What message will send when a application is installed or uninstalled - windows

I want to backup my system Register when a application is planing to be installed or uninstalled, what message will send from installer? Thanks in advance.

I think there is no proper solution for a common case.
Installer - is just a program which places your files into suitable directories and performs some additional actions, including registry manipulations.
As far as I know there no "message" for installers to be sent before or after installation.


Diagnosing self-healing MSI

The app I work on is written mainly in VB6.
Some users report that when they start up my app a different MSI installer will automatically run and try to repair its own installation. Often this is for AutoCAD but sometimes other programs also.
Usually this occurs every time they start the app.
What is a procedure that we can use to diagnose why this occurs? Since it is a third-party's installer which is running we don't have any visibility into what it is doing.
AutoDesk does have some info published on this:
Unexpected installer launches
Windows Installer displayed unexpectedly
but these do not directly provide enough information. Ideally I want to be able to completely prevent this from occurring to my end users, rather than just telling them how to avoid it or clean it up.
Your installer is acting on a directory, file or registry key that Windows Installer knows is part of the AutoCad installation.
First, I would turn on global Windows Installer logging. This means that any Windows Installer activity - including AutoCad's installer - is written to an external log file (in %temp%).
How to Enable Windows Installer Logging
Next, run your installer, and let the AutoCad installer run.
Now go to %temp% and you should find files MSIXXXX.LOG - one for your installer, one for AutoCad. Open these and you can work your way through them and identify which file or registry key the AutoCad MSI find is missing or changed.
You may find WiLogUtl.exe helpful for this:
With any luck you will identify that the directory, file or registry key triggering autorepair is also in your installer. If you're really in luck you can identify it as an item you should not be installing anyway - perhaps you are referencing a system component that would be present anyway, something protected by Windows File Protection.
If not, you will have to look at something like RegFree COM to move files out of shared directories into your private directory and reduce registry conflicts. Also, if you are using (consuming) the Visual C++ Runtime MSMs to make your MSI, consider using the Microsoft EXE installer instead or (best of all) placing the DLLs directly in your program folder, since I've found that the MSMs can cause just this sort of problem.
With regards to Peter Cooper Jr's comment on VB6 causing self-repair. Please check out the heat.exe documentation for Wix. You will see that there is a special switch the tool supports to suppress extracting certain registry values that are owned by the VB6 runtime itself (and hence shouldn't be messed with or updated by any other MSI): http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/overview/heat.html
Go down the list to the switch -svb6 and read the description to the right. (Reproduced here:)
When registering a COM component created in VB6 it adds registry
entries that are part of the VB6 runtime component:
[as well as] Any Interfaces that reference these two type libraries
Does your installer write to these keys? If so try to exclude them - this is good to do even if it isn't the culprit in this particular case.
Other than that there is a lengthy description of what can cause Windows Installer self-repair here: How can I determine what causes repeated Windows Installer self-repair?. It is a long article because there are so many different ways self-repair can occur. The common denominator is that different installers on your system are fighting over a shared setting that they keep updating with their own values on each application launch in an endless loop.

Auto Update Solution for VB6 Application

I am working on a VB6 application which has many executable and an Active X dlls.
And there are to be updated in c;lient machines to lates version once in a while which i am asking the user to update manually.
Can you please suggest me a way using which i can update it automatically from the files that can be available online.
Windows Installer has features supporting Patching and Upgrades. Using those techniques you can create various levels of "upgrade" packages.
Your application would need a separate "update" utility that is spawned when the user approves updating, perhaps in response to a prompt your program raises after checking for new versions.
This updater would check the current version and the remote site's catalog of updates to pick the appropriate package, download it to a temporary location, start Windows Installer to process the package (or packages, sometimes you might need to run several Installer runs), and clean up the temp location. Then you might offer to restrt the updated application or on some occasions need to reboot.
This updater would be a fancy form of the common "installation bootstrapper." As you can tell it needs some "smarts" in order to tell what package or packages to download and install in what sequence, when it needs to request rebooting, etc. This would probably be based on a downloaded "rules script" it obtains as part of selecting a valid update option.
After all, sometimes you can just apply a minor upgrade or patch upgrade, sometimes you need a more complete install or entire reinstall.
If your needs are extremely simple (just an EXE and maybe a few DLLs and OCXs - preferably using reg-free COM) you may not need to go to these lengths. However when you start adding in other considerations like multiple programs, data directory creation and security settings, possibly running a settings file conversion or even database conversion, DCOM, firewall, etc. configuration, database drivers or providers, etc. things get complicated quickly. Too complicated for simple snatch and grab updating.
And admin rights/UAC issues are a factor so you'll probably have to deal with privilege elevation.
None of this is trivial stuff. There are people who do little more than construct and test such deployment systems as their entire job.
If you use soemthing like Inno setup to install the application then an update is simple a matter of running that periodically.
You can either detect there is a new version available by checking a web site/local server, or just prompt to run the update after X days.

