Intersection of a 3D Grid's Vertices - algorithm

Imagine an enormous 3D grid (procedurally defined, and potentially infinite; at the very least, 10^6 coordinates per side). At each grid coordinate, there's a primitive (e.g., a sphere, a box, or some other simple, easily mathematically defined function).
I need an algorithm to intersect a ray, with origin outside the grid and direction entering it, against the grid's elements. I.e., the ray might travel halfway through this huge grid, and then hit a primitive. Because of the scope of the grid, an iterative method [EDIT: (such as ray marching) ]is unacceptably slow. What I need is some closed-form [EDIT: constant time ]solution for finding the primitive hit.
One possible approach I've thought of is to determine the amount the ray would converge each time step toward the primitives on each of the eight coordinates surrounding a grid cell in some modular arithmetic space in each of x, y, and z, then divide by the ray's direction and take the smallest distance. I have no evidence other than intuition to think this might work, and Google is unhelpful; "intersecting a grid" means intersecting the grid's faces.
I really only care about the surface normal of the primitive (I could easily find that given a distance to intersection, but I don't care about the distance per se).
The type of primitive intersected isn't important at this point. Ideally, it would be a box. Second choice, sphere. However, I'm assuming that whatever algorithm is used might be generalizable to other primitives, and if worst comes to worst, it doesn't really matter for this application anyway.

Here's another idea:
The ray can only hit a primitive when all of the x, y and z coordinates are close to integer values.
If we consider the parametric equation for the ray, where a point on the line is given by
p=p0 + t * v
where p0 is the starting point and v is the ray's direction vector, we can plot the distance from the ray to an integer value on each axis as a function of t. e.g.:
dx = abs( ( p0.x + t * v.x + 0.5 ) % 1 - 0.5 )
This will yield three sawtooth plots whose periods depend on the components of the direction vector (e.g. if the direction vector is (1, 0, 0), the x-plot will vary linearly between 0 and 0.5, with a period of 1, while the other plots will remain constant at whatever p0 is.
You need to find the first value of t for which all three plots are below some threshold level, determined by the size of your primitives. You can thus vastly reduce the number of t values to be checked by considering the plot with the longest (non-infinite) period first, before checking the higher-frequency plots.
I can't shake the feeling that it may be possible to compute the correct value of t based on the periods of the three plots, but I can't come up with anything that isn't scuppered by the starting position not being the origin, and the threshold value not being zero. :-/

Basically, what you'll need to do is to express the line in the form of a function. From there, you will just mathematically have to calculate if the ray intersects with each object, as and then if it does make sure you get the one it collides with closest to the source.
This isn't fast, so you will have to do a lot of optimization here. The most obvious thing is to use bounding boxes instead of the actual shapes. From there, you can do things like use Octrees or BSTs (Binary Space Partitioning).
Well, anyway, there might be something I am overlooking that becomes possible through the extra limitations you have to your system, but that is how I had to make a ray tracer for a course.

You state in the question that an iterative solution is unacceptably slow - I assume you mean iterative in the sense of testing every object in the grid against the line.
Iterate instead over the grid cubes that the line intersects, and for each cube test the 8 objects that the cube intersects. Look to Bresenham's line drawing algorithm for how to find which cubes the line intersects.
Note that Bresenham's will not return absolutely every cube that the ray intersects, but for finding which primitives to test I'm fairly sure that it'll be good enough.
It also has the nice properties:
Extremely simple - this will be handy if you're running it on the GPU
Returns results iteratively along the ray, so you can stop as soon as you find a hit.

Try this approach:
Determine the function of the ray;
Say the grid is divided in different planes in z axis, the ray will intersect with each 'z plane' (the plane where the grid nodes at the same height lie in), and you can easily compute the coordinate (x, y, z) of the intersect points from the ray function;
Swipe z planes, you can easily determine which intersect points lie in a cubic or a sphere;
But the ray may intersects with the cubics/spheres between the z planes, so you need to repeat the 1-3 steps in x, y axises. This will ensure no intersection is left off.
Throw out the repeated cubics/spheres found from x,y,z directions searches.


