How to use NSToolBar in Xcode 6 and Storyboard? - xcode

I've been trying to build on a Cocoa app that uses Swift and Storyboard in Xcode 6, but how can I use NSToolbar there?
In Xcode 5 and xib, you can add NSToolbar from within Object Library to any .xib files and then click on the added toolbar to expand it and drag and drop a connection from any items there to a AppDelegate.h file. In this way you can create a IBAction or IBOutlet connection. I confirmed that this can also be done if you use Swift and non-storyboard in Xcode 6. However, it looks like this is not the case in Xcode 6 and Storyboard environment.
I first created a project that uses Storyboard in Xcode 6, but then, I wasn't able to add a NSToolbar from within Object Library to a View Controller in Storyboard. So I added it to Window Controller's Window object in Storyboard. However, in this way I cannot create those connections from any items in the expanded toolbar to either AppDelegate.swift or ViewController.swift.
So my question is:
Is it feasible to create a storyboard app that uses NSToolbar?
If it is feasible, is the addition of NSToolbar to the Window Controller the proper way to use NSToolBar in Storyboard?
Finally, how can I create #IBOutlet and #IBAction connections there?
I found that the accepted answer by #GeorgeVillasboas only works for #IBAction. I am still looking for how to create an #IBOutlet connection...

I had this very same problem.
The solution works for both Objective-C and Swift projects.
Working with Storyboards on OSX, it creates an instance of NSWindow and segues to another NSViewController as its Window Content Segue, as you described.
On your ViewController, create a standard IBAction to receive the action when the toolbar is clicked. To wire it up with the NSToolbar, just control-drag (or leftClick-drag) from your NSToolbarItem to the FirstResponder object, as shown on the picture below.
This will open a HUGE list of available connections. Your IBAction will be on that list.
Just selected it and you're good to go.
Hope this helps!

Here's an answer that doesn't rely on run-time hook-ups - #cdalvaro's answer gets most of the way there for some applications, but isn't full, and it requires the ViewController to know about the artificial NSWindowController, which doesn't feel right.
Like #cdalvaro, the first step is to build your own subclass of NSWindowController, and to set the Storyboard WC to that class. You can then create all of your connections to and from the NSToolbar (both #IBOutlets & #IBActions) in the new WindowController. So far so good.
The last step, which I haven't seen anywhere else, is how to refer to the ViewController in the WindowController - you can't create an #IBOutlet to it - for the same reasons that we got here in the first place - you can't create references across scenes in the Storyboard. However, the WindowController must have a reference to the ViewController, and it does... self.window!.contentViewController! as! ViewController
Here's a complete WindowController with a checkbox that sets values in the ViewController, without the ViewController having to know anything...
class MyWindowController: NSWindowController {
var viewController: ViewController {
get {
return self.window!.contentViewController! as! ViewController
#IBOutlet weak var aSwitch: NSButton!
#IBAction func toolbarActionA(sender: AnyObject) {
self.viewController.a = !self.viewController.a
self.aSwitch.state = self.viewController.a ? NSOnState : NSOffState

This helped me for the IBOutlet solution you are looking for:
Update (explanation)
I discovered this thread because I was trying to create a Circular Progress Indicator inside the toolbar and I didn't know how to animate it from the ViewController since the IBOutlet was declared inside a custom WindowController.
Finally, I found the post that I have added above which describes how to access to IBOutlets from other classes.
In essence what I have done is the following:
Create a custom NSWindowController subclass (CustomWindowController) for the Window Controller so I can add the IBOutlet for the ProgressIndicator:
Code Example:
#interface CustomWindowController : NSWindowController
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator *progressIndicator;
Then in the ViewController class, in the method I want to use to update the state of the Progress Indicator, I create and object of the custom Window Controller.
Code Example:
CustomWindowController *customWindowController = self.view.window.windowController;`
Finally, to change the state of the Progress Indicator there is only to call the method from the created custom object.
Code Example:
[customWindowController.progressIndicator startAnimation:sender];
[customWindowController.progressIndicator stopAnimation:sender];

This video helped me how to create a toolbar without writing a single line of code:
You can add the 'Window Controller' item from the Object Library (if you don't have one), connect to a View Controller (where you want your toolbar to display) and follow the video! For custom Toolbar buttons add 'Image Button' item to the Toolbar just by dragging from the Object Library. Then you can pick an image for a button, set the size and so on...