An installed program's "windows Installer" comes out when I launch a different application

When I launch an application, a windows installer from a previously installed program keeps popping up. The program still exeists in the Server and it's working fine. The installer popup, after clicking "cancel" will eventually dissapear.
I'm not interested in solving this problem, I'm just wondering how does the windows installer decides what to install? I mean to say, what's the mechanism? How and who triggers the windows installer?
Thanks for any reply!
This is the self-repair mechanism triggered automatically by the OS. Along with the above enumerated reasons it can also be triggered if:
A feature having been installed as advertised/install on first use/install when required
Files inappropriately shared between components, features, or products, which can lead to the resource being uninstalled while a product is still using it
A product with per-user data having been installed on a multi-user system by one user and then launched by another user
To investigate the resource whose absence triggers self-repair, look in the Application section of the system's event log. Self-repair events are displayed with source "MsiInstaller".
If the installer is indeed trying to add a resource required by another application the best solution would be to let it finish, and it should no longer appear after that.
Usually this behaviour appears when one of the following is true:
the install process was not completed successfuly
the registry entries for this program were deleted / corrupted
(not finding an appropriate registry entry is a trigger)
the install program's updatemanager was corrupted / disconfigured / cancelled on the previous run
The solution usually is to completely uninstall the program, to check that all folders and registry entries were indeed removed and then to re-install the program.

Trying to sort out msi installer security permission requirements

I've been asked to sort out what the security requirements are for our MSI installers. Unfortunately, I'm a bit stuck on what is required of a Windows Installer Component ID Launch Condition. I can't seem to dig up where those component id's are even stored. Any insight would be greatly appriciated.
The short answer: there are no permissions required. Everyone can evaluate the launch condition.
Components are handled internally by Windows Installer, along with the cached MSI. It doesn't matter where their information is stored because Windows Installer is fully integrated with user accounts, permissions and the UAC.
Basically, Windows Installer can do whatever it wants. None of its built-in actions will fail because of permissions because they were designed this way.
Additonally, searches only read information. Since the component information is stored internally and it's not accessible to your users, there's no reason a permission problem would occur.

License and Distribution rights for Windows Resource (instsrv.exe)

I have a service installation that in order to get it to work on Win2k, I had to include instsrv.exe in the installer, since Win2k doesn't include sc.exe (which I use for XP and up) and instsrv.exe is not always installed...so I cannot count on it being there. (instsrv and sc are both used to create/install the service on the system).
I have not been able to find the license terms or distribution rights for instsrv however. Is there going to be a legal issue with me including this Microsoft exe in my own installer and therefore distributing it to the customers of the product? If you can point me to an actual license document for this exe it would be greatly appreciated.
The instsrv.exe program appears to come from the Windows 2003 Resource Kit, which you can download freely from Microsoft. The referenced page indicates that when you install it, you'll encounter the EULA (End User License Agreement), which would be where you'd read about the license terms regarding things like redistribution.
You should read that agreement yourself. The way I read it, you can't bundle the Kit with your installer, though you could certainly arrange to have it downloaded automatically and have its own installer invoked by yours, with your end user having to click to accept the Microsoft EULA at that time.
What about using a different approach? I believe for a simple service installation there are probably only a few registry keys or something to tweak. Maybe a simple script (Python or such?) could do the job as well.
I'm no legal expert, but is the issue the use of instsrv.exe or that it's lying on the PC until you uninstall your product?
Would it be redistribution if you craft your installer in such a way that you merely package instsrv.exe, unpackage during the install process, run it via a custom action, then let the installer cleanup process delete it from the temporary location?
As a big sidestep, you could change installers to WiX v3. They have standard custom actions to install services. You get the added Msi easily active directory integrated bonus. You could go with something else entirely but I assume this is a very last resort.
In the end, services are nothing more than registry entries in a specific format so you are not entirely limited to using those programs. You just get the bonus of blaming Microsoft if either instsrv or sc happen to blow up the registry.
