Outlook 2010 signatures profile dissapearing - outlook

I am working on a service desk/position, not too long though, and this morning when I logged in on my machine and on my company citrix machine I tried to reply from citrix and I suddenly realize that my signature profile has disapeared.
When I asked my colleagues if they have had the same issue they said yes, so I started to search for some kind of a resolution but the only one that made sense was a resolution for the problem on Oulook 2003.
On 2003 installation Outlook creates a registry key named 'first run' or something like that and if you work with more than one server like I do when I connect to the citrix machine and if the value is different from server to server, outlook seems to think that you are on your first run and creates you a new profile. So the fix on 2003 is that you need to set the same value to the first run key on all citrix servers.
But 2010 seems that it doesn`t create the reg key that I mentioned earlier so if someone can help me with this I will really appreciate it! Thank you in advance.

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2691977 Might help to just have the signature automaically set up for all users


Unable to connect to SPOService using Pswh on Mac

first I want to state that I am a novice when it comes to code/programming. Also, I have a Mac (that runs Catalina, if that matters).
This is my first time posting to this forum, so please forgive any missteps in protocol...
Here's some background info to my question:
I have Microsoft 365 for Business and I use Teams. I'm a small business and I'm the owner and administrator. I need to be able to share externally with anyone. I have changed the settings in SharePoint admin and OneDrive admin to be able to share externally. Look here to see an example of what I have done, and the problem: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/onedrive-for-business/share-with-anyone-with-the-link-setting-is-grey-out-why/m-p/810390
Even after allowing for external sharing, the sharing options are still greyed-out. But this is not my question. I know how to fix it; as it says in the above link, I need to enable sharing in Powershell via set-sposite "siteurl" -sharingcapability ExternalUserAndGuestSharing
After some research, I found that there is a Microsoft Pwsh for Mac. I downloaded Homebrew, Microsoft PowerShell and Azure. (I also have Node.js, if that matters.) Here is a screenshot of my terminal (I hid any identifying information...):
terminal screenshot
As you can see, I get this error: Connect-SPOService -Url https://<organization name here>admin.sharepoint.com Connect-SPOService: The term 'Connect-SPOService' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
I contacted Microsoft and had a technician with me on the phone trying to troubleshoot their way into my SPOService on my Mac using Homebrew in order to fix the greyed-out "share with anyone" option. We were unsuccessful. At the moment, I do have access to a Windows computer, and I was able to enter my SPOService on that Windows computer and resolve the problem. However, for each new SharePoint site I create and want to share externally, I will need to repeat this process (at least, this is what the technician told me). I will not always have access to a Windows computer, therefore I need to be able to enter my SPOService on my Macbook.
Are there any workarounds? Is there an SPOService powershell for Mac? If I have the pswh for Microsoft, why won't it let me into sharepoint?
Thank you in advance for any assistance
First, I can still not rename the domain, but I can help you with a general SharePoint update. It does not work either in Azure or on Mac OX X.
If you like to check, repeat the following steps on your computer setup, assuming you don't use a Windows Computer.
Check the availability of SharePoint
Get-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -ListAvailable | Select Name,Version
Install the module if missing
On a mac with the name of your user directory
Import-Module /Users/username/.local/share/powershell/Modules Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -Verbose
On Azure Powershell
Import-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -Verbose
You get a PowerShell via a one-month Test-Subscription.
Prepare your Admin URL
Make sure you add "-admin" at the end of your domain name. You received this when you signed up. It is not the domain name you can use for your subscription later; it's, unfortunately, how Microsoft decided to implement it. Therefore, changing from Mac or Azure is not possible.
Connect to your side
Connect-SPOService -Url $AdminCenterURL -Credential (Get-Credential)
And now it will fail with
Connect-SPOService: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Win32.Registry' threw an exception.
Unfortunately, after exchanging many emails with Microsoft, I could not resolve this with the Support desk. However, the error seems to be known.
I wrote this note to allow others to save valuable time so that somebody would not waste his time if they tried to resolve it as I tried.
If like me, you are stuck with renaming the initial SharePoint subdomain, you currently have the following options.
Buy a Windows PC with a License or install a VM with a MS Windows trial license
Buy an Enterprise License, and use the Beta functionality.
Delete your subscription, but then you might lose the active licenses and the work you have put in already. But you can re-register, and this time put the name into the subscription, which you like to see as a subdomain of SharePoint. But you lose all work put in, in the first place.

