Joomla 2.5 -adding extra fields to article - joomla

When following this tutorial, and actually uploading the included ZIP file as a plugin and enabling it, I am not able to get the extra fields to show up like in the tutorial anywhere!
I am using 2.5.19. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Forgot to install patches 28770 and 28771


Fortify Exclusion File Location

Ok, so I'm trying to get exclusions to work with fortify scanning using maven. I've got everything working except for the exclusions. The documentation says to create a *.exclusions file and add"fileA;fileB;fileC" to the file. However, it does not say where to put the file. Do I put it in the maven directory? Or do I put it in the Fortify directory? Any help on this would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, my reputation isn't high enough yet for me to ask you what version of Fortify SCA you're using, so that I can try and better help you. But I'll try taking a stab with this.
I'm not sure about the *.exclusions file you're talking about, but perhaps you can add something on the command line when you call maven to build and scan your app using the "" property option. See the example command below:
mvn <ver> :translate"fileA;fileB;fileC;

Silverstripe - How to Allow Comments For A Blog Entry

I'm setting up my first ever site in Silverstripe and I'm having trouble with the silverstripe blog module ( I've installed it and the two supporting modules comments ( and grid-field-bulk-editing tools and they all seem to have installed without incident. Finally, I've checked the box in the setting for my blog holder and my first test blog post to allow comments. However, when I go to that test blog post I see no way for a reader to post any comments. What did I miss?
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide!
I deleted the module, then re-installed it with composer as wmk suggested and it seems to work now. Thanks!

Link for download jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.min.js plugin

Please Provide Exact Link for the jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.min.js
According to, the latest version of jQuery UI is 1.8.13.
You can build a custom download here:
I don't think there is one for 1.8.14, as the lastest version is 1.8.14. But there is a Google CDN for 1.8.13:
It might be best to just download the whole thing again though.
Well there is no direct link, because (note the name) it's a custom created file. You populate it with the jQuery elements that you want to use. You can create your own here:

Joomla plugin manager missing options, how do I start trouble shooting this?

There are no options displayed when I'm looking at a plugin with the plugin manager. Where there should be a menu for basic and advance options is just white space. How can I start trouble shooting this problem? Other installed extensions work fine and hours of searching about plugin options make me think this is a peculiar error. This is what my menu looks like
The plugin you are using is not written for Joomla 1.6, the XML manifest needs to be updated at the very least. The plugin itself may also need to be rewritten. I would start withe the XML file first, you can find details on the changes that need to be made here -

comments in joomla

i'm new to joomla and i wanna know how can i install modules(or whatever they call)..i downloaded Jcomments from Joomlatune and i donno how to install or configure it..the documentation is also not good plus the screenshots are in a different language..
can someone help me in installing that module?
also, how can i enable comments for an article?
You're having problems because you didn't understand Joomla's terminology to extensions.
Extensions are divided in:
Check official documentation to learn each concept.
So, when you have an extension, to install it you just go to your Joomla's menu in administration, and select install like it is in the picture below.
Then, select your zip file which contains your extension.
Go to
In one of the menus is a component manager.
