Silverstripe - How to Allow Comments For A Blog Entry - comments

I'm setting up my first ever site in Silverstripe and I'm having trouble with the silverstripe blog module ( I've installed it and the two supporting modules comments ( and grid-field-bulk-editing tools and they all seem to have installed without incident. Finally, I've checked the box in the setting for my blog holder and my first test blog post to allow comments. However, when I go to that test blog post I see no way for a reader to post any comments. What did I miss?
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide!

I deleted the module, then re-installed it with composer as wmk suggested and it seems to work now. Thanks!


AsseticBundle removed from all the Symfony's versions

I wanted to know why AsseticBundle has been removed from all the versions of Symfony.
I looked everywhere and I don't found any site talking about this news that began for some weeks.
Initially, I thought they deleted this Bundle because there is a security flaw that will take a few days to be repaired.
This Bundle is indisponsable for including javascript and css file type from an external folder and I wanted to be sure if this Bundle wille be replaced by an another in Symfony or I should add this Bundle manually.
The AsseticBundle is not compatible/maintained with the new version of the framework (2.8/3.x).
See the tweet of Fabpot that asking: Honest question: is #Assetic still relevant for #Symfony 3.0?
And the PR remove AsseticBundle (you can find good discussion about for and against the removal of Assetic).
Check also this great article on Symfony and Asset Management that clarify and riassume all the discussion around.
Hope this help
Although Symfony does not support assetic from versions 2.8 upwards, you can still install it by running:
composer require symfony/assetic-bundle
and then enable the bundle in your AppKernel.php like so:
new Symfony\Bundle\AsseticBundle\AsseticBundle()

How to make a forum using webmatrix.

I have an excellent idea of making a forum. And for that I have learnt some HTML, CSS and JS (what else should I learn?). While learning I found that Webmatrix is a great tool for making websites. I have made a wordpress site using webmatrix. I see it has many more options like joomla, drupal etc. Is there any option through which I can make a forum?
If yes which one should I choose?
I have already searched a lot for it but found no relevant result.
Are you looking to install a forum someone else has already written, or build your own from scratch? If you're looking for an out of the box forum, I would suggest installing phpBB from the app gallery. You can get there in WebMatrix by going New -> App Gallery -> Search for phpBB.
If you're looking to build one with ASP.NET Web Pages from scratch, I would suggest starting with the docs here:
A great example to follow for this path is here:
Hope this helps. Happy coding!

AppleDoc Categories not showing in quickhelp

I've succesfully generated a docset with AppleDoc by following the installation instructions. If i got into XCode Documentation Organiser, everything is there, including the categories:
But when I ⌥-click on one of my category methods I see nothing but this:
I've tried a lot of things but none of these work:
Adding --no-merge-categories
Adding --merge-categories
Changing filename extensions
Restart XCode
Restart macbook
Search google (AppleDoc quickhelp categories)
Search stackoverflow
Search gitHub repository issue list (
Please help, because I want to generate documentation, and most of my library consists of categories. I'm using the latest AppleDoc (appledoc 2.1 (build 858)), and Xcode 4.6.3.
Edit: are there users actually using AppleDoc? Does the quick help actually work for you? I also note a lack of documentation even though the repository is updated regularly.
It seems nobody else is using appledoc but me. Anyway, it looks like it is a bug in XCode, i have pushed a workaround in github. Comment if you want details.
Update: my pull request has been accepted, check here for details:
Pull request
related issue:

Joomla voting doesn't save

I have a problem I cant figure out. When I started the website the voting system worked... but now many hours later it doesn't save the vote anymore.
I hope some of you have tried the same or have an idea about what can be wrong.
You can see a post on my site here:
Rather hard to tell only by looking at it and not having access to the code, so these are the only things I can suggest.
Ensure you have the latest Joomla version (2.5.6)
Switch to the default Joomla template and try voting again.
Install JDump to see if its a PHP related problem.
Install a fresh copy of Joomla and your template on a subdomain and after each extension you install, test the vote.

How to add a second language (ex Portuguese) on SilverStripe

Is there a definitive guide to adding a second language (ex Portuguese) to a SilverStripe website?
If not, I have made a start on it - see here:
however I cannot see what to do once I have successfully installed the extension!
Any suggestions welcome - and I shall append them to my installation instructions.
I'm not quite sure where you're stuck.
If you add Object::add_extension('SiteTree', 'Translatable') in your _config.php, then DONT also add the $extensions line to your Page class.
Page inherits from SiteTree.
If you look at the demo site ( you should see that each page when you edit it should have a Translations tab.
I assume you're not getting this?
Please provide some more information about the problem and lets see if we can sort it out.
Also, try this guide?
Sometimes the SilverStripe forum is more responsive than StackOverflow, as the core SStr team may see your question more quickly.
