Saving files to a VPN in Visual Studio 2010 very slow [closed] - visual-studio-2010

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm connecting to a VPN so I can work at home, but when I open small ASPX files and make minor changes and save them, it's incredibly slow.
Also even doing simple things like clicking a different line in the file to move the cursor is lagged noticeably.
Is this a known issue, or is this as I 99% suspect just down to network connection. I wasn't expecting it to be this slow.

Working with files over a VPN will be slow, as Visual Studio will be tracking changes in that file while it is open.
Try disabling 'Track Changes' in Visual Studio, under Text Editor section in options.
Failing that, you should copy the files to your local machine and work from there, when finished copy back. You can use the folder to sort by last modified to make it easier to find the edited files when you copy back.
Ideally, when working with remote codebases, you should use a repository rather than flat file storage. Something like GIT or SVN, and then 'push' your code changes back.
In any case, working over VPN always is always slow. Check VPN settings (compression, multilink), perhaps map the remote folder to a network drive, turn of 'use default gateway' on the VPN connection itself; these are methods I use to speed up VPN performance in general.


How can I delete the Windows.old directory? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been trying to delete this extremely stubborn folder and nothing seems to work. First I tried the disk cleanup tool in the windows control panel, then CCleaner, and finally followed by a barrage of cmd tricks. I think one of the sub-files located under System32 is corrupt, because when I go to delete it normally I get the "The system could not find the specified item..." error. I even tried taking ownership of all files and folders within Windows.old, but was STILL denied access! Please help!
It's pretty simple to remove:
Click in Windows' search field, type Cleanup, then click Disk Cleanup.
Click the "Clean up system files" button.
Wait a bit while Windows scans for files, then scroll down the list until you see "Previous Windows installation(s)."
Select Previous Windows installation and anything else you want to remove and select OK.
If you've made all these attempts to remove it already though, you may have broken Windows ability to remove the folder.

Windows 7 Safe Mode in minimal option keep on looping [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have run msconfig and select safe mode in minimal option. After restarting, it keeps on loading repeatedly. I have tried to select Last Known Configuration but it returns back on loading. I could not log on and disable the safe mode in minimal. There is one option, to repair it . If I choose to repair Windows, will it go back to normal mode?Are all files still intact even if I proceed to repair it? I never had tried this option. Please help me. Are there any options other than repairing Windows to go back in normal mode?
thank you.
It seems like your facing a thing called infinite loop. This is probably caused because your bootmanager file is corrupted. You can try fixing it by using the link that opens when you click bootmanager in the previous sentence (requires some knowledge of Windows).
If you want to learn more about the bootmanager (and how it works) click here. Although you should only read it when you are interested in fixing it manually (requires some knowledge of Windows).
To answer your original question, whenever you select an option from the start-up repair screen that will remove some of your personal files it will tell you before deleting anything.
I've also faced this problem (it wasn't really the same as yours, but there are multiple issues that are called infinite loop as they are caused by the same error). I've ended up re-installing Windows. The good thing of Windows 7 is that whenever you re-install Windows it will ask you if you want to keep your old files, if you decide to keep the old files the installer will automatically add a folder to you main drive (usually C) named Windows.old which will contain your old data. Note that documents, your desktop and pictures etc. are saved, your Program Files directory will be copied to, but you will probably need to re-install all your programs. But in the end, you will keep your documents.

VS2013 express Intellisense is very slow... Unreal engine 4 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Visual Studio 2013 Intellisense is SOOOOO DAYMMMMM SLOWWW... I have like an insane rig and it takes about 30 seconds to a minute to pop up the intellisense menus... Sometimes, it doesn't even show!... and i have to reopen the file to get it to actually come up? It's making learning Unreal engine really blooming difficult.
Is there any obvious reasons why this is so slow.
I've deleted my sdf file, but that did jack diddly squat.
I've run in safe mode
It doesn't seem to be context specific, it's just slow throughout the application.
If you use the unreal engine source code from git rather than relying on the unreal engine executable file project creation... You get an unreal batch file that creates the visual studio project for you.
When you do it the above way, it binds intellisense stuff and it is lightning quick now. I assume it's because VS was having to dive into files that were dll rather than just part of the project solution... (unpacked)?
A word of warning, it takes ages (30 minutes for me) for the first build doing it this way...
If you are unsure of how to use the source code from git, follow this tutorial:
It makes a HUGE difference!
Another thing that worked for me is to increase the C++ Max cached translation units to 15.

Filezilla - need to copy items from server to desktop [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This is probably really simply and obvious, but I'm not very familiar with Filezilla and can't afford a mistake.
I need to copy a file from the server to my desktop without actually removing it from the server - the live site needs to remain live as it currently stands. There is no "Copy" option, so I'm wondering if "Download" is the option I need to use.. but I need to ensure that "Downloading" the files will not actually remove them from the server.
Basically, I need to save a copy of the site without actually disturbing or disrupting it online.
Open fileZilla, Connect to your server, you will see Remote Site and Local site. Navigate to your desktop on local site window( this will change the location where the file will be downloaded). Double click/(right click and select download) on the file you want to download on the remote site window.
Selecting "Download" or doubleclicking the file will not delete it from the server.
Try to select the folder or the file, and drop it on your desktop folder on the left side !
It should be good !

Windows 8 fresh install [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have recently got the Samsung series 7 ultra laptop and found a lot of bulkware with the pre-installed windows 8 so I did a fresh install of Windows 8. It went through successfully but I noticed my folder like Documents, Music, Pictures etc. now have "Configuration settings (.ini)" type files named: "desktop".
(desktop file from Document folder).
When open with notepad, I get something like:
What are these for and is it safe to delete?
This .ini file stores customizations that you've set for that particular folder, such as icon size, layout, etc.
If you haven't set any customizations these should just be the default settings. You can delete them if you want, but they'll probably just come back. They also should only show up if you have the 'show hidden files and folders' option selected under 'folder options.' That's because Microsoft doesn't think you need to worry about it, which in terms of this particular file is probably true. The files sizes are negligible and deleting them will only reset any customizations you may have set.
Hope this helps!
