Using Yammer embed to display feeds - yammer

I am using Yammer embed to show a group feed on a page in my ASP.NET MVC3 application. I have created a div whose Id is embedded-feed. I am using below javascript code to show a group feed.
<script src=""></script>
<script data-app-id="<<valid app id>>" type="text/javascript">
container: "#embedded-feed",
network: "<<valid-site>>.com",
feedType: "group",
feedId: "<<Id for feed>>"
Upon loading the page, Yammer widget shows up with login button. When I click on login button, it opens up a new browser window and I get a pop up with the message - "The web page you are viewing is trying to close the tab. Do you want to close the tab?" I have already added to trusted sites. Please share if you have any thoughts on what am I missing here.

Add to trusted sites in Internet Explorer settings...
uncheck the checkbox to very server security.


Form inside iframe with cross domain doesn't connect to Google Analytics

I have this situation.
Inside I have an iframe which connects to (you can see it a this link), which we will call Configurator page.
Inside Configurator Page I have a form with a button. This form sends info via POST to a target URL, which is, that we will call Calculator page.
Both Configurator and Calculator pages have the same GTM container installed, which I use to connect them to a Google Analytics property.
The issue is that Google Analytics property seems to be properly connected to Calculator page, but it doesn't register any hit.
Instead, if I open Configurator page outside iframe, simply opening the page from browser, everything works as expected and Google Analytics register sources, events etc. from both Configurator and Calculator pages.
Thinking it could be a cross-domain issue, I tried changing the target URL of the form to an older version of Calculator page which is still hosted on domain, and I saw that hits were actually registered on Google Analytics property.
So, since it seemed to be a a cross-domain issue (the iframe which contains Configurator page is hosted on website but the page called after clicking on button form, the Calculator page, is on domain), I followed this Universal Analytics Guide to configure Google Analytics connection the right way but it's still not working at all.
Since both Configurator and Calculator pages are connected to the same GTM Container, I first tried the following code:
gtag('config', 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID', {
'linker': {
'domains': [''],
'decorate_forms': true,
'accept_incoming': true
And then I tried the following (and this is the one it's still in use):
gtag('config', 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID', {
'linker': {
'domains': ['', ''],
'decorate_forms': true
But nothing changed.
Do you have any idea of how I could make it work?

Adding GA Event code to Joomla {tab}

I am trying to add a Google Analytics event to track if a tab has been clicked on in a page. I am using Joomla 2.5.7 and in the article is has this markup for the tabs extension:
<p>{tab Rates}</p>
This is the tab at the top of the page. I want to add the following universal analytics tracking event code:
onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'tab active', 'click', 'rates');"
to track when someone looks at this tab.
Currently I have only used this onclick event on an anchor, but as using Joomla this isn't working and is just showing up on the page.
Please advise the best place to get this information and how to activate it. Thanks all.

MS CRM Dashboard - Single Full Screen IFRAME

I want to create a Microsoft CRM dashboard that contains only a single IFRAME.
The IFRAME should fill the area and only display the inner IFRAME scroll bar.
However, I am seeing double scroll bars. One for the dashboard tab area and one for the IFRAME.
Is there a way to create a CRM dashboard that would contain only one element that fills the available space (without overflow or scrolling)?
// if I were able to modify the following CSS to remove the overflow css value in CRM it might work
.ms-crm-FormBodyContainer { /* overflow: auto; */ }
I am using CRM 2013 On-Premise with a browser.
You can edit the SiteMap and add a subarea but instead of connecting it to a entity you can specify a URL. In this case the URL is a Web Resource or the URL you use for the iFrame. The XRMToolKit has a GUI sitemap editor. You can download it here
The picture I attached shows an example using this technique.

Embed feed ObjectProperties: image is not visible in Yammer site feed page

I am using objectProperties for image to be visible in yammer feed of page. But it is not showing in yammer site feed page. Image url I am specifiying from SharePoint site collection image library( However it is working fine if I give some internet accessed image (e.g.
Also If I click on “goto page” link in that feed there same image is visible. Please note I am already logged in to SharePoint site with another tab.
objectProperties: {
type: "page",
title: pageTitle,
url: pageUrl,
image: ""
#Yammer-team: I think is interrupting in home page feed. can you please check and confirm. Thanks.
I got the answer from Yammer documentation that currently yammer is supporting image url only accessible from publicly accessible content.
one more comment from Myo Thein that - "We use and hence it needs to be available on the internet."

Appinventor app behavior

I have made an app that calls my mobile website. The mobile website has a click-to-call button, and when touching this button in my app, I get an error message saying "Webpage not available". This is not a problem if I visit my site through the browser. Anyone having an idea what to do?
are you using the webviewer component? The webviewer is no full browser...You could add a button in App Inventor and use the phone call component alternatively.
or you could use the activity starter to start a full browser to display your page, more info see here
Open the browser to a Web page
Use these activity starter properties to open a specific web page:
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
