VM & MS access - ExportWithFormatting PDF not working while in background - windows

I have a problem that i have a difficult time explaining, which makes any online search very hard. Here is my dilema.
I'm migrating a VM. The purpose of this machine is to compile send out daily/weekly/monthly reports. I know there are other ways (like Power BI) but this is the situation we are in right now. The older machine has win10 pro and office 365 installed while the new has win10 enterprise version and office 2016 installed. This machine runs 24/7 in the background running specific tasks (via system scheduler app) at given times, that is it's a Virtual machine and has done so without issues since it was created. The reason for the migration is because we need to domain change and bring the machine under a new corporate policy and we don't want to do this on a live server.
We've set it the VM's the same way, same programs and same settings. Everything seams to be running smooth expect for this one thing, and here is the problem i have a hard time to explain or figure out:
MS Access will update the tables and the computer will run the tasks as set but it will not export the data to pdf unless i have a remote desktop connection open. Will not export the pdf's otherwise. MS Access uses a autoexec macro where the pdf export is set with ExportWithFormatting. This works without issues on the old server.
We thought this to be a permission or user specific issue at first but even re-creating the tasks did not work and changing paths. Otherwise also i expect we would have problems with tables updating, specially since it works when you have an active remote desktop conn running.
I'm lost and therefore hoping this community will be able to help or guide me to a solution.

I believe that we found the reason for this. It was caused by windows easy print and the printer drivers of the machine. It worked for some reason differently between the servers. after reinstalling the printer drivers and a few restarts it started working. It exports now from access again.
This is at least solved.


Can't Use /LOCALOS Flag with DJOIN

I do laptop provisioning at home and something I use at the end is the DJOIN.exe command so the laptops will be ready for use when connecting on our offices' network.
Typically if I want to do an offline domain join, I will use:
On most laptop models this will execute fine and allow users to login to their Windows accounts once they're on the office network. I'm working with a new model today (thanks supply chain issues!) and even though it is also running Windows 10, I am getting the error message:
/LOCALOS specified but the current OS does not support domain join functionality.
The request is not supported.
Doing a google search for that exact message shows there are no results and most of the other results aren't for offline joining specifically as they include steps on the DC side of things -- which don't apply here since it's an offline join. I tried it without the /LOCALOS flag just to see what happens and it gave me:
/REQUESTODJ only operates on an offline (not running) Windows image
by default. The path supplied [C:\windows] is the current running Windows
installation. To override the default behavior and target the currently
running local operating system also specify /LOCALOS.
The parameter is incorrect.
Has anyone else encountered this and know why/how this happens and how to get past it? I didn't see any hints generated in Event Viewer; hoping to avoid a bunch of tickets down the line asking for domain joins once they've reached the office 😅
MAJOR facepalm here.
Just posting this so there's a reference for others, but this batch of laptops have Windows HOME installed on them, not Pro. Per this page with Home vs Pro features, Active Directory / Domain Joining is not supported on Windows Home. Either install Pro on the laptops or return them and purchase a batch with Pro on them.

system.net.sockets and windows 10 error?

I'm having a very strange problem with an application in windows 10. It consists of several .exe in the same computer communicating between them with sockets using system.net.sockets library.
The problem I have is that after installing Windows 10 in a new computer, install all windows updates and then installing that application, connection to sockets doesn't work correctly and the application fails. The strangest thing is that if you leave the computer alone for 1-2 days the applications starts working just fine. The same has happened after installing version 1803 update, it stops working and then works one or two days later.
Any idea of what can it be? Has anyone seen something similar?
It really seems to be related to the 1803 update you mentioned.
Running an application from a network share will fail when creating a socket;
Copying the very same application to a local drive/path will work just fine, without any further modification.
We are also struggling with this while connecting to an Oracle database (both ODBC and ODP.NET) and it seems the issue has recently been acknowledged:
It also seems this is a recurrent Windows bug:
Win Socket Creation fails with Error code 10022 if non super user
Sorry, no effective solution at the time (other than copying the app binaries to a local folder). I'll update this answer once we get a better solution.
OK, looking a little further I found here in SO that this might be related to a SMBv1 network share, which describes the environment we had here (the network share was disabled because of another bug we faced - thanks MSFT).
Re-enabling SMBv2 / SMBv3 on the server solved the issue.
Related post:
After Windows 10 update 1803 my program can't open a socket when running from network share

Script works on Windows Server 2003 but returns error 0x8007000e on Windows Server 2012

