OrderBy descending in Lambda expression? - linq

I know in normal Linq grammar, orderby xxx descending is very easy, but how do I do this in Lambda expression?

As Brannon says, it's OrderByDescending and ThenByDescending:
var query = from person in people
orderby person.Name descending, person.Age descending
select person.Name;
is equivalent to:
var query = people.OrderByDescending(person => person.Name)
.ThenByDescending(person => person.Age)
.Select(person => person.Name);

Use System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderByDescending()?
For example:
var items = someEnumerable.OrderByDescending();

Try this:
List<int> list = new List<int>();
foreach (var item in list.OrderByDescending(x => x))

Try this another way:
var qry = Employees
.OrderByDescending (s => s.EmpFName)
.ThenBy (s => s.Address)
.Select (s => s.EmpCode);

This only works in situations where you have a numeric field, but you can put a minus sign in front of the field name like so:
reportingNameGroups = reportingNameGroups.OrderBy(x=> - x.GroupNodeId);
However this works a little bit different than OrderByDescending when you have are running it on an int? or double? or decimal? fields.
What will happen is on OrderByDescending the nulls will be at the end, vs with this method the nulls will be at the beginning. Which is useful if you want to shuffle nulls around without splitting data into pieces and splicing it later.

LastOrDefault() is usually not working but with the Tolist() it will work. There is no need to use OrderByDescending use Tolist() like this.
GroupBy(p => p.Nws_ID).ToList().LastOrDefault();


How can I use hashset to get unique values from an entity?

I'm trying to remove the repeated course from the linq query below. When this query returns it returns multiples of the same course(s) but I would like for it to return unique courses. Can I use a hashset to make this list unique? Thanks for any help!
foreach (var course in Model.Assignments
.Select((x, y) => new { Data = x, Index = y })
.Where(x => x.Data.Ids == listOfIds[i]))
// code here
I'm not sure that understand you in 100 percent, but if you have any class you can override methods: Equals and GetHashCode, then you can use Distinct() for query.
look here

How to order a LinQ result set created by a list of ID and order it use existing order of the list

My code is something like this:
List<int> IDs = new List<int> {9,7,38, 23}
IQueryable<Post> pp = myDataEntity.Posts.Where(p=>IDs.Contains(p.ID));
How can I explain that I want to sort pp by the order of ID in the IDs? Thank you.
You can order by List.IndexOf:
IQueryable<Post> orderedPosts myDataEntity.Posts
.Select(p => new { Post=p, Index=IDs.IndexOf(p.ID) })
.Where(x => x.Index >= 0)
.OrderBy(x => x.Index)
.Select(x => x.Post);
Assuming you want to keep the order of ID you have in IDs and not actually the ordered verison of it, this is how you can do it:
var pp = IDs.Select(x=> myDataEntity.Posts.Where(p=>p.ID == x))
Using IDs as your external collection, you get to keep the ordering of the elements in it.
use OrderByDescending
IQueryable<Post> pp = myDataEntity.Posts.Where(p=>IDs.Contains(p.ID))
.OrderByDescending(p => p.ID)

Entity Framework 4 - What is the syntax for joining 2 tables then paging them?

I have the following linq-to-entities query with 2 joined tables that I would like to add pagination to:
IQueryable<ProductInventory> data = from inventory in objContext.ProductInventory
join variant in objContext.Variants
on inventory.VariantId equals variant.id
where inventory.ProductId == productId
where inventory.StoreId == storeId
orderby variant.SortOrder
select inventory;
I realize I need to use the .Join() extension method and then call .OrderBy().Skip().Take() to do this, I am just gettting tripped up on the syntax of Join() and can't seem to find any examples (either online or in books).
NOTE: The reason I am joining the tables is to do the sorting. If there is a better way to sort based on a value in a related table than join, please include it in your answer.
2 Possible Solutions
I guess this one is just a matter of readability, but both of these will work and are semantically identical.
IQueryable<ProductInventory> data = objContext.ProductInventory
.Where(y => y.ProductId == productId)
.Where(y => y.StoreId == storeId)
pi => pi.VariantId,
v => v.id,
(pi, v) => new { Inventory = pi, Variant = v })
.OrderBy(y => y.Variant.SortOrder)
.Select(x => x.Inventory);
var query = from inventory in objContext.ProductInventory
where inventory.ProductId == productId
where inventory.StoreId == storeId
join variant in objContext.Variants
on inventory.VariantId equals variant.id
orderby variant.SortOrder
select inventory;
var paged = query.Skip(skip).Take(take);
Kudos to Khumesh and Pravin for helping with this. Thanks to the rest for contributing.
Define the join in your mapping, and then use it. You really don't get anything by using the Join method - instead, use the Include method. It's much nicer.
var data = objContext.ProductInventory.Include("Variant")
.Where(i => i.ProductId == productId && i.StoreId == storeId)
.OrderBy(j => j.Variant.SortOrder)
Add following line to your query
var pagedQuery = data.Skip(PageIndex * PageSize).Take(PageSize);
The data variable is IQueryable, so you can put add skip & take method on it. And if you have relationship between Product & Variant, you donot really require to have join explicitly, you can refer the variant something like this
IQueryable<ProductInventory> data =
from inventory in objContext.ProductInventory
where inventory.ProductId == productId && inventory.StoreId == storeId
orderby inventory.variant.SortOrder
select new()
property1 = inventory.Variant.VariantId,
//rest of the properties go here
pagedQuery = data.Skip(PageIndex * PageSize).Take(PageSize);
My answer here based on the answer that is marked as true
but here I add a new best practice of the code above
var data= (from c in db.Categorie.AsQueryable().Join(db.CategoryMap,
cat=> cat.CategoryId, catmap => catmap.ChildCategoryId,
cat, catmap) => new { Category = cat, CategoryMap = catmap })
select (c => c.Category)
this is the best practice to use the Linq to entity because when you add AsQueryable() to your code; system will converts a generic System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable to a generic System.Linq.IQueryable which is better for .Net engine to build this query at run time
thank you Mr. Khumesh Kumawat
You would simply use your Skip(itemsInPage * pageNo).Take(itemsInPage) to do paging.

