How can I use hashset to get unique values from an entity? - linq

I'm trying to remove the repeated course from the linq query below. When this query returns it returns multiples of the same course(s) but I would like for it to return unique courses. Can I use a hashset to make this list unique? Thanks for any help!
foreach (var course in Model.Assignments
.Select((x, y) => new { Data = x, Index = y })
.Where(x => x.Data.Ids == listOfIds[i]))
// code here

I'm not sure that understand you in 100 percent, but if you have any class you can override methods: Equals and GetHashCode, then you can use Distinct() for query.
look here


How to create programmatically single LINQ query w/ OR between Where() clauses (.Where(fn) OR .Where(fn) OR .Where(fn)) programatically

I'd like to know it is it possible to create programmatically single LINQ query (for EntityFramework 6) with N .Where() clauses, but with OR between these .Where() clauses.
Imagine IQueryable object defined like:
var query = dbContext.MyTable.Where(mt => mt.TimeStamp >= DateBegin);
What I need else is add N (unknown number) of Where clauses, but with OR condition between them.
Image list of some object:
List<MyObject> myObj =
new List<MyObject>({new MyObject {val = "a" }, new MyObject { val = "b"}}); //In real code there is more than 1 property.
then I'd like to add Where() clauses to query like:
myObj.ForEach(mo =>{
query.Where(q=>q.MyValue == mo.val); // In real code there is more than 1 property to compare
I was thinking about .Union() beteween queries, but It could generate union between separated queries and it's not optimal I think.
Here's the solution: linq-to-entities-combining-predicates
Or course is necessary to use "latest" answer:
Copy/Paste class ParameterRebinder
Copy/Paste static class Utility
Expression<Func<Car, bool>> theCarIsRed = c => c.Color == "Red";
Expression<Func<Car, bool>> theCarIsCheap = c => c.Price < 10.0;
Expression<Func<Car, bool>> theCarIsRedOrCheap = theCarIsRed.Or(theCarIsCheap);
var query = carQuery.Where(theCarIsRedOrCheap);
Because in my solution is N of expressions, I take first expression and then append other expressions in ForEach cycle.
var firstExpression = expressionList.First();
expressionList.Skip(1).ToList().ForEach(ex => { firstExpression = firstExpression.Or(ex); });

Returning a list using LINQ

I want to return a list of objects stored in a database using LINQ queries.
I tried the following
public BO.Hotel getHotels()
TripBagEntities db = new TripBagEntities();
var hotels = (from m in db.HotelEntities
where < 10
select m).ToList().First();
return Mapper.ToHotelObject(hotels);
This returns only the first item in the list. How can I return the entire list?
Thanks in advance
Firstly, as per the comment, you should understand exactly what each line of your existing code does first. (You should also try to follow .NET naming conventions.) If you're guessing around which bit of your code does what, it would be a good idea to read a good tutorial geared towards the LINQ provider you're using (Entity Framework?).
We don't really know what Mapper.ToHotelObject does, or whether there's already a method for converting a whole sequence. This should work though:
public List<BO.Hotel> GetHotels()
// Note: you may want a using statement here...
TripBagEntities db = new TripBagEntities();
var hotels = db.HotelEntities
.Where(m => < 10)
Or if the method group conversion doesn't work:
public List<BO.Hotel> GetHotels()
// Note: you may want a using statement here...
TripBagEntities db = new TripBagEntities();
var hotels = db.HotelEntities
.Where(m => < 10)
.Select(m => Mapper.ToHotelObject(m))
Note that I've used "dot notation" for the whole query, as it makes life simpler when you're using things like AsEnumerable and ToList, and your query expression wasn't complicated anyway.
The AsEnumerable call "shifts" the query into LINQ to Objects, so that the query-to-SQL translation part doesn't need to try to convert Mapper.ToHotelObject into SQL, which I assume would fail.
You need to make your function return List<BO.Hotel> instead of a Hotel, and adjust your query and Mapper function accordingly.
public List<BO.Hotel> getHotels()
TripBagEntities db = new TripBagEntities();
return (from m in db.HotelEntities
where < 10
select Mapper.ToHotelObject(m)).ToList();