VM & MS access - ExportWithFormatting PDF not working while in background

I have a problem that i have a difficult time explaining, which makes any online search very hard. Here is my dilema.
I'm migrating a VM. The purpose of this machine is to compile send out daily/weekly/monthly reports. I know there are other ways (like Power BI) but this is the situation we are in right now. The older machine has win10 pro and office 365 installed while the new has win10 enterprise version and office 2016 installed. This machine runs 24/7 in the background running specific tasks (via system scheduler app) at given times, that is it's a Virtual machine and has done so without issues since it was created. The reason for the migration is because we need to domain change and bring the machine under a new corporate policy and we don't want to do this on a live server.
We've set it the VM's the same way, same programs and same settings. Everything seams to be running smooth expect for this one thing, and here is the problem i have a hard time to explain or figure out:
MS Access will update the tables and the computer will run the tasks as set but it will not export the data to pdf unless i have a remote desktop connection open. Will not export the pdf's otherwise. MS Access uses a autoexec macro where the pdf export is set with ExportWithFormatting. This works without issues on the old server.
We thought this to be a permission or user specific issue at first but even re-creating the tasks did not work and changing paths. Otherwise also i expect we would have problems with tables updating, specially since it works when you have an active remote desktop conn running.
I'm lost and therefore hoping this community will be able to help or guide me to a solution.
I believe that we found the reason for this. It was caused by windows easy print and the printer drivers of the machine. It worked for some reason differently between the servers. after reinstalling the printer drivers and a few restarts it started working. It exports now from access again.
This is at least solved.

Visual Studio 2015 Community License update fails in Samba NT4 Domain due to proxy/firewall

First off, I read all other Questions, that relate to this, I did an extensive google search on this topic and could not get a working answer.
I installed the Community Version of Visual Studio 2015 in mid November and been using it since then. After finishing my project, I went back to pen and paper for new formulas and noe came back to implement all those neat things.
Now it says, that my trial license has expired and should be renewed. I already read, I should use my MicrosoftAccount to do that, and proceeded by doing that.
Now this happened
It says, I should check firewall and prxoy settings and I read about contactiong the administrator. So that, what I did, but he says, there is no proxy, no block by firewall or anything else.
When running VS as administrator (after entering my credentials) I can create new projects and debug existing ones, so no problem there. However I can not use the program as normal user.
I read somewhere here to try repair it via systemcontrol, but that did not work either.
Does anyone has a solution?
In addition: There is also no "Enter License Key here" field, so that is also not an option.
(several Days later)
Halleluja, I found the answer! After digging through some Microsoft Help-Forums, I came upon this Thread, that not only perfectly describes my problem, but also gives a solution. So dear visitor from the future, who googled the problem and came upen this Stackoverflow Question: Follow the link above!
So, after sniffing packets harder than a drug addict, trying to find a difference in TLS exchanges between my computer and VS licensing server when using a domain account and when a using local account, and noticing no difference, I recalled why I had pushed this hypothesis to the side: our network supports TLS 1.2 perfectly well, as I can connect to TLS 1.2-only remote hosts without any issue.
This means the issue lies elsewhere, and is caused by Visual Studio treating domain accounts and local accounts differently when trying to renew licensing information.
The good news is I've found why and how to fix it.
I recalled that earlier this year, when we upgraded our commercial department from Windows 7 to Windows 10, they all encountered issues while trying to configure their mail accounts on Microsoft Outlook: an unknown error 0x8004011c. If you search around for it you'll quickly find that this only happens when using domain accounts and not when using local accounts (sounds familiar, heh?). The fix to bypass this issue is to set a specific Windows cryptography-related registry key.
When digging a little deeper, you can find that this fix is related to KB 3000850 (which I sadly cannot link to due to my account not being verified) and is actually described in the "Known issues" section, as well as in Samba-related documentation ("Required Settings for Samba NT4 Domains").
In short: Windows 8.1+ clients (with KB3000850) joined to an NT-Style domain are not able to use Windows Credential Manager. This doesn't occur when not using a NT-Style domain. The fix seems to globally authorize using Windows Credential Manager whatever the domain context.
So, to wrap it up, if:
You have a NT-Style domain (such as when using a Samba domain controller)
You have Windows 8.1 or later
vYou encounter issues when renewing your Visual Studio license
Then, set the following registry key:
This solved the issue on our domain, for all machines and accounts tested.
As to why Visual Studio 2015 needs to use Windows Credential Manager and not Visual Studio 2013, someone from Microsoft will have to chime in there to explain because I have no clue.
You are using a very old Samba server that uses unsupported features. NT4 came out in 1995. Active Directory didn't exist back then. A lot has changed in the last 20 years, including strengthening security and gradually removing older, less secure features like LanMan and NT4 domains.
Instead of weakening security, you should follow the advice posted in the page you linked, Required Settings for Samba NT4 Domains:
Microsoft discontinued the official support for NT4 domains in their Windows operating systems. ... Anyway, consider migrating to a Samba Active Directory (AD) to avoid problems if a future update from Microsoft disables or removes the unsupported NT4 features.

