Calculating the normal of a point on a heightfield - algorithm

I have a spherical heightfield, defined by a function f(x, y, z) which returns the distance from the origin of the surface of the heightfield of a line which passes from the origin through (x,y,z).
(In other words, the isosurface for my heightfield is |x,y,z| = f(x,y,z).)
(Also, for the sake of discussion below, I'm going to assume that surface(x,y,z) is the location of the point on the surface directly below (x,y,z).)
When rendering this, I need to calculate the normal for any point on the heightfield. What's the cheapest way of doing this?
To calculate the normal of a point on a rectangular heightfield, the usual trick is to offset (x,y,z) slightly in two directions parallel to the nominal surface, calculate three points on the heightfield to form a triangle, and then use the cross product to calculate the triangle's normal. This is easy as the three points can simply be surface(x,y,z), surface(x+1,y,z) and surface(x,y+1,z) (or similar). But for a spherical heightfield it's a little trickier because the normal can point in any direction. Simply displacing by x and y won't do because if two of my points fall on a radius, then surface() of them will return the same location and I won't get a triangle.
In the past what I've done is to use the vector <x,y,z> as a radius from the sphere's origin; then calculate a vector perpendicular to it; then rotate this vector around <x,y,z> to give me my three points. But this is fiddly and expensive and shouldn't be necessary. There must be a cheaper way. What is it?

Calculate the surface() points and, if they are close enough to cause problems, carry out the more expensive (but accurate) calculation; otherwise, use the cheap/easy calculation.


Three.js How do you get a Plane from a vector and a constant?

In three.js, the constructor for the Math Plane takes 2 inputs:
normal -- (Vector3) normal vector defining the plane pointing towards the origin
constant -- (Float) the negative distance from the origin to the plane along the normal vector
Can someone provide an illustration or explain how this works? I can understand given a point and normal how to construct a plane, or 3 co-planar points, but can't figure out how a normal vector and constant can be used.
Mathy-ness and linear algebra
So planes in 3 dimensional space can be defined as a 2-dimensional infinite rectangle that falls on 3 points (what you know)
It can also be defined by a perpendicular (normal) vector and a constant of how far from the origin the plane is.
Three.js take the normal vector (a vector that is perpendicular to the plane you want) and basically applies linear algebra to find the plane, then moves it the constant distance away from the origin.
Math Calculation Explanation:
If we have a vector A and B that are orthogonal (perpendicular) then their dot product is 0. SO if we use this principle we can actually take a known Vector X and find 2 orthogonal Vectors Y and Z that will be co-planar (due to orthogonality properties) by backwards solving X (dot) Y = 0 and X (dot) Z = 0
Now we have 2 co-planar vectors to make our plane that we set the distance of the constant away from the origin
(think how vectors have an origin and an endpoint. If the co-planar vectors share an origin, then we have 3 points: 2 ends, and 1 origin, aka 3 points to make a plane.)
Math Theory Explanation on why this works ahead:
I can't draw very well (without pen and paper to show), but basically, think about a vector in 3D space. Now think about all the vectors that can be perpendicular to it. Basically, that creates an infinite amount of perpendicular vectors rotated in a circle perpendicularly to the original, and if we span them infinitely, we have created a plane.
If you ever have an opportunity to take a linear algebra class, I would highly recommend it. It is extremely interesting, very related to computer graphics, and explains a lot of 3D space math that THREEjs uses

How do I calculate the up vector in a flight simulator?