Data structure for piecewise circular trajectory in plane

I'm trying to design a data-structure to hold/express a piecewise circular trajectory in the Euclidian plane. The trajectory is constrained to be continuous and have finite curvature everywhere, and therefore the circular arcs meet tangentially.
Storing all the circle centers, radii, and touching points would allow for inspecting the geometry anywhere in O(1) but would require explicit enforcement of the continuity and curvature constraints due to data redundancy. In my view, this would make the code messy.
Storing only the circle touching points (which are waypoints along the curve) along with the curve's initial direction would be sufficient in principle, and avoid data redundancy, but then it would be necessary to do an O(n) calculation to inspect the geometry of arc n, since that arc depends on all the arcs preceding it in the trajectory.
I would like to avoid data redundancy, but I also don't want to make the cost of geometric inspection prohibitive.
Does anyone have any high-level idea/advice to share?
For the most efficient traversal of the trajectory, if I am right you need
the ending curvilinear abscissas of every arc (cumulative),
the radii,
the starting angles,
the coordinates of the centers,
so that for a given s you find the index of the arc, then the azimuth and the coordinates of the point. (Either incrementally for a sequence of points, or by dichotomy for a single point.) That takes five parameters per arc.
Only the cumulative abscissas are global, but you can't do without them for single-point accesses. You can drop the radii and starting angles and retrieve them for any arc from the difference of curvilinear abscissas and the limit angles (see below). This reduces to three parameters.
On the other hand, knowing just the coordinates of the centers and those of the starting and ending points is enough to recover the whole geometry, and this takes two parameters per arc.
The meeting point of two arcs is found on the line through the centers, and if you know one radius, the other follows. And the limit angle is given by the direction of the line. So for an incremental traversal, this non-redundant description can do.
For convenient computation, knowing s and the arc index, consider the vectors from the center to the centers of the adjoining arcs. Rotate them so that the first becomes horizontal. The components of the other will give you the amplitude angle. The fraction (s - Si-1) / (Si - Si-1) of the amplitude gives you the azimuth of the point, to which you apply the counter-rotation.
I'd store items with the data required to get info for any point of that element. For example, an arc needs x, y, initial direction, radius, lenght (or end point, or angle difference or whatever you find easiest).
Because you need continuity (same x,y, same bearing, perhaps same curvature) between two ending points then a node with this properties is needed. Notice these properties are common to arcs and straights (a special arc identified by radius = 0). So you can treat a node the same as an item.
The trajectory should be calculated before any request. So you have all items-data in advance.
The container depends on how you request info.
If the trajectory can be somehow represented in a grid, then you better use a quad-tree.
I guess you must find the item from a x,y or accumulated length input. You will have to iterate through the container to find the element closest to the input data. Sorted data may help.
My choice is a simple vector with the consecutive elements, which happens to be sorted on accumulated trajectory length.
Finding by x,y on a x-sorted container (or a tree) is not so simple, due to some x,y may have perpendiculars to several items, consecutive or not, near or not, and you need to select the nearest one.

Snapping vector to a point from a grid on a sphere (icosahedron)

here is a problem that will turn your brain inside out, I'm trying to deal with it for a quite some time already.
Suppose you have sphere located in the origin of a 3d space. The sphere is segmented into a grid of equidistant points. The procedure that forms grid isn't that important but what seems simple to me is to use regular 3d computer graphics sphere generation procedure (The algorithm that forms the sphere described in the picture below)
Now, after I have such sphere (i.e. icosahedron of some degree) I need a computationally trivial procedure that will be capable to snap (an angle) of a random unit vector to it's closest icosahedron edge points. Also it is acceptable if the vector will be snapped to a center point of triangle that the vector is intersecting.
I would like to emphasise that it is important that the procedure should be computationally trivial. This means that procedures that actually create a sphere in memory and then involve a search among every triangle in sphere is not a good idea because such search will require access to global heap and ram which is slow because I need to perform this procedure millions of times on a low end mobile hardware.
The procedure should yield it's result through a set of mathematical equations based only on two values, the vector and degree of icosahedron (i.e. sphere)
Any thoughts? Thank you in advance!
One afterthought that just came to my mind, it seems that within diagram below step 3 (i.e. Project each new vertex to the unit sphere) is not important at all, because after bisection, projection of every vertex to a sphere would preserve all angular characteristics of a bisected shape that we are trying to snap to. So the task simplifies to identifying a bisected sub triangle coordinates that are penetrated by vector.
Make a table with 20 entries of top-level icosahedron faces coordinates - for example, build them from wiki coordinate set)
The vertices of an icosahedron centered at the origin with an
edge-length of 2 and a circumscribed sphere radius of 2 sin (2π/5) are
described by circular permutations of:
V[] = (0, ±1, ±ϕ)
where ϕ = (1 + √5)/2
is the golden ratio (also written τ).
and calculate corresponding central vectors C[] (sum of three vectors for vertices of every face).
Find the closest central vector using maximum of dot product (DP) of your vector P and all C[]. Perhaps, it is possible to reduce number of checks accounting for P components (for example if dot product of P and some V[i] is negative, there is no sense to consider faces being neighbors of V[i]). Don't sure that this elimination takes less time than direct full comparison of DP's with centers.
When big triangle face is determined, project P onto the plane of that face and get coordinates of P' in u-v (decompose AP' by AB and AC, where A,B,C are face vertices).
Multiply u,v by 2^N (degree of subdivision).
u' = u * 2^N
v' = v * 2^N
iu = Floor(u')
iv = Floor(v')
fu = Frac(u')
fv = Frac(v')
Integer part of u' is "row" of small triangle, integer part of v' is "column". Fractional parts are trilinear coordinates inside small triangle face, so we can choose the smallest value of fu, fv, 1-fu-fv to get the closest vertice. Calculate this closest vertex and normalize vector if needed.
It's not equidistant, you can see if you study this version:
It's a problem of geodesic dome frequency and some people have spent time researching all known methods to do that geometry:, see that guy is a self labelled geodesizer :)
One page told me that the progression goes like this: 2 + 10·4N (12,42,162...)
You can simplify it down to a simple flat fractal triangle, where every triangle devides into 4 smaller triangles, and every time the subdivision is rotated 12 times around a sphere.
Logically, it is only one triangle rotated 12 times, and if you solve the code on that side, then you have the lowest computation version of the geodesic spheres.
If you don't want to keep the 12 sides as a series of arrays, and you want a lower memory version, then you can read about midpoint subdivision code, there's a lot of versions of midpoint subdivision.
I may have completely missed something. just that there isn't a true equidistant geodesic dome, because a triangle doesn't map to a sphere, only for icos.

