Xamarin templates missing in Visual Studio 2017 enterprise - xamarin

I had Visual Studio 2017 community before and Xamarin templates were there. I installed Visual Studio 2017 enterprise and now I do not see Xamarin templates like:
BlankApp(Xamarin.form Portable) and BlankApp(Native shared)
I have repaired Visual Studio and also updates but still same. Please advise how to fix it if anyone got same issue.

There is some changes on VS 2017 15.6.4, click Mobile App(Xamarin.Forms), and click OK, A window will appear allowing you to choose a Share Project or a .NET Standard:
Here is about the Share Project, and here is about the .Net Standard.


Setup projects on Visual Studio 2022

In Visual studio 2019 and earlier versions Setup projects were part of the project templates I could add to any solution.
Now I've tried to open an old solution in VS 2022 and it says there is no compatibility for this kind of project.
Is that so, or am I missing something? Is there anything I can do about it?
I know there are some new solutions for installers integrated with VS, but Setup project just works for me and I never felt the need to change.
For Visual Studio 2022 support for Visual Studio Installer Projects must now be installed as an official Microsoft extension from here:
I found this by googling "Visual Studio 2022 Installer Project".

Install Xamarin on Visual Studio 2017

I have recently installed Visual Studio(VS) 2015 on my desktop on Windows operating system. I thought when I opened the VS 2015, I expected to see the Xamarin in it, but it does not. Then I installed the Xamarin again, and again and again, but still Xamarin does not show up in VS 2015.
I wonder what is wrong? what am I missing? By the way, I still have Visual Studio 2013 on my system.
uninstall all the existing versions of visual studio ( 2010, 2012, 2013) except Visual Studio 2015 and then install Xamarin, and then you could able to see Xamarin on Visual Studio 2015.
Hope this will useful for you.,
File - > New -> Project -> and Click Open Visual Studio Installer. Check this image
Check this image

Code Map Missing Visual Studio

We just switched over to VS 2013 and I heard that you're supposed to be able to
generate code maps for your entire application. Awesome feature indeed, that could
get new developers on our project up to speed.
Watched a couple of tutorials, but when I tried to just right click on a method
in the application, the 'Show on Code Map' context menu is missing. In fact, I
can't find anything in VS that has anything to do with Code Maps.
My version:
Visual Studio Premium 2013
I tried installing Modeling SDK for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, but that didn't do anything.
Anyone got any ideas?
You need Visual Studio ULTIMATE to create Code Maps.
This has changed for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017:
The Enterprise Edition allows creating code maps.
The Community and Professional Editions can open diagrams generated in other Visual Studio editions in read-only mode.

Visual Studio 2013: "New ASP.NET Project" doesn't show templates to choose from

I can't create a new ASP.NET Web Project via template. Clicking on "OK" crashes VS 2013 or shows the error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
I'm using MS Windows 8.1 + Visual Studio 2013 Premium Update 3.
Extensions I am using:
.NET Reflector Pro
Brace Completer
Visual Power Tools
Web Essentials 2013 for Update 3
Maybe someone knows whats going on? I am running VS 2013 as admin. :(
I tried disabling all Extension, doesn't help.
It's a fresh install from MSDN.
I just recognized that the templates show up, when I choose a .NET framework below 4.5:
Okay, reinstalling didn't help. I also uninstalled everything .NET related.
Okay I found the Problem.
in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies are three assemblies that prevent VS 2013 from showing up the assemblies. See this Question/Answer:
Can't create new MVC5 project or any other ASP .NET projects in Visual Studio 2013

Visual Studio 2012 Website Does Work Properly in Visual Studio 2012

I originally created an ASP.NET site in Visual Studio 2010 a few years ago and it went through the VS 2010 SP1 update as well. This meant that Visual Studio 2012 opened the solution without performing a one time upgrade.
The issue I am having is that the built-in browser selector in Visual Studio 2012 is not available for this project and the settings only let you use the default browser.
When I looked in the .SLN file, the version line indicates Visual Studio 2012 (i.e. # Visual Studio 2012) and no other setting in there appears to have anything to do with this limitation.
Has anybody had this issue and, if so, can you please let me know how your overcame it?
You're going to have to upgrade your project to allow it to make use of Visual Studio 2012 only features. Note, if you do this you will no longer be able to open your project in earlier versions of VS.
For VS 2010 , you can install WoVS Default Browser Switcher extension
Also a related question Change default browser in Visual Studio 2010 RC