Here is a general solution for the outlets and actions. it allows you to preform all the the same functions as an iboutlet would for a tool bar item and also allows you to set the button to a function instead of creating an ibaction. hope it helps :P
override func viewDidLayout() {
var x = self.view.window?.toolbar?.items[1].label
if(self.view.window?.toolbar?.items[0].label! != "Check")
func toobarediting() {
self.view.window?.toolbar?.insertItemWithItemIdentifier("Check", atIndex: 0)
func toolbarcheck(functiontoset: Selector) {
var y = self.view.window?.toolbar?.items[0] as NSToolbarItem
y.action = functiontoset
if(functiontoset != nil)
y.enabled = true
Here is a link to my question attempting to get a cleaner answer
but it looks like from the answers i have gotten so far this is the best option.

The same problem of IBOutlets also applies to KVO. One of the features of the NSSplitViewController is the canCollapse property for each split view item which supports KVO, but this is unusable in IB just like IBOutlets.
The only workaround I can see is to add a NSObjectController to each scene and when the scene loads, set the object controller's object to the object in the other scene (already loaded) that you want to reference.


NSToolbar in Xcode 7 using Storyboards (NSWindowController -> NSSplitViewController)

Hi I've seen this question asked a few times already but with no definite answer yet so I created it for xcode 7 and swift2 (which may have changed things a bit anyway).
I created a project using Xcode 7 and Cocoa OSX Story boards + swift2, so my project started with a NSWindowController that Connects to a NSViewController (as expected!). I added a NSToolbar to my window controller and added a NSButton to the toolbar. I changed my NSViewController to be one of the new NSSplitViewController that links to three NSViewControllers and displays their views horizontally - with vertical dividers - (similar to the layout you see in the photo app or pages in Yosemite +). My final goal will be that the button in My toolbar shows and hides the first split.
It is my understanding is, and I would expect that to achieve this I should create an action in the NSSplitViewController that changes the auto layout constrains more or less in the way they are working it out here: How to do collapse and expand view in mac application?.
And then somehow link this action to the NSButton that is in the Toolbar... which happens to be in the NSWindowController (far up and isolated in the hierarchy)...
I have already gone through other questions about NSToolbar and storyboards and failed to accomplish my goal:
The YouTube video: Cocoa Programming L17 - NSToolbar which is the closest I found to solve the problem, but his method does not work for storyboards, only creating your own xib file.
In this question: How to use NSToolBar in Xcode 6 and Storyboard? One person proposes to make the link using the first reponder and expecting everything to hook up at run-time (which looks a bit dodgy and not the way apple would implement it I think...). A second person suggested to create a view controller variable in the NSWindowController and manipulate its properties from there... but again, a bit dodgy too.
One latest comment I saw in that question which seems the best way to tackle the problem (but still not as good as I guess it could be) is to add a NSObjectController to the dock of each scene and when the scene loads, set the values of the objects to the other secene's controller. Is this really the best way to go ahead? If so, how could I achieve this one?
Apple did mention (again) in WWDC15 that they created storyboards for osx and the split-view controller that owns view-controllers so that you can move your logic and work to the specific view-controller, so I would be expecting to do everything from inside my split-view controller as this is the target that needs to change.
Does anyone know how to achieve this from the view controller itself? I really haven't been able to find a way to connect my ToolBarItem to it.
OK, I've created this question quite a few days ago and no answer so far so I've answer with what I recently did to overcome the problem.
After I created my Xcode project I did this:
Created a subclass MySplitViewController for the NSSplitViewController
Added an IBOutlet for each NSSplitViewItem. For example:
#IBOutlet weak var mySplitViewItem: NSSplitViewItem!
Created a subclass WindowController for the NSWindowController
Added an IBAction in the WindowController class that links to the NSToolbarItem (my button)
Added a property that gets the Window Controller's content as MySplitViewController
var mySplitViewController: MySplitViewController {
return self.window?.contentViewController as! MySplitViewController
Now I can access the split view controller's property from the Window Controller in the action I created:
mySplitViewController. mySplitViewItem.collapsed = true
I created some sample code that does this (but using a view controller and changing the text for a label here, just in case someone wants to see a working project with this behaviour. And a blog post about it too :)
One person proposes to make the link using the first reponder and expecting everything to hook up at run-time (which looks a bit dodgy and not the way apple would implement it I think...).
I think this first responder method is actually the proper way.
As an example:
Add something similar to the following, in whichever view controller makes sense.
#IBAction func doSomething(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
print("Do something.")
This will magically show up in the first responder:
In your storyboard, right-click the orange "first responder" icon above your window controller, and you should see doSomething in the very long list. You just need to connect that up to your toolbar button.
In the following screen capture, you can see my "Toggle Sidebar" button is connected to the toggleSidebar action in my first responder.
I didn't even have to write this method — it's provided by NSSplitViewController:
#IBAction open func toggleSidebar(_ sender: Any?)
So, I was working this same issue and finding no solution as you experienced. I read your post and was trying to figure how I would implement your solution when it occurred to me to use a notification. In about 30 seconds, I had a perfectly fine working solution:
In your windowController add an IBAction to post a notification like so
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"TestNotification" object:nil];
Hook up that action to your NSToolbarItem, then in the viewController add self as an observer for that notification like so
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(toggleMasterView:) name:#"TestNotification" object:nil];
In your case, selector would be updateMyLabelText
I don't really see any downside here. No reference to other objects needed, no dependancies. Works flawlessly for me
While connectiong IBActions works by using either the First Responder or by adding an "Object" to the scene, then changing its class to the window's view controller class, this doesn't help with IBOutlets and delegates that you'd like to point to the view controller.
Here's a work-around for that:
Add the Toolbar to the View Controller, not to its Window. That way, you can make all the IBOutlet connections in the View Controller Scene easily. I've done that for years and found no issues with it, even when using Tabs.
You'll have to assign the window's toolbar in code, then. E.g. like this:
#interface ViewController ()
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSToolbar *toolbar; // connect this in your storyboard to the Toolbar that you moved to the View Controller Scene
- (void)viewWillAppear {
[super viewWillAppear];
self.view.window.toolbar = self.toolbar;