LINQ Distinct set by column value

Is there a simple LINQ query to get distinct records by a specific column value (not the whole record)?
Anyone know how i can filter a list with only distinct values?
You could use libraries like morelinq to do this. You'd be interested in the DistinctBy() method.
var query = records.DistinctBy(record => record.Column);
Otherwise, you could do this by hand.
var query =
from record in records
group record by record.Column into g
select g.First();
Select a single value first and then run the Distinct.
(from item in table
select item.TheSingleValue).Distinct();
If you want the entire record you need to use group x by into y. You then need to find a suitable aggregate function like First, Max, Average or similar to select one of the other values in the group.
from item in table
group item by item.TheSingleValue into g
select new { TheSingleValue = g.Key, OtherValue1 = g.First().OtherValue1, OtherValue2 = g.First().OtherValue2 };
You could make an implementation of the IEqualityComparer interface:
public class MyObjectComparer : IEqualityComparer<MyObject>
public bool Equals(MyObject x, MyObject y)
return x.ColumnNameProperty == y.ColumnNameProperty;
public int GetHashCode(MyObject obj)
return obj.ColumnNameProperty.GetHashCode();
And pass an instance into the Distinct method:
var distinctSource = source.Distinct(new MyObjectComparer());

How to query a nested list using a lambda expression

In my repository implementation I can run the following query using a lambda expression:
public IList<User> GetUsersFromCountry(string)
return _UserRepository.Where(x => x.Country == "Sweden").ToList();
So far so good, simple stuff. However, I'm having difficulties to write a lambda expression against a nested -> nested list. Given the following example (sorry couldn't think of a better one):
The following query works absolutely fine and returns all clubs, which have members over the age of 45
public IList<Clubs> GetGoldMembers()
var clubs = from c in ClubRepository
from m in c.Memberships
where m.User.Age > 45
select c;
return clubs;
At the moment, this is where my knowledge of lambda expression ends.
How could I write the above query against the ClubRepository, using a lambda expression, similar to the example above?
This might work (untested)...
var clubs = ClubRepository.Where(c=>c.MemberShips.Any(m=>m.User.Age > 45));
Here's one way to do it:
var clubs = clubRepository
.SelectMany(c => c.Memberships, (c, m) => new { c, m })
.Where(x => x.m.User.Age > 45)
.Select(x => x.c);
A more generic way
List<T> list= new List<T>();
list= object1.NestedList1.SelectMany(x => x.NestedList2).ToList();
Where NestedList2 matches the data type of "list"

OrderBy descending in Lambda expression?

I know in normal Linq grammar, orderby xxx descending is very easy, but how do I do this in Lambda expression?
As Brannon says, it's OrderByDescending and ThenByDescending:
var query = from person in people
orderby person.Name descending, person.Age descending
select person.Name;
is equivalent to:
var query = people.OrderByDescending(person => person.Name)
.ThenByDescending(person => person.Age)
.Select(person => person.Name);
Use System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderByDescending()?
For example:
var items = someEnumerable.OrderByDescending();
Try this:
List<int> list = new List<int>();
foreach (var item in list.OrderByDescending(x => x))
Try this another way:
var qry = Employees
.OrderByDescending (s => s.EmpFName)
.ThenBy (s => s.Address)
.Select (s => s.EmpCode);
This only works in situations where you have a numeric field, but you can put a minus sign in front of the field name like so:
reportingNameGroups = reportingNameGroups.OrderBy(x=> - x.GroupNodeId);
However this works a little bit different than OrderByDescending when you have are running it on an int? or double? or decimal? fields.
What will happen is on OrderByDescending the nulls will be at the end, vs with this method the nulls will be at the beginning. Which is useful if you want to shuffle nulls around without splitting data into pieces and splicing it later.
LastOrDefault() is usually not working but with the Tolist() it will work. There is no need to use OrderByDescending use Tolist() like this.
GroupBy(p => p.Nws_ID).ToList().LastOrDefault();
