Spring integration - Keep messages after delivery - spring

1) I'm interested to learn if it is possible to keep the messages that were delivered using Spring Integration. I'm already using the mongo persistent storage (ConfigurableMongoDbMessageStore), but only failed messages remain in the collection. Ideally, I want all messages to remain with the functionality to list them and retry them.
I would use a field "status" or similar to identify queued, succesful or failed messages. Not sure if this field exists already, but I'm guessing something similar must be in place.
2) Also, when a message fails and is persited, there is a lot more data in the message. This data is serialised, so I'm curious how I can extract the original message and retry it.
3) The goal is to create an interface in the webapp where all queued messages can be seen, and retried. Not only failed messages, but also succesful deliveries (useful for testing).
I looked everywhere for an answer to this, but could not find it.

I'd say it isn't good design for queue component.
Right it returns failed messages to the queue back for the future redelivery, but good message should be removed from the queue to avoid duplication on the next poll from queue.
No, there is no "status" field on the message, because you use store as a queue.
BTW Spring Integration provides separete implementation for queue channels: MongoDbChannelMessageStore.
You can achieve it with separate parallel Mongo collection and store your message twice: for the queue and for the future analysis. Here you can introduce "status" field and control it, when message successful or not.
From here you can introduce you UI to manage that collection and provide actions like send, retry. Remove the message from here and send it again to those two collections.


MassTransit MessageData Management

I have been starting to make greater use of the message data feature of masstransit and am getting to the point needing to manage the message data in the store - i.e. remove old data.
The obvious choice is to have some outside process tidy up data, but clearly a scheduled (or not) clean up could remove data still in use or referenced by error or dead letter queues.
Ideally I would like to limit stored message data retention to messages only in error or dead letter queues, and automatically remove data for messages that have been successfully processed.
What would be the best approach to achieve this with MassTransit? Perhaps with a MiddleWare approach or similar, and if that is the case what is the correct approach?
Manual cleanup is recommended, using whatever makes sense for the repository in use. Because messages may still be in queues, or in error/dead-letter queues as you pointed out, it is really up to development/operations team to know when the right time is to remove older message data.
I'd suggest monitoring and managing the error/dead-letter queues more aggressively, keeping them empty. And then, just figure a good timeframe to delete old message data - one week, ten days, whatever - and deal with it that way.
I have had a backlog item to come up with a way to automatically manage message data, but since message data can be forwarded (using the same stored data) either via publish or send, there is no good way to track references.

How to create unique messages to rabbitmq queue - spring-amp

I am putting a message containing string data to rabbitmq queue.
Message publishing is called as a part of a service and the service can be called with same data (data goes to the queue) multiple times, thus chances for having duplicated data in the queue is very likely.
We have issues with this as the consumer code is inserting this data to table where this data is primary key. Consumer will be called from 4 different nodes simultaneously thus chances for having consumers consuming same data (from different messages) can happen.
I want to know if rabbitMQ publishing has any way to avoid message duplication.
Read "define a property "x-unique-message-code" to compare them is an easy and simple way" , but don't know how to do it.
I am using spring-amqp
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you
There is a good article from RabbitMQ about reliability: https://www.rabbitmq.com/reliability.html
There is a note like:
In the event of network failure (or a node crashing), messages can be duplicated, and consumers must be prepared to handle them. If possible, the simplest way to handle this is to ensure that your consumers handle messages in an idempotent way rather than explicitly deal with deduplication.
For this purpose the message to produce can be supplied with a messageId property.