Linking NSMenu to ViewController - Swift

I am working on a Yosemite app in swift and have hit a road block.
I have multiple views working properly, and now I want to implement custom menu actions. To keep the answer simple, how would I achieve this example. I want to click a menu button and have it change text on the viewcontroller. I have tried setting up IBActions, but I'm not sure how to make the link to the viewcontroller from the AppDelegate. How do you connect the two?
I'm still figuring this stuff out, so any insight would be awesome. Thanks in advance.
*UPDATE. I tried making a object and linking it that way. No luck.
When you press "Test" it prints test, however it's in it's own class. I need to do something in my main ViewController class. How to I make that reference?
Getting NSViewController from NSWindow is an easy solution.
If your app has multiple windows, select appropriate one through keyWindow or windows of NSApplication.
#IBAction func pressed(sender: AnyObject) {
if let window = NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainWindow {
if let viewController = window.contentViewController as? YourViewController {
// do stuff

NSViewController in Swift - Can't unwrap Optional.None

On my main window I have a CustomView. Depending on what the user selects, this view will be changed. To have a clear source code, I created for each new view a NSViewController with a new xib file. Then I connected my IBOutlets to the new ViewControllers. This works perfect. But if I add an IBAction, Xcode says, that it cannot connect to the action. So I googled and I found out, that I should not connect all the IBOutlets and IBActions to the File's Owner of the ViewController. Instead I added a new NSObject to the new xib file and set the Class to my ViewController class. If I now want to access the IBOutlets, I'm getting the error fatal error: Can't unwrap Optional.None at the line, where I want to access the IBOutlet.
Any ideas? What's the right way to work with NSViewControllers. Do I have to add an NSObject? How many instances of my ViewController are then created?
"Can't unwrap Optional.None" is what happens when you have an implicitly unwrapped optional (one defined with an !) that is nil but you try to use it anyway. For example:
var aNumber : Int! = nil
aNumber + 5 //fatal error: Can't unwrap Optional.None
I believe outlets are declared as implicitly unwrapped by default in Swift, so you're probably getting this error by trying to do something with an outlet that isn't connected in interface builder (or your storyboard or whatever).
As to the rest, it's really hard to understand what you're doing in your app. I understand you have an NSViewController for each view, but what outlets are you connecting to them? Where are you adding the IBAction? Which file's owner do you mean, the owner of the window's nib? The owner of your NSViewControllers?
It sounds to me like you're making this way too complicated, and adding more NSObjects to the mix is almost certainly the wrong way to go. See if you can simplify things or upload your project someplace so we can take a look and better diagnose your issue.
I now have the solution. Here is the way to use NSViewController: (working in Beta 3)
Create a new app and add a CustomView to the main window. Connect this custom view to your AppDelegate.
Add this var to your AppDelegate: var mainViewController: NSViewController?
Create some new Swift Cocoa Classes as Subclasses of NSViewController and check "Also create XIB file for user interface" as much as you need.
For each ViewController add a new variable to AppDelegate like this: var firstVC = firstViewController(nibName: "firstViewController", bundle: nil)
Now edit your new xib files and connect everything to the correspondig swift file.
For changing the view and the view controller, choose this code:
mainViewController = firstVC //or the vc you need
That's all. All IBActions and IBOutlets now work without any error. If you need a method for doing some things on loading the view, take override func loadView() { super.loadView() ...

