Can I write a Microsoft Exchange plugin to avoid installing many Outlook add-ons? - outlook

What, if any, extensions can be run on Microsoft Exchange that then become visible to Outlook users?
Basically I'm wondering how to integrate at the Exchange layer, avoiding the task of having to install a plug-in or whatever for each Outlook user.

It really depends upon what you are trying to do.
If you are writing an Outlook add in that needs to run on the client PC and directly interface with Outlook at run time, you need to install on that PC. It needs to be there weather the Exchange server is able to be connected to or not.
If you can make your application do its magic completely at the server side, then yes it is possible. There are many ways to implement add-ins on the Exchange server side.
Maybe look into packaging your add-in as a MSI file that is a required application and have the Windows server auto install it if it is not there.


SCCM: Add a client to the sccm console

I have installed a SCCM system. My problem now is that I don't know how to integrate clients that are on the same network like the SCCM.
I have already created a location in the SCCM-Console and i have to integrate application software into the SCCM.
The Testclient already has a Windows 7 installed.
My question: How do I connect a client with the SCCM?
It kind of seems like you are potentially asking a few different things here so I will give an answer to what I think you are asking and hopefully that helps
1. To add computers to sccm so they show up in your management console, you can either do it manually or via discovery. You can configure discovery in the administration tab. Normally you will want to discover computers from your AD setup.
2. To install the sccm client on the computers, you can either do it manually by running the software on the PC. Alternatively you can push out the client to computer by right clicking them and pushing out the client there.
3.To add software to sccm you can go to the software library tab and create either packages or applications.
Hope this helps.
You need to setup boundaries and boundary groups within SCCM based on subnet or AD sites.
Take a look at this example:
If you have discovery turned on, you should be able to right-click a computer object within the SCCM console and install the client, assuming you have the proper accounts and firewall rules setup.

Uninstalling on-premise exchange 2007 after outsourcing

We have recently migrated a single server exchange 2007 organisation out to a hosted exchange platform and everyone is working fine against the new platform.
The question I have is a simple one really.
Should I go through the process of properly uninstalling the exchange organisation from the server that it is on or should I just turn the server off. Presently the box is still on, albeit with all of the exchange services stopped.
I read that uninstalling the exchange organisation won't remove the objects/attributes that are added to the AD so is there any benefit of removing the organisation opposed to just turning off the server. Will there be any issues down the line with AD if I don't uninstall, and anything to be aware of if I did uninstall.
I would recommend turning the box off and take a backup of the hdd if later issues would occur (which propably won't because, as you say, all services are stopped). After these steps, you can format or do whatever you want to it.

How to check the applicability of a Microsoft patch

I work in a lab that tests software against multiple domain configurations. I currently have 8 domains with no cross-domain trust. They each have a WSUS server that talks to our primary NOC WSUS Server. Other than talking to the primary WSUS server, there is no communication from one domain to the other. I cannot change GPO settings or install any software that isn't already installed. The domains range from Windows XP with Server 2003 to Windows 7 with Server 2008. Each domain has anywhere between 8-20 servers and 3-5 workstations.
I have a machine that can talk to each of the servers in all of the domains, and can also talk to the primary WSUS server. I primary work with PowerShell, but I'm not opposed to another language if it makes what I'm trying to do easier. I have PowerShell 2.0 installed, but I can easily installed PowerShell 3.0 if needed.
I am charged with checking if patches have been installed on each of the servers. This testing cannot rely on WSUS's built in reporting tools, per requirements I cannot change. I would receive a list of patches, and I need to check each server to see if the patches are installed. Since the patches can be anything from Windows XP to Server 2008, I also need to check if the patch is applicable to the server itself. I have tried to use PoshWSUS to check for applicability, but I cannot get a connection to the Primary WSUS server because of either IIS rules or a Firewall rule. I have search online, and followed several guides, but this WSUS's setup is very customized, and I can only do so much to the server itself.
I have the following Patches:
I want to check the following server:
DC01: A Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller
I am currently using the following PowerShell command to test if they are installed:
Get-HotFix -ID "KB2604092","KB2676562","KB2686509" -ComputerName DC01
This command shows the following patches are installed:
Leaving the following uninstalled:
This correctly tells me that KB2676562 and KB2686509 are installed, but it doesn't tell me if KB2604092 missing, or not applicable.
What I am stuck on is how to verify that KB2604092 is not applicable to DC01. I can easily search Microsoft's site to verify it is only for Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP, but how can I check it's applicability via a script. I would love to find a way to scrap the Microsoft KB article for the data, but I don't know how to pull the required information from the web page. I assume there has to be a check within WSUS to check applicability, but I don't know where to look for something like that.
I forgot to mention, I have no control over what patches are approved, that is done by an outside company.
Well for security patches, Microsoft publishes a a spreadsheet that lists the all security bulletins since 1998. You can download from this page. (Direct link to spreadsheet)
You could then parse that spreadsheet (if you convert it to a CSV file, that would be easy to parse in powershell). It gives you all the information you are asking about.
If you're only interested in whether the update is applicable to the corresponding operating system, IUpdate.ProductTitles should give you the information you need.
There are more complicated cases, such as where an update is applicable only if a certain system component is installed. I don't think there's any way to handle those cases automatically.

Redmine on Windows 8

Trying to install Redmine on Windows 8 on this tutorial. Getting this errors:
Tried Bitnami's installer too, but I already have IIS Web Server and don't need the bundled Apache webserver. The installer doesn't give me to choose it's components. It installs Apache by default. So, Bitnami's Redmine is not for me.
What am I missing?
Is there any other good bug & request tracking software? Please don't Google and advise me to some random results. Advise something that you used and really good as Redmine
Once you get the error above, make sure that new WebSite's AppPool has write access to site's folder on the harddrive to complete the install process.
Then open the website in a browser and the installation will complete.
Set security accordingly after the install completes.
Use WebIssues multi-platform bug & request tracking software that fits all your needs instead of Redmine.
WebIssues is an open source, multi-platform system for issue tracking and team collaboration. It can be used to store, share and track issues with various attributes, comments and file attachments. It is easy to install and use but has many capabilities and is highly customizable.
Main features:
The Desktop Client application can run natively on Windows, Linux
and OS X
The Web Client can be used to access the system using a web browser
The server can be installed on any host with PHP 5.2 or newer and
MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQL Server
Issues can be filtered using public and personal views with
configurable filtering criteria
Email notifications can be sent and the Desktop CLient can
periodically check for new and modified issues meeting various
Various reports can be printed directly from the Desktop Client or
exported as HTML and PDF documents

MSI Install Outlook plug-in challenges

I have created an Outlook plug-in and I am having some challenges around installing the system. The issue I am having relates to the situation where a user is applying an update to my plug-in and has Outlook running while they apply the update via the MSI. Currently a window will be displaying informing the user that Outlook is running and they should close Outlook before continuing. The problem is though that they can elect to continue and reboot Outlook later. If that happens then my app is not completely installed and corruption with one of my data files can occur. I see two possible issues that I was hoping for ideas:
Is there anyway that I can eliminate the "Continue and reboot later" option that appears when Outlook is running during my MSI install?
If option #1 isn't possible, how can I add some of my own files to the list of files that the MSI keeps that are overwritten when Outlook is rebooted?
One possible, though frowned upon, solution is to write a CustomAction that will go look for open Outlook windows and close them. Generally you should warn your users you're about to close their application and give them the opportunity to not close it and cancel the install.
I have, unfortunately, used this solution more times than I care to admit in order to install Internet Explorer plug-ins.
There may be other solutions.