Windows 2008 setup IIS for all server users

It is a first time I am setting up server, so sorry for stupid questions.
I am trying to setup IIS on Windows 2008. Turning off Enhanced Security Configuration allowing me to go to default site, but only for me. Other user still can’t go there. What do I need to create and how to set it up, so anybody who get to the server, will have the same internet settings?
Thank you.
Sounds like you need to give anon permission to the site try this: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc770966(v=ws.10).aspx

Team Foundation services are not available from server - The remote name could not be resolved

We are working with Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010. We did not have any problems for about half a year, but:
Since a couple of days we get the following error: Team Foundation services are not available from server (...) The remote name could not be resolved; (...)
The problem occurs randomly (we are unable - yet - to pinpoint the conditions on which it occurs) and persists until we restart Visual Studio. The problem occurs about 8 times per day per developer.
Because we seem not to get past this problem and we cannot find anybody writing about this specific combination (the error and the 'remote name' part), I thought it wise to ask you guys about it ;) . Could anyone please help?
This is a client, server or infrastructure related problem on network level. The DNS entry for your TFS server cannot be resolved correctly at times for host dfz-vm223.
Suggestions for troubleshooting:
On some developer systems, replace the hostname dfz-vm223 by the ip-address of the TFS server. If the problem stop occuring there the DNS system is instable.
Setup a continuous ping stream (ping -t dfz-vmm223 from command window) and see if the host system is pingable in case you have TFS server problems.
Just found out what the problem was: the problem is proxy related. When we disable our proxy, the problem is gone. It appears our proxy and TFS are troublesome together. If anyone experiences the same problem and you are working with a proxy server, I would suggest you try disabling the proxy too.
I had the same problem, although I'm using VS2012 and a WAN connection to TFS.
I solved the problem by flushing the DNS cache.
To flush the DNS cache, start a command prompt with admin rights: ipconfig /flushdns
You need to do this in all the computers where the problem occurs.
I know this is old, but I had this problem sometimes when I ran Fiddler.
Sometimes Fiddler would crash or not clean up properly and the whole machine would get into some weird state where not even reboots were helping. The solution to it usually is to start Fiddler again, turn off any interceptors/collecting traffic and shut it down again.
Some of my co-workers and I had this problem as well. Out of about 25 developers, most never got this error. But three of us got it pretty consistently. The symptoms are identical, but we are using Visual Studio 2013 almost exclusively. In this version of Visual Studio, the error is preceded by the code: TF400324.
We found eventually that the three of us had all installed Productivity Power Tools 2013. And the developers that were not affected by this error had not installed it. Most had not heard of it. This used to be a very popular extension, so I have always installed it as I set up my system since about 2007. But apparently, in its modern incarnation in Visual Studio 2013, perhaps in combination with some quirk in our network or something, it can cause this problem. We have each uninstalled it, and have not gotten this error since. (It's been several months now.)
If you have this extension installed, you probably already know about it, because you probably installed it yourself. You probably started using it years ago, and it became a habit to add to each new installation. You will find that today, the default installation of Visual Studio actually includes most of its features already. To uninstall, go to Tools --> Extensions and Updates... Then click on Productivity Power Tools 2013, and click Uninstall.
Hade the same issue. For whatever reason the windows DNS Client service on my PC wasn't running. Changing it from Disabled to Automatic solved this problem for me.
Too long for comments:
First off, as #kroonwijk stated, this is an infrastructure issue. Your DNS queries are either timing out or the DNS server is not responding at certain times.
In a comment you mentioned a change over from regular machines to laptops for your entire dev team. If I had to make a bet I'd say that the DNS configuration on the laptops is not the same as what you had on the other machines.
You need to take this up with your infrastructure people. If you still have access to the older machines boot one of them up and compare the IP configuration. If not, get them to fix the problem. The DNS resolution problem could be any one of a number of factors. For example, the new machines could be pointing to an incorrect DNS server that has network issues or their might be some incompatibility between how Win7 makes DNS requests and your DNS server.
I have also experienced this problem and it doesn't always have to do with name resolution.
If you add an entry to your %systemroot%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file for your TFS server, it removes any dependance on your name resolution servers.
If you are still experiencing the problem, then it has to do with either visual studio or one of the VS Extensions that you are running. There may be a memory leak somewhere. Disable all your Extensions using the extension manager, restart VS, and see if you still experience the problem.