I am writing 3D app for OpenGL ES 2.0 where the user sets a path and flies over some terrain. It's basically a flight simulator on rails.
The path is defined by a series of points created from a spline. Every timeslice I advance the current position using interpolation i.e. I interpolate between p0 to p1, then when I reach p1 I interpolate between p1 and p2, then finally back from pN to p0.
I create a view matrix with something analogous to gluLookAt. The eye coord is the current position, the look at is the next position along the path and an up (0, 0, 1). So the camera looks towards where it is flying to next and Z points towards the sky.
But now I want to "bank" as I turn. i.e. the up vector is not necessarily directly straight up but a changes based on the rate of turn. I know my current direction and my last direction so I could increment or decrement the bank by some amount. The dot product would tell me the angle of turn, and the a cross product would tell me if its to the left or right. I could maintain a bank angle and keep it within the range -/+70 degrees, incrementing or decrementing appropriately.
I assume this is the correct approach but I could spend a long time implementing it to find out it isn't.
Am I on the right track and are there samples which demonstrate what I'm attempting to do?
Since you seem to have a nice smooth plane flying in normal conditions you don't need much... You are almost right in your approach and it will look totally natural. All you need is a cross product between 3 sequential points A, B, C: cross = cross(A-B, C-B). Now cross is the vector you need to turn the plane around the "forward" vector: Naturally the plane's up vector is (-gravitation) usually (0,0,1) and forward vector in point B is C-B (if no interpolation is needed) now "side" vector is side = normalized(cross(forward, up)) here is where you use the banking: side = side + cross*planeCorrectionParameter and then up = cross(normalized(side), normalized(forward)). "planeCorrectionParameter" is a parameter you should play with, in reality it would represent some combination of parameters such as dimensions of wings and hull, air density, gravity, speed, mass...
Note that some cross operations above might need swap in parameter order (cross(a,b) should be cross(b,a)) so play around a bit with that.
Your approach sounds correct but it will look unnatural. Take for example a path that looks like a sin function: The plane might be "going" to the left when it's actually going to the right.
I can mention two solutions to your problem. First, you can take the derivative of the spline. I'm assuming your spline is a f(t) function that returns a point (x, y, z). The derivative of a parametric curve is a vector that points to the rotation center: it'll point to the center of a circular path.
A couple of things to note with the above method: the derivative of a straight line is 0, and the vector will also be 0, so you have to fix the up vector manually. Also, you might want to fix this vector so it won't turn upside down.
That works and will look better than your method. But it will still look unnatural for some curves. The best method I can mention is quaternion interpolation, such as Slerp.
At each point of the curve, you also have a "right" vector: the vector that points to the right of the plane. From the curve and this vector, you can calculate the up vector at this point. Then, you use quaternion interpolation to interpolate the up vectors along the curve.
If position and rotation depends only on spline curvature the easiest way will be Numerical differentiation of 3D spline (you will have 2 derivatives one for vertical and one for horizontal components). Your UP and side will be normals to the tangent.

Intersection of a 3D Grid's Vertices

Imagine an enormous 3D grid (procedurally defined, and potentially infinite; at the very least, 10^6 coordinates per side). At each grid coordinate, there's a primitive (e.g., a sphere, a box, or some other simple, easily mathematically defined function).
I need an algorithm to intersect a ray, with origin outside the grid and direction entering it, against the grid's elements. I.e., the ray might travel halfway through this huge grid, and then hit a primitive. Because of the scope of the grid, an iterative method [EDIT: (such as ray marching) ]is unacceptably slow. What I need is some closed-form [EDIT: constant time ]solution for finding the primitive hit.
One possible approach I've thought of is to determine the amount the ray would converge each time step toward the primitives on each of the eight coordinates surrounding a grid cell in some modular arithmetic space in each of x, y, and z, then divide by the ray's direction and take the smallest distance. I have no evidence other than intuition to think this might work, and Google is unhelpful; "intersecting a grid" means intersecting the grid's faces.
I really only care about the surface normal of the primitive (I could easily find that given a distance to intersection, but I don't care about the distance per se).
The type of primitive intersected isn't important at this point. Ideally, it would be a box. Second choice, sphere. However, I'm assuming that whatever algorithm is used might be generalizable to other primitives, and if worst comes to worst, it doesn't really matter for this application anyway.
Here's another idea:
The ray can only hit a primitive when all of the x, y and z coordinates are close to integer values.
If we consider the parametric equation for the ray, where a point on the line is given by
p=p0 + t * v
where p0 is the starting point and v is the ray's direction vector, we can plot the distance from the ray to an integer value on each axis as a function of t. e.g.:
dx = abs( ( p0.x + t * v.x + 0.5 ) % 1 - 0.5 )
This will yield three sawtooth plots whose periods depend on the components of the direction vector (e.g. if the direction vector is (1, 0, 0), the x-plot will vary linearly between 0 and 0.5, with a period of 1, while the other plots will remain constant at whatever p0 is.
You need to find the first value of t for which all three plots are below some threshold level, determined by the size of your primitives. You can thus vastly reduce the number of t values to be checked by considering the plot with the longest (non-infinite) period first, before checking the higher-frequency plots.
I can't shake the feeling that it may be possible to compute the correct value of t based on the periods of the three plots, but I can't come up with anything that isn't scuppered by the starting position not being the origin, and the threshold value not being zero. :-/
Basically, what you'll need to do is to express the line in the form of a function. From there, you will just mathematically have to calculate if the ray intersects with each object, as and then if it does make sure you get the one it collides with closest to the source.
This isn't fast, so you will have to do a lot of optimization here. The most obvious thing is to use bounding boxes instead of the actual shapes. From there, you can do things like use Octrees or BSTs (Binary Space Partitioning).
Well, anyway, there might be something I am overlooking that becomes possible through the extra limitations you have to your system, but that is how I had to make a ray tracer for a course.
You state in the question that an iterative solution is unacceptably slow - I assume you mean iterative in the sense of testing every object in the grid against the line.
Iterate instead over the grid cubes that the line intersects, and for each cube test the 8 objects that the cube intersects. Look to Bresenham's line drawing algorithm for how to find which cubes the line intersects.
Note that Bresenham's will not return absolutely every cube that the ray intersects, but for finding which primitives to test I'm fairly sure that it'll be good enough.
It also has the nice properties:
Extremely simple - this will be handy if you're running it on the GPU
Returns results iteratively along the ray, so you can stop as soon as you find a hit.
Try this approach:
Determine the function of the ray;
Say the grid is divided in different planes in z axis, the ray will intersect with each 'z plane' (the plane where the grid nodes at the same height lie in), and you can easily compute the coordinate (x, y, z) of the intersect points from the ray function;
Swipe z planes, you can easily determine which intersect points lie in a cubic or a sphere;
But the ray may intersects with the cubics/spheres between the z planes, so you need to repeat the 1-3 steps in x, y axises. This will ensure no intersection is left off.
Throw out the repeated cubics/spheres found from x,y,z directions searches.