Filter / drop duplicate messages from ActiveMQ queue based on custom properties

When my web application updates an item in the database, it sends a message containing the item ID via Camel onto an ActiveMQ queue, the consumer of which will get an external service (Solr) updated. The external service reads from the database independently.
What I want is that if the web application sends another message with the same item ID while the old one is still on queue, that the new message be dropped to avoid running the Solr update twice.
After the update request has been processed and the message with that item ID is off the queue, new request with the same ID should again be accepted.
Is there a way to make this work out of the box? I'm really tempted to drop ActiveMQ and simply implement the update request queue as a database table with a unique constraint, ordered by timestamp or a running insert id.
What I tried so far
I've read this and this page on Stackoverflow. These are the solutions mentioned there:
Idempotent consumers in Camel: Here I can specify an expression that defines what constitutes a duplicate, but that would also prevent all future attempts to send the same message, i.e. update the same item. I only want new update requests to be dropped while they are still on queue.
"ActiveMQ already does duplicate checks, look at auditDepth!": Well, this looks like a good start and definitely closest to what I want, but this determines equality based on the Message ID which I cannot set. So either I find a way to make ActiveMQ generate the Message ID for this queue in a certain way or I find a way to make the audit stuff look at my item ID field instead of the Message ID. (One comment in my second link even suggests using "a well defined property you set on the header", but fails to explain how.)
Write a custom plugin that redirects incoming messages to the deadletter queue if they match one that's already on the queue. This seems to be the most complete solution offered so far, but it feels so overkill for what I perceive as a fairly mundane and every-day task.
PS: I found another SO page that asks the same thing without an answer.
What you want is not message broker functionality, repeat after me, "A message broker is not a database, A message broker is not a database", repeat as necessary.
The broker's job is get messages reliably from point A to point B. The client offers some filtering capabilities via message selectors but this is minimal and mainly useful in keeping only specific messages that a single client is interested in from flowing there and not others which some other client might be in charge of processing.
Your use case calls for a more stateful database centric solution as you've described. Creating a broker plugin to walk the Queue to check for a message is reinventing the wheel and prone to error if the Queue depth is large as ActiveMQ might not even page in all the messages for you based on memory constraints.

Camel JMS ensuring ordering when unsidelining from dead letter channel

I am using camel to integrate with ActiveMQ JMS. I am receiving prices for products on this queue. I am using JMSXGroupID on productId to ensure ordering across a productId. Now if I fail to process this message I move it to a DeadLetterQueue. This could be because of a connection error on a dependent service or because of error with the message itself.
In case of the former I would have to manually remove it from the DLQ and put it back into the JMS queue.
Now the problem is that I dont know if any other message on that groupId has been received and processed or not. And hence unsidelining from DLQ will disrupt the order. On the other hand if I dont unsideline it and no other message has been received the product Id will not get the correct price.
1 solution that I have in mind is to use a fast key-value store(Redis) to store the last messageId or JMSTimestamp against a productId(message group). This is updated everytime I dequeue a message. Any other solution for this?
Relying on message order in JMS is a risky business - at best.
The best thing to do is to make the receiver handle messages out of sequence as a special case (but may take advantage message order during normal operation).
You may also want to distinguish between two errors: posion messages and temporary connection problems, maybe even use two different error queues for them. In the case of a posion message (invalid payload etc.) then there is nothing you can really do about it except starting a bug investigation. In such cases, you can probably send along "something else", such as dummy message to not interfere with order.
For the issues with connection problems, you can have another strategy - ActiveMQ Redelivery Policies. If there is network trouble, it's usually no use in trying to process the second message until the first has been handled. A Redelivery Policy ensures that (given you have a single consumer, that is). There is another question at SO where the poster actually has a solution to your problem and wants to avoid it. Read it. :)

Approach for taking action on reception of two different JMS messages

Say I have one JMS message FooCompleted
{"businessId": 1,"timestamp": "20140101 01:01:01.000"}
and another JMS message BazCompleted
{"businessId": 1,"timestamp": "20140101 01:02:02.000"}
The use case is that I want some action triggered when both messages have been received for the business id in question - essentially a join point of reception of the two messages. The two messages are published on two different queues and order between reception of FooCompleted and BazCompleted may change. In reality, I may need to have join of reception of several different messages for the businessId in question.
The naive approach was that to store the reception of the message in a db and check if message(s) its dependent join arm(s) have been received and only then kick off the action desired. Given that the problem seems generic enough, we were wondering if there is a better way to solve this.
Another thought was to move messages from these two queues into a third queue on reception. The listener on this third queue will be using a special avataar of DefaultMessageListenerContainer which overrides the doReceiveAndExecute to call receiveMessage for all outstanding messages in the queue and adding messages back to the queue whose all dependent messages have not yet arrived - the remaining ones will be acknowledged and hence removed. Given that the quantum of messages will be low, probing the queue over and adding messages again should not be a problem. The advantage would be avoiding the DB dependency and the associated scaffolding code. Wanted to see if there is something glaringly bad with this
Gurus, please critique and point out better ways to achieve this.
Thanks in advance!
Spring Integration with a JMS message-driven adapter and an aggregator with custom correlation and release strategies, and a peristent (JDBC) message store will provide your first solution without writing much (or any) code.
