I have created a cell.xib which is already subclass of UICollectionView already.
Later I decided to create a TableView in another ViewController... I wrote the code and everything except registering the cell I was unable to register the cell which is subclass of collectionView (which is registered already inside collectionView in other page) inside the TableView!
I got this warning or error
So, Please anyone can help me and tell me how to do it in the right way?
The problem is that FproductsCell is not a sublcass of UITableViewCell and thats why you get the error.
Create your UITableViewCell subclass in a xib and from this point, you have to register it to every UITableView where you want to use this cell in, programatically. Your class has to be inherited from UITableViewCell
override func viewDidLoad() {
tableView.register(YourCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "YourIdentifier")
I am relatively new to using XCode interface builder.
When trying to drag a collection view cell onto an empty collection view, the interface builder refuses to do so.
Please have a look at attached screenshot:
Am I doing anything wrong?
Note that I can do the same on a storyboard but not on a normal xib file.
You can only add a UICollectionViewCell inside a UICollectionView when working on a Storyboard file. For sure, you must be using a single nib file and that's why it isn't working.
If you wanna use a custom UICollectionViewCell, then you must create a subclass of UICollectionViewCell. When subclassing UICollectionViewCell don't forget to check the box that says "Also create XIB file" beneath the expandable menu of "Subclass of". Now, try to drag a UICollecionViewCell onto the canvas and custom it the way you want.
Another posibility would be using a Storyboard file. Try setting your UICollectionView inside a scene in the storyboard and then drag a UICollectionViewCell inside it. When dragged, create a UICollectionViewCell subclass and assign it to the UICollectionViewCell you dragged previously inside your CollectionView in the Identity inspector.
In either case, don't forget to set the reuse identifier of your UICollectionViewCell in the Attributes inspector :)
Here is a code sample from Apple of how to create a UICollectionView with a custom UICollectionViewCell using a storyboard.
Hope this helps :-)
I have created a CustomViewController and layed it out in interface builder. Then I am all set to use the CustomViewController's view as a subview in another viewcontroller but when I add it to the other viewcontroller the layout of the custom uivewcontroller becomes wrong.
What can cause this? What is the propper way to do this?
The whole project can be found here https://github.com/agustr/STHLMPubCrawl just download and run (in an iphone 5 simulator). If there is any question about how it should look you can just move the initial view pointer to the 'place view controller cene'
this is the code:
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("GPPlaceViewController") as? GPPlaceViewController
if vc != nil{
vc?.view.layer.borderWidth = 4
vc?.view.layer.borderColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
self.GPPlaceView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.yellowColor().CGColor
self.GPPlaceView.layer.borderWidth = 2
vc?.view.frame.size = self.GPPlaceView.frame.size
else {
print("could not load GPPlacePageViewController from storyboard")
Any help is welcome.
I am unsure if this method of adding a VC's view to another view is wrong or outdated but I seem to remember it working at some point. I contacted apple and they told me to use a ContainerView. It is supposedly explained in detail in this talk 'Implementing UIViewController Containment' https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2011/.
The biggest problem I had when using the containment View was that you can not drag the segue in interface builder but you have to right click or controll click to point the segue to the appropriate place. Then you can treat that segue as any other in your parent viewcontroller that is to say the viewcontroller that contains the container view.
in my xcode storyboard I have the standard viewController in which I have placed one Button with a Action Outlet.
I tried with an .xib which doesn't load. Further, I tried with an second ViewController in the Storyboard and a custom segue, but this also failed.
There is something I did wrong. Can anybody help me please?
If you are using Segues, you dont need to create a ViewController and try to display it this way. Just give a (unqiue) name to your ViewController (for Example if you dont want to use a "NavigationController" you should use "Modal" as Type. You should add a ViewController Class for each ViewController in Storyboard too.
So connect ViewController1 with your second View Controller and give them a name "loginModal".
Then in your IBAction, you can use:
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("loginModal", sender: self)
That should be all. If you want to send data between ViewControllers, you should use prepareForSegue. Check out my answer here, youll find more information about sending data with segues.
Sending data with Segue with Swift
You can try like this one
Put this code inside #IBAction button.
let storyBoard : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle:nil)
let loginViewController = storyBoard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("LoginView") as loginViewController
self.presentViewController(loginViewController, animated:true, completion:nil)
Don't forget to set identifier's name in loginViewController.
I've been trying to build on a Cocoa app that uses Swift and Storyboard in Xcode 6, but how can I use NSToolbar there?
In Xcode 5 and xib, you can add NSToolbar from within Object Library to any .xib files and then click on the added toolbar to expand it and drag and drop a connection from any items there to a AppDelegate.h file. In this way you can create a IBAction or IBOutlet connection. I confirmed that this can also be done if you use Swift and non-storyboard in Xcode 6. However, it looks like this is not the case in Xcode 6 and Storyboard environment.