Linear depth buffer

Many people use usual perspective matrix with third line like this:
(0 0 (n+f)/(n-f) 2*n*f/(n-f))
But it has problem with float precision near far clipping surface. The result is z-fighting.
What about to use linear transformation of z? Let's change the matrix third line to this:
(0 0 -2/(f-n) (-f-n)/(f-n))
It will be linear transformation z from [-n, -f] to [-1, 1]. Then, we will add the line in vertex shader:
gl_Position.z *= gl_Position.w;
After perspective divide the z value will be restored.
Why don't it used everywhere? I found a lot of articles in internet. All of them used a usual matrix.
Is linear transformation described by me has problems what I don't see?
Update: This is not a duplicate of this. My question is not about how to do linear depth buffer. In my case, the buffer is already linear. I don't understand, why is this method not used? Are there traps in the inner webgl pipeline?
The approach you're describing simply doesn't work. One advantage of a hyperbolic Z buffer is that we can interpolate the resulting depth values linearly in screen space. If you multiply gl_Position.z by gl_Position.w, the resulting z value will not be linear in screen space any more, but the depth test will still use linearly interpolated values. This results in your primitives becoming bend in the z-dimension, leading to completely wrong occlusions and intersections between nearby primitives (especially if the vertices of on primitive lie near the center of the other).
The only way to use a linear depth buffer is to actually do the non-linear interpolation for the Z value yourself in the fragment shader. This can be done (and boil's down to just linearly transform the perspective-corrected interpolated w value for each fragment, hence it is sometimes called "W buffering"), but you're losing the benefits of the early Z test and - much worse - of the hierarchical depth test.
An interesting way to improve the precision of the depth test is to use a floating point buffer in combination with a reversed Z projection matrix, as explained in this Depth Precision Visualized blog article.
From your comment:
Depth in screen space is linear interpolation of NDC, how I understand form here. In my case, it will be linear interpolation of linear interpolation of z from camera space. Thus, depth in screen space interpolated already.
You mis-understood this. May main point was that the linear interpolation in screen space is only valid if you're using Z values which are already hyperbolically distorted (like NDC Z). If you want to use eye-space Z, this can not be linearly interpolated. I made some drawings of the situation:
This is a top-down view on eye-space and NDC. All drawings are actually to scale. The green ray is a view ray going through some pixel. This pixel happens to be the one which directly represents the mid-point of that one triangle (green point).
After the projection matrix is applied and the division by w has happened, we are in normalized device coordinates. Note that the direction of the viewing ray is now just +z, and all view rays of all pixels became parallel (so that we can just ignore Z when rasterizing). Due to the hyperbolic relation of the z value, the green point now does not lie on exactly on the center any more, but is squeezed towards the far plane. However, the important point is that this point now lies on the straight line formed by the (hyperbolically distorted) end points of the primitive - hence we simply can interpolate z_ndc linearly in screen space.
If you use a linear depth buffer, the green point now lies at z in the center of the primitive again, but that point is not on the straight line - you actually bend your primitives.
Since the depth test will use a linear interpolation, it will just get the points as in the rightmost drawing as input from the vertex shader, but will interpolate them linearly - connecting those points by straight lines. As a result, the intersection between primitives will not be where it actually has to be.
Another way to think of this: Imagine you draw some primitive which extents into the z-dimension, with some perspective projection. Due to perspective, stuff that is farther away will appear smaller. So if you just go one pixel to the right in screen space, the z extent covered by that step will actually bigger if the primitive is far away, while it will become smaller and smaller as closer you get. So if you just go in equal-sized steps to the right, the z-steps you're making will vary depending on the orientation and position of your primitive. However, we want to use a linear interpolation, so we want to make the same z step size for every x step. The only we to do this is by distorting the space z is in - and the hyperbolical distortion introduced by the division by w exactly does that.
We don't use a linear transformation because that will have precision problems at all distances equally. At least now, the precision problems only show up far away, where you're less likely to notice. A linear mapping spaces the error out evenly, which makes errors more likely to happen close to the camera.

