the link for the image and the link for the title are different, with the image link including the extra query string. Which is what I want to suppress.
Interestingly, before you publish from the above page, you can hover over the image and the title, and the reverse it true. The title link has the extra query string but the image link is clean. Bizarre. I cannot see if that is also true in my iOS app, since I have no way to "hover" on the iPhone.
Two other data points
I see this in posts from at least some other apps; the fully expanded links being used there are apparently oblivious to the extra query string information
I don't see this if I post directly from my Facebook news feed page from the Facebook web site
Anyone know how to eliminate/suppress this extra query string from the image link when posting programmatically?
Looking at this post in the facebook forums, it appears you would have to strip it manually yourself. I.e. send it to a shortener that you control and doesn't care about the query string.
They are going to add that query string always. So if you want to handle it gracefully, you need to control where the link goes to initially, or find a url shortener that ignores this parameter.
This is solution:
Remove parameter from URL viac .htaccess