I first created a project that uses Storyboard in Xcode 6, but then, I wasn't able to add a NSToolbar from within Object Library to a View Controller in Storyboard. So I added it to Window Controller's Window object in Storyboard. However, in this way I cannot create those connections from any items in the expanded toolbar to either AppDelegate.swift or ViewController.swift.
So my question is:
Is it feasible to create a storyboard app that uses NSToolbar?
If it is feasible, is the addition of NSToolbar to the Window Controller the proper way to use NSToolBar in Storyboard?
Finally, how can I create #IBOutlet and #IBAction connections there?
I found that the accepted answer by #GeorgeVillasboas only works for #IBAction. I am still looking for how to create an #IBOutlet connection...
I had this very same problem.
The solution works for both Objective-C and Swift projects.
Working with Storyboards on OSX, it creates an instance of NSWindow and segues to another NSViewController as its Window Content Segue, as you described.
On your ViewController, create a standard IBAction to receive the action when the toolbar is clicked. To wire it up with the NSToolbar, just control-drag (or leftClick-drag) from your NSToolbarItem to the FirstResponder object, as shown on the picture below.
This will open a HUGE list of available connections. Your IBAction will be on that list.
Just selected it and you're good to go.
Hope this helps!
Here's an answer that doesn't rely on run-time hook-ups - #cdalvaro's answer gets most of the way there for some applications, but isn't full, and it requires the ViewController to know about the artificial NSWindowController, which doesn't feel right.
Like #cdalvaro, the first step is to build your own subclass of NSWindowController, and to set the Storyboard WC to that class. You can then create all of your connections to and from the NSToolbar (both #IBOutlets & #IBActions) in the new WindowController. So far so good.
The last step, which I haven't seen anywhere else, is how to refer to the ViewController in the WindowController - you can't create an #IBOutlet to it - for the same reasons that we got here in the first place - you can't create references across scenes in the Storyboard. However, the WindowController must have a reference to the ViewController, and it does... self.window!.contentViewController! as! ViewController
Here's a complete WindowController with a checkbox that sets values in the ViewController, without the ViewController having to know anything...
class MyWindowController: NSWindowController {
var viewController: ViewController {
get {
return self.window!.contentViewController! as! ViewController
#IBOutlet weak var aSwitch: NSButton!
#IBAction func toolbarActionA(sender: AnyObject) {
self.viewController.a = !self.viewController.a
self.aSwitch.state = self.viewController.a ? NSOnState : NSOffState
This helped me for the IBOutlet solution you are looking for:
Update (explanation)
I discovered this thread because I was trying to create a Circular Progress Indicator inside the toolbar and I didn't know how to animate it from the ViewController since the IBOutlet was declared inside a custom WindowController.
Finally, I found the post that I have added above which describes how to access to IBOutlets from other classes.
In essence what I have done is the following:
Create a custom NSWindowController subclass (CustomWindowController) for the Window Controller so I can add the IBOutlet for the ProgressIndicator:
Code Example:
#interface CustomWindowController : NSWindowController
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator *progressIndicator;
Then in the ViewController class, in the method I want to use to update the state of the Progress Indicator, I create and object of the custom Window Controller.
Code Example:
CustomWindowController *customWindowController = self.view.window.windowController;`
Finally, to change the state of the Progress Indicator there is only to call the method from the created custom object.
Code Example:
[customWindowController.progressIndicator startAnimation:sender];
[customWindowController.progressIndicator stopAnimation:sender];
This video helped me how to create a toolbar without writing a single line of code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSQocHG3IjA
You can add the 'Window Controller' item from the Object Library (if you don't have one), connect to a View Controller (where you want your toolbar to display) and follow the video! For custom Toolbar buttons add 'Image Button' item to the Toolbar just by dragging from the Object Library. Then you can pick an image for a button, set the size and so on...
Here is a general solution for the outlets and actions. it allows you to preform all the the same functions as an iboutlet would for a tool bar item and also allows you to set the button to a function instead of creating an ibaction. hope it helps :P
override func viewDidLayout() {
var x = self.view.window?.toolbar?.items[1].label
if(self.view.window?.toolbar?.items[0].label! != "Check")
func toobarediting() {
self.view.window?.toolbar?.insertItemWithItemIdentifier("Check", atIndex: 0)
func toolbarcheck(functiontoset: Selector) {
var y = self.view.window?.toolbar?.items[0] as NSToolbarItem
y.action = functiontoset
if(functiontoset != nil)
y.enabled = true
Here is a link to my question attempting to get a cleaner answer
but it looks like from the answers i have gotten so far this is the best option.
The same problem of IBOutlets also applies to KVO. One of the features of the NSSplitViewController is the canCollapse property for each split view item which supports KVO, but this is unusable in IB just like IBOutlets.
The only workaround I can see is to add a NSObjectController to each scene and when the scene loads, set the object controller's object to the object in the other scene (already loaded) that you want to reference.