Magento: Disable products being added to multiple categories - magento

Is it possible to disable users from adding products to multiple categories in the catalog? When a user tries to add a product, it shows all the available categories and sub categories
in the catalog and if the user selects all of them, the same product will be added all over the place in the store. I was wondering if there's a way to restrict that.

There's no way to do what you describe natively in Magento, you would have to write a local module.


Magento drop down to be selected by buyer

I am new to Magento. The website I am working on sells contact lenses and some custom attributes need to be added on the product page. Now requirement states that user has to select some prescription values from drop-down fields before adding the product to cart. I am totally lost on how to do it. This question asks the same thing:
Fields to be filled by the buyer in magento product page
But the answer points to dead link. How to retrieve some custom information from user on product page and store it along with order?
This is possible with custom option. Magento provide custom option facility. when you create custom option then it displayed on product page and you will get information from customer and that information stored in order automatically.
reference link :
You can create Dynamic custom option. I have answered thw whole process here:
dynamically add product custom options magento
As the Custom option applicaple to particular category. so you need to add required conditionon on precription form on product detail page.
You can manage this using custom option and there is a great module available in magento connect to achieve your goal.

Can not view products in admin of magento

I am new to magento and i need little help....
Actually I added simple products in magento and was trying to add some configurable products,The simple products were working fine.
While working on configurable products something happened and I can not see any products in manage products area.
I have checked the database and products exists there.
What should I do to fix this issue.....Kindly help
you can see associated product
just click on that
then you can see yoursimple product list ,,if not then click on reset filter
Go to catalog manage products and check if the fields are blank and click search
The simple products will not show if you do not have the attribute set that links the simples to the configurable. What is the attribute you are using? Check in the simples if this is set to be a value. Then go back to the Configurable, go to the associated products and click on 'Reset'. They should now show.

add-on options of product in magento?

I want to add a product with add-on options, and we should be able to manage the inventory of main product as well as add-ons. Also, its not compulsory to select add ons.
We want to add product Similiar to this product.
I have tried to implement it in two ways:
1. Using configurable products: Added a configurable product and added associated products. [Problem: Associated products becomes compulsory to select and also we are not able to manage inventory of the main product.
2. Using Bundled Products: Added a Bundled product and then assigned associated products to it. But here also we can't manage the inventory of the main bundled product.
Please help.
Use bundled product with custom changes. I dont think magento provide such functionality by default
Why doesn't a bundle product work for you?
You don't need to manage stock of the bundle product, only for the simples that are contained within.
You can set one bundle option with only the simple product that is your main product in and make it 'not user selectable qty' and 'required', then you have another product option underneath with your options, these can be a drop down or multi select and you make these 'not required' so they can choose these if they like.
Does that make sense?
I think this tutorial explains exactly what you need:

How to add bundled products to the cart simultaneously with checkboxes in magento

In Magento, I created a list of bundled products. In the frontend, along with each bundled product a checkbox is placed, so the user could select any number of bundled products with checkboxes, and add all of them in a cart simultaneously.
I wanted to know how I would be able to add all the selected bundled products to the shopping cart in a bulk.
Please check the link:
Any help would be much appreciated.
You can either:
Use ajax to post items to cart.
Use a use custom controller to add multiple items to cart (magento allows to add related items but you can't specify qty)
Maybe look at for inspiration on the module
Are you using the out-of-the-box bundle product type?
There is a way to setup such a bundle so that all of the items are "required" when purchasing the bundle. It should work out-of-the-box and you shouldn't have to pass anything to the add-to-cart function other than the ID of the entire bundle.
What you will want to do is edit the bundle product to have a single selectable product for each bundled option. Be sure to set the user-defined quantity to "no". See attached screenshot.

What is the best way to manage add-on products in Magento?

I have an Magento-based ecommerce store and I want to have product add-ons (e.g. chocolates) that customers can add to their orders.
Add-on products should not be visible in the regular catalog.
My products either will have add-on products or not (i.e. I'm not doing different combinations of add-ons for different customers)
If I add a new add-on product, it should show on every product that has add-ons enabled
What is the best way in Magento to create add-on products? Are there any modules that will work well for this.
Some solutions I can think of:
Create all your add-on products as normal products.
For each product that has add-on, add the add-on products to cross-sell or related-products of the product.
Set the visibility attribute on 'Catalogus' and don't add them to any categories.
(Create all your add-on products as normal products.)
Make grouped products of your product and any add-ons you want to add.
Set the add-on products on 'Don't visible individually' and probably the original products also.
Add the grouped products to the category structure.
