Fortify Exclusion File Location - maven

Ok, so I'm trying to get exclusions to work with fortify scanning using maven. I've got everything working except for the exclusions. The documentation says to create a *.exclusions file and add"fileA;fileB;fileC" to the file. However, it does not say where to put the file. Do I put it in the maven directory? Or do I put it in the Fortify directory? Any help on this would be appreciated.

Unfortunately, my reputation isn't high enough yet for me to ask you what version of Fortify SCA you're using, so that I can try and better help you. But I'll try taking a stab with this.
I'm not sure about the *.exclusions file you're talking about, but perhaps you can add something on the command line when you call maven to build and scan your app using the "" property option. See the example command below:
mvn <ver> :translate"fileA;fileB;fileC;


Can not find northconcepts.datapipeline.jar

I am junior java developer and I am trying to test a data pipeline project given in this link
in my local machine.
I get many errors that are generated such as :
Description Resource Path Location Type The import
com.northconcepts.datapipeline.core.DataEndpoint cannot be
resolved /ReadCSVFile/src/PipelineCSV line 6 Java
So, I think that I need to import jar files which are related to the imported libraries given in the code.
The problem is that I can not find online any jar file related to the northconcepts.datapipeline libraries to download and work with!
Any help, please ?
The library is available here but you need to register to download it (and pay for it, if you want something other than the free express version).
You can test the code by following the getting started guide below to configure Maven/Gradle and get a license. It should be pretty quick.
The examples are also on GitHub.

${} is displayed as string and not displaying the value

I'm pretty new with maven and struts and I want to display a value in a table.
I'm working on a project working on my coworkers computer but not mine.
When i write the following line, I expect to get the value.
Instead, I display this line as if it was a string.
I know that, codewise, this line is well written.
What I don't know is what is change configuration-wise to be able to work with struts correctly.
I am using Tomcat 7.072, Struts 1.1 and Maven 3.6.0. My IDE is IntelliJ Idea.
I already checked into my .m2 folder and I can find Struts 1 in the repository.
I have tried "mvn -install" and pretty much every command that looks like to deal with dependencies that I know.
I think the problem should come from my Tomcat's configuration but I don't understand what is missing.
I would like to know where my problem is and how I can solve it.
After working a bit more on this problem, it seems that the problem come from Apache, but still I don't understand why my pages won't display the proper values.

Modifing Alfresco 5.0.d Add-ons

I've been trying to modify an addon to accept filtering in custom datalists.
The addon is called DatalistExtensions for Alfresco Share and can be found at This is supposed to be working on the version 5.*
It comes with an example. That example doesn't work at all, it gives multiple errors... I fixed the errors but it still doesn't work.
The full explanation of the behaviour can be found here:
Now the problem:
I decided to modify the add-on itself. My test was easy, I found where the filter form is created which is inside the file: contentreich-extdl.xml that is found on contentreich-alfresco-datalists-master/contentreich-extdl-share/src/main/resources/alfresco/site-data/extension/
It didn't work at all... Since it was too strange to me I decided to delete one of the built-in filters and it was still working as always which just killed my mind.
The steps I did:
Added the lines into the file.
Ran the mvn package after the change.
Copied the target files created.
What am I missing to make this changes work?
It seems that the changes I was doing were not reflected, in order to archive that you must first clean your maven target and then build the package.
mvn clean
mvn package
or even
mvn clean package
Hope this helps other people!

maven-javadoc-plugin sourceFileExcludes not working

I'm not too sure what is the right way to use this tag, but I use it like this:
It doesn't work at all. It seems that there was a known bug in maven that this tag won't work as I found these threads:
But that was a while ago. I didn't find much useful information on maven website as well.
So how can we exclude certain source files / classes while we build javadoc using maven?
Finally figured it out.
First, there was an known bug as tracked in this page:
And the patch went into the plugin 2.10.2. So after that version, the bug is fixed. However, I was using some earlier version.
Second, use this schema:
To exclude file.
Third, in the sourceFileExclude, I used, this is probably not right. Instead, I used someClass.* and this works for me.
You can use this pattern. It excludes the files irregardless of their package structure. More information here

How do you create a project from scratch using, without using their skeletons?

I couldn't find any skeleton that suited my project and so I tried to start from scratch and create my own. But it wasn't before long that I was only scratching my head instead.
Could someone please explain how to start a new project in an empty folder and integrate it with Brunch, using just the terminal and a text editor?
Ideally I'm looking for a tutorial like this:, but with more detail at each step.
I suggest to take a look at dead-simple brunch, this is official skeleton which is maximally minimal.
Maybe still take it and add your own framework, lang plugins and stuff.
Or, you can re-create your own, by following the same path: add bower.json, brunch-config and package.json. That's it, I guess.
Going through the dead-simple skeleton helped me understand how Brunch works but I couldn't fire any of my custom js. But I finally, got it... add this code to the brunch-config file to execute all your js files as expected.
definition: false
wrapper: false
Not sure why this isn't the default behaviour or why it isn't explicitly mentioned anywhere. I spent ages sifting through the net to get this answer.
Have a look at this part of the documentation:
