LINQ Distinct set by column value - linq

Is there a simple LINQ query to get distinct records by a specific column value (not the whole record)?
Anyone know how i can filter a list with only distinct values?

You could use libraries like morelinq to do this. You'd be interested in the DistinctBy() method.
var query = records.DistinctBy(record => record.Column);
Otherwise, you could do this by hand.
var query =
from record in records
group record by record.Column into g
select g.First();

Select a single value first and then run the Distinct.
(from item in table
select item.TheSingleValue).Distinct();
If you want the entire record you need to use group x by into y. You then need to find a suitable aggregate function like First, Max, Average or similar to select one of the other values in the group.
from item in table
group item by item.TheSingleValue into g
select new { TheSingleValue = g.Key, OtherValue1 = g.First().OtherValue1, OtherValue2 = g.First().OtherValue2 };

You could make an implementation of the IEqualityComparer interface:
public class MyObjectComparer : IEqualityComparer<MyObject>
public bool Equals(MyObject x, MyObject y)
return x.ColumnNameProperty == y.ColumnNameProperty;
public int GetHashCode(MyObject obj)
return obj.ColumnNameProperty.GetHashCode();
And pass an instance into the Distinct method:
var distinctSource = source.Distinct(new MyObjectComparer());


Linq to dataset on dynamic columns and dynamic group by fields

I have four parameters to my function a dataset, array consisting of expressions (aggregate functions), array consisting of column names on which to apply expressions and an array consisting of columns on which I have to group by.
My problem is how can I handle dynamic columns or fields for expression and group by as it can vary in numbers (depends on array values).
I have written code for static query, but need a generic way...
This is my code:
public void ExpressionManipulation(DataSet dsExprEvaluate, string[] strExpressions, string[] colName, string[] groupbyFields)
int groupByLength = groupbyFields.Length;
var groupByQueryEvaluate = from table in dsExprEvaluate.AsEnumerable()
group table by new { column1 = table["DataSourceType"], column2 = table["Polarity"] }
into groupedTable
select new
x = groupedTable.Key, // Each Key contains column1 and column2
y = groupedTable.Count(),
//z = groupedTable.Max(column1),
z = groupedTable.Sum(table => Convert.ToInt32(table["Polarity"]))
Like in above I can have n number of fields in group by like for now I have taken only two (DataSourceType and Polarity) and similar I can have n number of fields for expressions, for sum, count etc which will be as an array as parameter.
Please help me through this, it is driving me crazy.
Thanks in advance.
I figured it out myself and the solution i ended up is with:
var objGroupSumCountkey = dt.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy("new ( it[\"DataSourceType\"] as GroupByColumnName1,it[\"Polarity\"] as GroupByColumnName2)", "it")
.Select("new ( Sum(Convert.ToDouble(it[\"Polarity\"].ToString())) as SumValue,Count() as TotalCount,it.key)");
in the above query all the parameters will be supplied as string, in Group By and select

LINQ : How to check CONTAINS with multiple dynamic input values

I am facing a problem regarding a LINQ query.
I have multiple input values which is stored in List< string > variable.
I have to form a LINQ query which would have a where clause which check for the respective column with CONTAINS keyword. The issue I am facing is that List< string > can contain any number of values in it.
So i want to know how can i form a query which can read input values from collection object. and display the result.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Linq extension method:
public static bool ContainsAny<T>(this IEnumerable<T> Collection, IEnumerable<T> Values)
return Collection.Any(x=> Values.Contains(x));
Then you can use like:
List<string> List1 = getStringList1();
List<string> List2 = getStringList2();
bool List2ItemsInList1 = List1.ContainsAny(List2);
Your question is not clear. Suppose you have three values X, Y and Z. If you want to fetch the results where a Column is either X, Y or Z, then habib-osu's answer will do this.
If you are looking for all records where a particular column contains X, Y and Z then the following should work
List<string> options = new List<string>();
var query = (from r in dc.Table select r);
foreach(var option in options)
query = (from r in query where r.Column.Contains(option) select r);
var list = query.ToList();
This will produce one sql query similar to the following
select * from Table where Column like '%X%' and column like '%Y%' and column like '%Z%'

