ASP.NET MVC 3 project templates do not show in VS 2010 -

I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2010:
Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel
Platform Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.0.30319 RTMRel
I installed files which I downloaded from
I cleared out the template cache located at "[ProgramFile x86]\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplatesCache" and then run devenv.exe /installvstemplates from the visual studio command line.
I am sure that I use Net.Framework 4.0. I have seen this many times :)
But MVC 3 Templates have not showed yet!
How to resolve it?

I uninstalled MS VS 2010 and repeated all actions and all become okay:).


How do I build a Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) that targets Visual Studio 2010-2017

Our build environment is VS 2015 (ideally) targeting .net 4.0
We have just re-worked our visual studio plugins based on the Visual Studio extensibility project template in VS 2015. The resulting VSIX works great on VS 2015 & 2017 RC1.
However I would like to target the VSIX at VS 2010 (and ideally 2012). This is where the problems start....
VS 2010 uses .net 4.0.
I drop the compiler to .net 4.0
The VS 2015 (4.5) assemblies wont load (i.e. Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.14.0).
Thats OK as I don't use anything in them, so I drop the references to them in favour of the version 10.0 (2010) ones.
Great the code compiles.
But the VSIX package does not
1>C:\Program Files
warning MSB3274: The primary reference
"Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL" could not
be resolved because it was built against the
".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" framework. This is a higher version than
the currently targeted framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0".
So the problem seems to be that if I target VS 2010 I need it to build as .net 4.0, but the VS 2015 build script requires .net 4.5.
I'm wondering if its possible to use the VS 2010 build tools in a VS 2015 project? Or must I convert my VS 2015 project back to VS 2010?
Starting to think this is not possible for other reasons...
The new VSIX v3 format is backward compatible with VSIX v2, so you’ll
still be able to have a single VSIX with a single VSIX ID that
supports Visual Studio 2012 and later. The new VSIX v3 format does not
support Visual 2010 and earlier. To support Visual Studio 2010 onward,
you will need to create a separate extension (with a separate VSIX
I have ran into similar problem, so I have created a Nuget package called VsixUpdater, which can do the VSIX migration automatically if added to a VSIX project, it even works with older versions of Visual Studio (I tested it with 2012), after adding the package the generated VSIX packages will be V3 and 2017 compatible, see for details.
Create a seperate project and VSIX for VS 2010 and another for VS 2012 and later. You can have a look at my source here:
Notice that I require .NET 4.5.1 for my VS 2010 extension also (simply requires that .NET 4.5.1 is present/installed on the PC, and it is built in to Windows 8.1 and later)
In the end I ended up with 2 projects
A project targeting VS 2010 compiled under .Net 4.0 using a version 2.0 manifest (built using VS 2015).
A project targeting VS 2012 + compiled under .Net 4.5
using a version 3.0 manifest (built using VS 2015).
There has been a certain amount of faffing around with references, but it all seems to work. Our only outstanding issue is the code signing, as VS 2015 will not accept anything below SHA256 and VS 2012 will not accept SHA256....

Visual Studio 2013: "New ASP.NET Project" doesn't show templates to choose from
I can't create a new ASP.NET Web Project via template. Clicking on "OK" crashes VS 2013 or shows the error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
I'm using MS Windows 8.1 + Visual Studio 2013 Premium Update 3.
Extensions I am using:
.NET Reflector Pro
Brace Completer
Visual Power Tools
Web Essentials 2013 for Update 3
Maybe someone knows whats going on? I am running VS 2013 as admin. :(
I tried disabling all Extension, doesn't help.
It's a fresh install from MSDN.
I just recognized that the templates show up, when I choose a .NET framework below 4.5:
Okay, reinstalling didn't help. I also uninstalled everything .NET related.
Okay I found the Problem.
in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies are three assemblies that prevent VS 2013 from showing up the assemblies. See this Question/Answer:
Can't create new MVC5 project or any other ASP .NET projects in Visual Studio 2013

Microsoft Test Professional 2013 can't open .net projects

I recently got a copy of Microsoft Test Professional 2013, where previously I used Visual Studio 2012. I'm unable to run any projects within Visual Studio 2013 - Shell Integrated, which comes with Test Professional 2013.
The development team have upgraded to Visual Studio 2013 with no issues and we have tried changing the project versions.
I have checked that I have the correct .net framework and mvc installed.
Should I be able to open the projects and if so what might be going wrong?

How to allow Visual Studio to upgrade the project automatically?

I have some compatibility problems with vs 2010 file opened in vs 2013, i have read that maybe i can solve it activating the option "upgrade project automaticcaly" but i can't find it. Where i can find this option in Visual Studio 2013 Express?
I can't launch the project ,i have tried in VS2010 Express , VS2012 Express , VS2013 Express... It seems so strange, it's an official demo of kinect sdk.
Suddenly it starts work on visual studio 2010
It's not a project upgrade issue but the sounds of that error message - VS2013 Express doesn't support the project type you are trying to open.
The following page describes the s/w requirements for use that project
Kinect or Windows SDK
Specifically the s/w dev requirements are:
Visual Studio 2010, or Visual Studio 2012. The free Express editions can be downloaded from Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express.
.NET Framework 4 (installed with Visual Studio 2010), or .NET Framework 4.5 (installed with Visual Studio 2012).
There are a lot of other requirements also listed on that page.
I would suggest you download VS2012 Express (its free) and work from there.

Is it possible to downgrade from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2010?

I have a wonderful solution in Visual Studio 2012 with a Web project using WebAPI and a supporting Web Service project for data using Entity Framework (EF) Code First. I was just told I need to see about using Visual Studio 2010.
Is there something I can do to work on this project in Visual Studio 2010?
As Henrick answers: you do not upgrade/downgrade VS installs, rather you install versions side by side.
You note two technologies that might be problematic:
EF Code First: this is supported from 4.1 (or was it 4.2?) which is supported against .NET 4.0 and VS2010. Providing your not using enum or geo/spatial data types (which require .NET 4.5) this should work, but you'll need to ensure you update to the EF5 NuGet package for .NET 4.
WebAPI: This is new in MVC4, which comes with VS2012, but is a separate install for .NET 4/VS2010.
Finally. While some project types with round trip between VS2012 and VS2010 SP1 (you need the service pack) it is not true for all project types. Details are on MSDN.
You can install Visual Studio 2010 separately and open the project and see. There is no danger in having version 2005, 2008, 2010 or 2012 of Visual Studio installed.