Calculating the normal of a point on a heightfield

I have a spherical heightfield, defined by a function f(x, y, z) which returns the distance from the origin of the surface of the heightfield of a line which passes from the origin through (x,y,z).
(In other words, the isosurface for my heightfield is |x,y,z| = f(x,y,z).)
(Also, for the sake of discussion below, I'm going to assume that surface(x,y,z) is the location of the point on the surface directly below (x,y,z).)
When rendering this, I need to calculate the normal for any point on the heightfield. What's the cheapest way of doing this?
To calculate the normal of a point on a rectangular heightfield, the usual trick is to offset (x,y,z) slightly in two directions parallel to the nominal surface, calculate three points on the heightfield to form a triangle, and then use the cross product to calculate the triangle's normal. This is easy as the three points can simply be surface(x,y,z), surface(x+1,y,z) and surface(x,y+1,z) (or similar). But for a spherical heightfield it's a little trickier because the normal can point in any direction. Simply displacing by x and y won't do because if two of my points fall on a radius, then surface() of them will return the same location and I won't get a triangle.
In the past what I've done is to use the vector <x,y,z> as a radius from the sphere's origin; then calculate a vector perpendicular to it; then rotate this vector around <x,y,z> to give me my three points. But this is fiddly and expensive and shouldn't be necessary. There must be a cheaper way. What is it?
Calculate the surface() points and, if they are close enough to cause problems, carry out the more expensive (but accurate) calculation; otherwise, use the cheap/easy calculation.

fast sphere-grid intersection

given a 3D grid, a 3d point as sphere center and a radius, i'd like to quickly calculate all cells contained or intersected by the sphere.
Currently i take the the (gridaligned) boundingbox of the sphere and calculate the two cells for the min anx max point of this boundingbox. then, for each cell between those two cells, i do a box-sphere intersection test.
would be great if there was something more efficient
There's a version of the Bresenham algorithm for drawing circles. Consider the two dimensional place at z=0 (assume the sphere is at 0,0,0 for now), and look at only the x-y plane of grid points. Starting at x= R, y=0, follow the Bresenham algorithm up to y = y_R, x=0, except instead of drawing, you just use the result to know that all grid points with lower x coordinates are inside the circle, down to x=x_center. Put those in a list, count them or otherwise make note of. When done with two dimensional problem, repeat with varying z and using a reduced radius R(z) = sqrt(R^2-z^2) in place of R, until z=R.
If the sphere center is indeed located on a grid point, you know that every grid point inside or outside the right half of the sphere has a mirror partner on the left side, and likewise top/bottom, so you can do half the counting/listing per dimension. You can also save time running Bresenham only to the 45 degree line, because any x,y point relative to the center has a partner y,x. If the sphere can be anywhere, you will have to compute results for each octant.
No matter how efficiently you calculate an individual cell being inside or outside the sphere, your algorithm will always be O(radius^3) because you have to mark that many cells. DarenW's suggestion of the midpoint (aka Bresenham) circle algorithm could give a constant factor speedup, as could simply testing for intersection using the squared radius to avoid the sqrt() call.
If you want better than O(r^3) performance, then you may be able to use an octree instead of a flat grid. Each node of the tree could be marked as being entirely inside, entirely outside, or partially inside the sphere. For partially inside nodes, you recurse down the tree until you get to the finest-grained cells. This will still require marking O(r^2 log r) nodes [O(r^2) nodes on the boundary, O(log r) steps through the tree to get to each of them], so it might not be worth the trouble in your application.