Writing Group By on Anonymous Types

I am writting a group by clause on two tables which are joined and being accessed via Entity Data Model. I am not able to iterate over the anonymous type, can somebody help me out.
public string GetProductNameByProductId(int productId)
string prodName=string.Empty;
using (VODConnection vodObjectContext = new VODConnection())
var products = from bp in vodObjectContext.BFProducts
join bpf in vodObjectContext.BFProductMasters on bp.ProductMasterId equals bpf.ProductMasterId
where bp.ProductId == productId
group bp by new { ProductId = bp.ProductId, ProductName = bp.ProductName, ProductMasterName=bpf.ProductMasterName} into newInfo
select newInfo;
//Want to iterate over products or in fact need to get all the results. How can I do that? Want productmastername property to be set in prodName variable by iterating
return (prodName);
One problem is that you've used a query continuation for no reason. That still shouldn't have prevented you from using the Key property, mind you. Try this as a slightly cleaner approach:
var products = from bp in vodObjectContext.BFProducts
join bpf in vodObjectContext.BFProductMasters
on bp.ProductMasterId equals bpf.ProductMasterId
where bp.ProductId == productId
group bp by new { bp.ProductId,
foreach (var group in products)
var key = group.Key;
// Can now use key.ProductName, key.ProductMasterName etc.
As for what you set your prodName variable to - it's unclear exactly what you want. The first ProductName value? The last? A concatenation of all of them? Why do you need a grouping at all?
foreach(var prod in products)
prodName += prod.Key.ProductMasterName;

How do I use LINQ to obtain a unique list of properties from a list of objects?

I'm trying to use LINQ to return a list of ids given a list of objects where the id is a property. I'd like to be able to do this without looping through each object and pulling out the unique ids that I find.
I have a list of objects of type MyClass and one of the properties of this class is an ID.
public class MyClass
public int ID { get; set; }
I want to write a LINQ query to return me a list of those Ids.
How do I do that, given an IList<MyClass> such that it returns an IEnumerable<int> of the ids?
I'm sure it must be possible to do it in one or two lines using LINQ rather than looping through each item in the MyClass list and adding the unique values into a list.
IEnumerable<int> ids = list.Select(x=>x.ID).Distinct();
Use the Distinct operator:
var idList = yourList.Select(x=> x.ID).Distinct();
Using straight LINQ, with the Distinct() extension:
var idList = (from x in yourList select x.ID).Distinct();
When taking Distinct, we have to cast into IEnumerable too. If the list is <T> model, it means you need to write code like this:
IEnumerable<T> ids = list.Select(x => x).Distinct();
int[] numbers = {1,2,3,4,5,3,6,4,7,8,9,1,0 };
var nonRepeats = (from n in numbers select n).Distinct();
foreach (var d in nonRepeats)

Building Dynamic LINQ Queries based on Combobox Value

I have a combo box in Silverlight. It has a collection of values built out of the properties of one of my LINQ-to-SQL objects (ie Name, Address, Age, etc...). I would like to filter my results based off the value selected in a combo box.
Example: Say I want everyone with a last name "Smith". I'd select 'Last Name' from the drop down list and enter smith into a textbox control. Normally I would write a LINQ query similar to...
var query = from p in collection where p.LastName == textbox.Text select p;
Is it possible to decide the property dynamically, maybe using Reflection? Something like
var query = from p in collection where p.(DropDownValue) == textbox.Text select p;
public class Person
public string LastName { get; set; }
IQueryable<Person> collection;
your query:
var query =
from p in collection
where p.LastName == textBox.Text
select p;
means the same as:
var query = collection.Where(p => p.LastName == textBox.Text);
which the compiler translates from an extension method to:
var query = Queryable.Where(collection, p => p.LastName == textBox.Text);
The second parameter of Queryable.Where is an Expression<Func<Person, bool>>. The compiler understands the Expression<> type and generates code to build an expression tree representing the lambda:
using System.Linq.Expressions;
var query = Queryable.Where(
Expression.Lambda<Func<Person, bool>>(
Expression.Parameter(typeof(Person), "p"),
Expression.Parameter(typeof(Person), "p"));
That is what the query syntax means.
You are free to call these methods yourself. To change the compared property, replace this:
Scott Guthrie has a short series on dyamically built LINQ to SQL queries:
That's the easy way...then there's another way that's a bit more involved:
You can also use the library I created: You would store the properties in ComboBox as lambda expressions and then just write:
var f = (Expression<Func<Product, string>>)comboBox.SelectedValue;
var query =
from p in collection
where f.Expand(textBox.Text)
select p;