Finding closest pair of points on a sphere

I know how to implement n log n closest pair of points algorithm (Shamos and Hoey) for 2D cases (x and y). However for a problem where latitude and longitude are given this approach cannot be used. The distance between two points is calculated using the haversine formula.
I would like to know if there is some way to convert these latitudes and longitudes to their respective x and y coordinates and find the closest pair of points, or if there is another technique that can be used to do it.
I would translate them to three dimensional coordinates and then use the divide and conquer approach using a plane rather than a line. This will definitely work correctly. We can be assured of this because when only examining points on the sphere, the two closest points by arc distance (distance walking over the surface) will also be the two closest by 3-d Cartesian distance. This will have running time O(nlogn).
To translate to 3-d coordinates, the easiest way is to make (0,0,0) the center of the earth and then your coordinates are (cos(lat)*cos(lon),cos(lat)*sin(lan),sin(lat)). For those purposes I'm using a scale for which the radius of the Earth is 1 in order to simplify calculations. If you want distance in some other unit, just multiply all quantities by the radius of the Earth when measured in that unit.
I should note that all this assumes that the earth is a sphere. It's not exactly one and points may actually have altitude as well, so these answers won't really be completely exact, but they will be very close to correct in almost every case.

Determine transformation matrix

As a followup to my previous question about determining camera parameters I have formulated a new problem.
I have two pictures of the same rectangle:
The first is an image without any transformations and shows the rectangle as it is.
The second image shows the rectangle after some 3d transformation (XYZ-rotation, scaling, XY-translation) is applied. This has caused the rectangle to look a trapezoid.
I hope the following picture describes my problem:
alt text
How do determine what transformations (more specifically: what transformation matrix) have caused this tranformation?
I know the pixel locations of the corners in both images, hence i also know the distances between the corners.
I'm confused. Is this a 2d or a 3d problem?
The way I understand it, you have a flat rectangle embedded in 3d space, and you're looking at two 2d "pictures" of it - one of the original version and one based on the transformed version. Is this correct?
If this is correct, then there is not enough information to solve the problem. For example, suppose the two pictures look exactly the same. This could be because the translation is the identity, or it could be because the translation moves the rectangle twice as far away from the camera and doubles its size (thus making it look exactly the same).
This is a math problem, not programming ..
you need to define a set of equations (your transformation matrix, my guess is 3 equations) and then solve it for the 4 transformations of the corner-points.
I've only ever described this using German words ... so the above will sound strange ..
Based on the information you have, this is not that easy. I will give you some ideas to play with, however. If you had the 3D coordinates of the corners, you'd have an easier time. Here's the basic idea.
Move a corner to the origin. Thereafter, rotations will take place about the origin.
Determine vectors of the axes. Do this by subtracting the adjacent corners from the origin point. These will be a local x and y axis for your world.
Determine angles using the vectors. You can use the dot and cross products to determine the angle between the local x axis and the global x axis (1, 0, 0).
Rotate by the angle in step 3. This will give you a new x axis which should match the global x axis and a new local y axis. You can then determine another rotation about the x axis which will bring the y axis into alignment with the global y axis.
Without the z coordinates, you can see that this will be difficult, but this is the general process. I hope this helps.
The solution will not be unique, as Alex319 points out.
If the second image is really a trapezoid as you say, then this won't be too hard. It is a trapezoid (not a parallelogram) because of perspective, so it must be an isosceles trapezoid.
Draw the two diagonals. They intersect at the center of the rectangle, so that takes care of the translation.
Rotate the trapezoid until its parallel sides are parallel to two sides of the original rectangle. (Which two? It doesn't matter.)
Draw a third parallel through the center. Scale this to the sides of the rectangle you chose.
Now for the rotation out of the plane. Measure the distance from the center to one of the parallel sides and use the law of sines.
If it's not a trapezoid, just a quadralateral, then it'll be harder, you'll have to use the angles between the diagonals to find the axis of rotation.