Linq: How to make this work

I have this Linq statement:
List<string> phoneNumbers = from t
in fixedLineData
select t.phoneNumber.Distinct();
Basically what I want is a distinct list of strings sent back from the LINQ query.
Is this possible?
Make it
var phoneNumbers =
(from t in fixedLineData
select t.phoneNumber)
But you might as well skip the query-syntax:
var phoneNumbers =
.Select (t => t.phoneNumber)
The .ToList() will make the resulting type IList<string>

Linq - How to query specific columns and return a lists

I am trying to write a linq query that will only return certain columns from my entity object into a list object.
Below is my code which produces an error(can't implicitly convert a generic list of anonymous types to a generic list of type TBLPROMOTION):
IQueryable<TBLPROMOTION> matches = webStoreContext.TBLPROMOTION.Include("TBLSTORE").Include("LKPROMOTIONTYPE");
List<TBLPROMOTION> promotionInfo = null;
promotionInfo = (from p in matches
orderby p.PROMOTION_NM descending
select new { p.EFFECTIVE_DT, p.EXPIRE_DT, p.IS_ACTIVE,
What would be the best way to accomplish this. I do not want to do a "select p" in this case and return all the columns associated with the query.
thanks in advance,
Can't you do var promotionInfo = () and get a list of anonymous types?
Okay, basically you can not cast an Anonymous type to a known type like TBLPROMOTION.
ofcourse, you can say var promotionInfo = and then get an IEnumerable<{Anonymoustype}> and use that to do, what you were wanting to do with promotionInfo.
Also, personally I prefer the Fluent version of a linq query, easy on the eyes, good programming diet, at least for me :)
var promotionInfo = matches
.OrderByDescending( p => p.PROMOTION_NM)
.Select( p => new { p.EFFECTIVE_DT,
If you're moving from a L2E query to a Type already defined, you may need a step between. I haven't tried to compile this but something like:
List<TBLPROMOTION> promotions = new List<TBLPROMOTION>();
var results = from p in matches
orderby p.PROMOTION_NM descending
select new
foreach (var v in results)
Based on the comment below, you might try something like:
foreach(var v in results)
// Assign Other Properties
Sorry: Just read the addition to the top.
Are you sure that none of the fields you're leaving out (instead of saying "select p") are required for a TBLPROMOTION object? Also, sense your TBLPROMOTION object is going to have properties (and therefore memory allocated) for those skipped fields, why not just use an annonymous type or set up a helper class that contains only your needed properties?
#Billy, following code worked for me.
List<TBLPROMOTION> promotionInfo =
(from p in matches
orderby p.PROMOTION_NM descending
did you try
select new TBLPROMOTION {.....
instead of
select new {.....
List<TBLPROMOTION> promotionInfo = null;
promotionInfo = (from p in matches
orderby p.PROMOTION_NM descending
select new TBLPROMOTION { COL1 = p.EFFECTIVE_DT, COL2 = p.EXPIRE_DT, COL3 = p.IS_ACTIVE... }).ToList();
Where COL1, COL2, ... are the names of the properties on TBLPROMOTION you wish you populate.
If you want a subset of the table you have 2 options:
#Fredou mentioned select new TBLPROMOTION{...}
other way is to create a custom DTO which has the exact properties & select them instead like:
List promotionInfo = ...
Effective_dt = ...