Failed to connect (storyboard) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSNibExternalObjectPlaceholder) error in Cocoa and storyboard

I've tried to build a sample Cocoa app on which I want to connect UI components put on storyboard to ViewController.swift as either an IBOutlet or IBAction. However, when I tried to control-drag the UI components on storyboard (such as NSButton) to ViewController.swift and create a #IBAction method, and then run the app, the resultant app logs the following message in console and of course the app doesn't respond to me tapping the button.
Failed to connect (storyboard) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSNibExternalObjectPlaceholder): missing setter or instance variable
How can I use the IBAction method properly?
For your information here's my ViewController.swift:
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet var txtTitle : NSTextField
#IBOutlet var boxColor : NSBox
override func viewDidLoad() {
func colorChanged(cp: NSColorPanel) {
let c:NSColor = cp.color;
self.boxColor.fillColor = c
#IBAction func btnSetColor(sender : AnyObject) {
let cp:NSColorPanel = NSColorPanel.sharedColorPanel()
#IBAction func btnSetWindowTitle(sender : AnyObject) {
if self.txtTitle.stringValue != "" {
self.title = self.txtTitle.stringValue
I use Xcode 6 beta on OS X 10.10 Yosemite. And started the template with storyboard being on.
While the answer above correctly states that this isn't the reason for compilation issues, I thought that I would clarify for those who are just looking to eliminate the warning messages altogether. This was what I was looking for when I found this page.
When you are building your actions and some of the actions change, or get deleted in the storyboard, the outlets remain. Select the controller/window where the older unused actions used to be and you will still see them in the outlets segment of the storyboard within the attributes tab. Remove those old actions/outlets there and then the warning disappear.
Look for duplicates between the ViewController and the File's Owner. One or both might be holding on to these objects when they shouldn't be. Removing those will remove these soft warnings.
Failed to connect (storyboard) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSNibExternalObjectPlaceholder): missing setter or instance variable
The IBAction methods working like it should, see Apple Dev Forums:
"This is a known issue ... The messages are harmless and do not
indicate a problem with your code."
Apple Dev Forums: OS X Storyboard failure
Thats not why your code is not working, you need to fix the following:
A) Here is my working code to set the title - using self.view.window.title instead self.title:
#IBAction func btnSetWindowTitle(sender : AnyObject) {
if self.txtTitle.stringValue != "" {
self.view.window.title = self.txtTitle.stringValue
B) In Interface Builder you need to set NSBox "Box Type" to "Custom":
And that's it:
I think I figured out the right solution.
1) Drag an Object into you xib interface.
2) Click the Object in the left list you just dragged in.
3) Bind the Object to your custom class.(Here my class is a login window controller as example)
4) Ctrl drag button to the source code. In the popup window, choose your class name(here in example is Login Window Controller) rather than File's Owner.
Hope this could help you.
I've found another easier solution these days while coding.
Check this out.
1) Select File's Owner in Document Outline in the .xib file.
2) Specify the class you want the .xib file to connect with.
3) Now when you connect outlet to the source file, just use default File's Owner. Much easier.
4) I guess it's not enough so far. I've met an exception when running called 'loaded the 'xxx' nib but the view outlet was not set'. We should do something more.
Select the view in Document Outline. Drag from the circle of New Referencing Outlet to the File's Owner in Document Outline.
Alright, that's the new easier solution. No additional objects should add into the xib. If it doesn't work, leave comments below.

Can't CTRL+Drag NSButton to custom NSView header

I'd like to create a custom NSTableCellView instantiated by Interface Builder. I've set my Table Cell View class to MyTableCellView, and properly created MyTableCellView : NSTableCellView .m/.h files.
However, I just can't CTRL+Drag a simple button from inside this view to MyTableCellView.h in order to create an IBOutlet.
Here is a video to show what happens:
How the view is subclassed:
How I try to CTRL+Drag a button
Also, sometimes, Interface Builder just don't allow the cell view's class to be modified. What's happening ?
I finally found a solution, that is a little weird but works as expected. Instead of connecting the NSButton to MyTableCellView header directly, I used the reversed path:
Manually create an outlet:
#property(retain, nonatomic) IBOutlet NSButton* button;
Then click the empty circle on the left, and drag it to your XIB file's button:
I have no idea why it works this way, please let me know if you know the anwser.
