how to send an email from a windows batch - windows

I would like to send an email from a windows batch with an attachment knowing that the recipient is a distribution list in outlook.
could you offer me a solution by answering these questions:
Windows module to be installed,
Is a Windows service must be installed, whether automatic or not?
Which protocols to use?
Thank you in advance


Microsoft Outlook does not save files consistently

I'm working on a .net project and interacting with outlook. The idea is that the user gets emails on his microsoft outlook client (outlook 2007 or outlook 2010). He chooses one of the emails and saves as Outlook Unicode message format (*.msg).
Then I took this file and read it by code.
The problem is that on certain machines, the file is saved with html tags, and in other machines the same email is saved without html tags and I use those tags to identify specific information of the email.
I've thought that it was a problem with the office or windows version, but don't, both machines has the same office version, the same windows version, and the same programs installed.
I have not been able to identify what is the difference between both machines. I'm sure it is related to unicode format or something.
The email format cannot be changed (no way, I've asked to the cliente).
The email contains tables inside it and the information I need is inside the tables.
I cannot do something different, so I need to have the client saving the email as explained before, and I have to process the email using a .net application created by me.
Does any body has any idea of what could be the problem here? I need to identify why both machine, with the same configuration, saves the same outlook email with different format.
I verify the email format opening it using notepad++

Taking App data backup from Windows Phone

My Windows Phone app doesn't have a service hosted but I would like to give the user an option to download/backup all the information(Just say note taking app) to another device or PC. How can we do that? Email attachment is an option but is there any other way?
Realistically you need to be looking at creating your own service/server for this if you want to do it now. DropBox (or similar) may be an option but it requires the users to already have an account.
Or wait until the Live SDK is available for the phone. (Or apply for the beta)

What message will send when a application is installed or uninstalled

I want to backup my system Register when a application is planing to be installed or uninstalled, what message will send from installer? Thanks in advance.
I think there is no proper solution for a common case.
Installer - is just a program which places your files into suitable directories and performs some additional actions, including registry manipulations.
As far as I know there no "message" for installers to be sent before or after installation.

Can I write a Microsoft Exchange plugin to avoid installing many Outlook add-ons?

What, if any, extensions can be run on Microsoft Exchange that then become visible to Outlook users?
Basically I'm wondering how to integrate at the Exchange layer, avoiding the task of having to install a plug-in or whatever for each Outlook user.
It really depends upon what you are trying to do.
If you are writing an Outlook add in that needs to run on the client PC and directly interface with Outlook at run time, you need to install on that PC. It needs to be there weather the Exchange server is able to be connected to or not.
If you can make your application do its magic completely at the server side, then yes it is possible. There are many ways to implement add-ins on the Exchange server side.
Maybe look into packaging your add-in as a MSI file that is a required application and have the Windows server auto install it if it is not there.

Using Microsoft SMS Sender to send out smses in batch?

I understand that we can use SMS Sender in command line mode.
But i been getting this error same as this article
The smssender.exe will use the last device that was successfully used to send messages in the Windows version of SMS Sender. But I tried it many times, and smssender.exe always complains that no last device was used.
Anyone have any idea about this?
You have to add a new registry under HKEY_Local_Machine-MMicrosoft-> SMSSender
Copy registry to create from HKey_Current_User
From 'Options', check the "Enable Logging" check-box. it has worked for me that way. Also it can also be used windows 7 x64 ( under the compatibility mode for XP )