I've a Perl script that forks in order to use Win32::OLE to extract PNGs of slides from a Powerpoint presentation. I'm in the process of migrating it from my old server (Windows Server 2003) to a new server (Windows Server 2012). The script works fine on the old server (which has Microsoft Office 2010) but on the new server (with Microsoft Office 2016), the script bombs with an error about there not being enough storage available:
Win32::OLE(0.1712) error 0x8007000e: "Not enough storage is available to complete this operation"
I've found quite a few references to this error code, but none particularly useful. Whilst this Microsoft support article says what the problem is and what to do to fix it, I have no idea why this is suddenly an issue now I'm moving to a different server and it doesn't seem to apply to my situation.
The new server has loads of spare disk space and RAM, so there should be plenty to go around. (The old server has far less of both, but that still works.)
Could this be something to do with the new server being 64-bit?
Could it be because of the differing versions of Office?
Could Apache or Perl be configured differently by default than when installed on the old server? (It's a new installation of each, but from the same source as on the old server, and I can't find any configuration that limits memory.)
One interesting point that leads me to believe that it's something to do with the script running via Apache (v2.4.27) is that if I run it from the command line (requiring a minor modification), it works fine. Apache runs as a service and I've tried running it as the same user for which it works on the command line, and that has no impact.
I've run out of places to look and things to try now, so any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE (21 August): Since nobody seems to have any ideas, I refactored my code slightly so that it gets called via a scheduled task. That works fine, supporting my theory that it's something to do with it being run via Apache. I'll keep this question open, partly in case a solution is presented and partly in case my workaround can help anyone else who has a similar problem.

UIAutomation won't work in Windows Server (VPS) if I am not connected via RDP

I have script which uses mircrosoft's UIAutomation to automate an application. The script is inside a VPS running Windows Server 2012. The script works perfectly while I am connected to the VPS via Remote Desktop (RDP).
When I am not connected, the script seems to be stuck on SetFocus for a object... which leads me to believe that the script needs a Display/Screen/Session in order to work... but I am not sure if it is possible to do it while I am not connected to the VPS.
I can see 2 possible solutions here, either modify the script in someway to work in this environment or make the VPS have a virtual desktop while I am not connected (this solution might be more related to Server Fault rather than StackOverflow).
I am very confused, thanks for the help in advance :)
I managed to workaround the issue by actually connecting to the server to itself (to via RDP so that it will always have an active RDP session for the automation script to run.
I am not happy with the results but it works... I cannot give clear instructions on how you would need to modify the settings in Windows to allow RDP connections from self, it was a one big trial and error process, I have to modify some policies in the Group Policy Editor and then some stuff that I don't remember.
There is another downside to this, a Windows server will allow 2 simultaneous connections to it but by using this method we are reserving a slot so only 1 connection at a given time is possible, something to be aware of.

Network problem, suggestions sought

The LAN which has about a half dozen windows xp professional pcs and one windows 7 professional pc.
A jet/access '97 database file is acting as the database.
The method of acccess is via dao (DAO350.dll) and the front end app is written in vb6.
When an instance is created it immediately opens a global database object which it keeps open for the duration of its lifetime.
The windows 7 machine was acting as the fileserver for the last few months without any glitches.
Within the last week what's happened is that instances of the app will work for a while (say 30 mins) on the xp machines and then will fail on database operations, reporting connection errors (eg disk or network error or unable to find such and such a table.
Instances on the windows 7 machine work normally.
Moving the database file to one of the xp machines has the effect that the app works fine on ALL the xp machines but the error occurs on the windows 7 machine instead.
Just before the problem became apparent a newer version of the app was installed.
Uninstalling and installing the previous version did not solve the problem.
No other network changes that I know of were made although I am not entirely sure about this as the hardware guy did apparently visit about the same time the problems arose, perhaps even to do something concerning online backing up of data. (There is data storage on more than one computer) Apparently he did not go near the win 7 machine.
Finally I know not very much about networks so please forgive me if the information I provide here is superfluous or deficient.
I have tried turning off antivirus on the win 7 machine, restarting etc but nothing seems to work.
It is planned to move our database from jet to sql server express in the future.
I need some suggestions as to the possible causes of this so that I can investigate it further. Any suggestions would be gretly appreciated
UPDATE 08/02/2011
The issue has been resolved by the hardware guy who visited the client today. The problem was that on this particular LAN the IP addresses were allocated dynamically except for the Win 7 machine which had a static IP address.
The static address happened to lie within the range from which the dynamic addresses were being selected. This wasn't a problem until last week when a dynamic address was generated that matched the static one and gave rise to the problems I described above.
Thanks to everyone for their input and thanks for not closing the question.
Having smart knowledgeable people to call on is a great help when you're under pressure from an unhappy customer and the gaps in your own knowledge mean that you can't confidently state that your software is definitely not to blame.
I'd try:
Validate that same DAO and ODBC-drivers is used on both xp- and vista machines.
Is LAN single broadcast domain? If not, rewire. (If routers required make
sure WINS is working)
Upgrade to ms-sql. It could be just a day of well worth work, ;-)
