Visual Studio 2013: "New ASP.NET Project" doesn't show templates to choose from - visual-studio-2013
I can't create a new ASP.NET Web Project via template. Clicking on "OK" crashes VS 2013 or shows the error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
I'm using MS Windows 8.1 + Visual Studio 2013 Premium Update 3.
Extensions I am using:
.NET Reflector Pro
Brace Completer
Visual Power Tools
Web Essentials 2013 for Update 3
Maybe someone knows whats going on? I am running VS 2013 as admin. :(
I tried disabling all Extension, doesn't help.
It's a fresh install from MSDN.
I just recognized that the templates show up, when I choose a .NET framework below 4.5:
Okay, reinstalling didn't help. I also uninstalled everything .NET related.

Okay I found the Problem.
in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies are three assemblies that prevent VS 2013 from showing up the assemblies. See this Question/Answer:
Can't create new MVC5 project or any other ASP .NET projects in Visual Studio 2013


Xamarin templates missing in Visual Studio 2017 enterprise

I had Visual Studio 2017 community before and Xamarin templates were there. I installed Visual Studio 2017 enterprise and now I do not see Xamarin templates like:
BlankApp(Xamarin.form Portable) and BlankApp(Native shared)
I have repaired Visual Studio and also updates but still same. Please advise how to fix it if anyone got same issue.
There is some changes on VS 2017 15.6.4, click Mobile App(Xamarin.Forms), and click OK, A window will appear allowing you to choose a Share Project or a .NET Standard:
Here is about the Share Project, and here is about the .Net Standard.

Visual Basic 2010 - Creating a Silverlight project?

My operating system is Windows 7 - SP1 (64bit). I tried to create a Silverlight project in Visual Basic 2010 (Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - SP1). Complete Install expect SQL Server 2008 Express SP1 (x64). But I got this message,
So I went to that link shown above (here it is) and downloaded the Microsoft Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and tried to install it and this is the message I get,
The link in the above message leads here. What needs to be done here to create a Silverlight project in Visual Basic 2010?
Thanks for Vinicius for the help in above comments.
This is what I did. I went to Programs and Features in Control Panel and uninstalled everything with the term "Visual Studio 2010". Then installed Visual Studio 2010 again. That's it. It worked. It created the Silverlight project with Silverlight 3. I also installed Microsoft Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010 after that and it created the project.

ASP.NET MVC 3 project templates do not show in VS 2010

I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2010:
Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel
Platform Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.0.30319 RTMRel
I installed files which I downloaded from
I cleared out the template cache located at "[ProgramFile x86]\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplatesCache" and then run devenv.exe /installvstemplates from the visual studio command line.
I am sure that I use Net.Framework 4.0. I have seen this many times :)
But MVC 3 Templates have not showed yet!
How to resolve it?
I uninstalled MS VS 2010 and repeated all actions and all become okay:).

MVC 3 Visual Studio 2010 Razor Model intellisense not working

Ever since I updated my projects for VS 11 I can't get my #Model intellisense to work in either version of Visual Studio (2010 or 11). I've tried reverting the .csproj file to remove the VS 11 references, but to no avail. Other MVC 3 Razor project are working just fine. Anyone experience this?
Not working in both versions of Visual Studio smells like the install is possibly corrupted a bit. My first step would be to try and repair the Visual Studio 2010 install and see if the Intellisense behavior comes back for 2010 only.
Control Panel
Add / Remove Programs
Visual Studio 2010
Select Repair in the menu
If this works then you could be happy with the returned intellisense or try the same steps for Visual Studio 11 and hope it fixes it for both. But if the installation of 2011 is to blame then very likely it would just immediately rebreak both of them
I found this article that addressed my issue.
It seems that some combination of installing VS 11 and some tool updates caused this issue. I got luck and managed to get the following error message:
The type System.Web.Mvc.ModelClientValidationRule exists in both c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v2.O\Assemblies\System.Web.WebPages.dll and c:\Program
Files (6)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 3\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll
After doing some digging I wound up uninstalling "Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools", which resulted in everything working. Granted it may have been a better idea to uninstall "Microsoft ASP.NET Web Pages - Visual Studio 2010 Tools" instead, but this is working at the moment.
I found a complete lack of information on the Internet about this type of issue, so I'm putting it here for posterity.

Sharepoint 2010 Projects not showing in Visual Studio 2010

I have installed sharepoint 2010 and the sdk, yet I cannot see / open sharepoint projects in Visual Studio. When I go to new >> Project, sharepoint is not anywhere in the options.
If I try and open an event receiver project, I get this project type is not supported in this installation.
I have tried reinstalling the Sharepoint 2010 SDK, and repairing VS 2010 Premium.
Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to do to get this to work?
I'm running VS 2010 Professional and when I ran VS 2010 SP1 it crashed during installation. After that I got the same error message when I opened a solution containing Sharepoint 2010 projects. I tried the following but it didn't solve it:
- Running VS 2010 repair
- Reinstalling VS2010 SP1
- Reinstalling .Net framework 4.0
Same error...
Finally I ran VS2010 setup, 'add remove features', and noticed that the 'Sharepoint Developer Tools' was not included anymore. I added it and now it works!
This was resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling VS 2010 premium. Go Figure!
