Google Spreadsheet Dropdown Filter - drop-down-menu

I have Google spreadsheet with a list of names in a column. (EX: David, Daniel, John, Cooper).
I made a drop down list of those names. Lets say I two more columns with Age and Birthday.
I want to show the age and birthday column information pertaining to 'David' when I choose 'David' from the drop down list.
A drop down list acting as a 'in spreadsheet filter'.
Any way to do this?
Ive tried the =FILTER() and =UNIQUE() but they don't quite get me what I want. Thanks for the help

Assuming you have the drop down list in cell A1 (of sheet 2) and the columns with data are in sheet1
col A names
col B age
col C birthday
in cell B1 (of sheet2)
=QUERY(Sheet1!A1:C, "Select B, C where A = """&A1&""" ", 1)


Can you help me when I select Desc in dropdown list google sheet I want the value become unique number

I have a google Spreadsheet.
Column A = Unique number,
Column B = Desc
In column C, I use data validation from column B. I want when I select 1 value the result in column C should be column A. I tried include image to become more clear. Do you have any ideas?
Thank you.
=IFNA(VLOOKUP(D3, {B:B, A:A}, 2, 0))

Sort data in google spreadsheet

I have a google form linked to a google sheet. The google form let me choose a date and select names. These persons are clients of a meeting at this date.
The google form gives me a date in the 1st column and a list of names separated by commas in the 2nd column. Eg
8.15.2020 John, Mike, Eva
8.20.2020 John, Eva, Gudrun, Pete
Now I want to sort this tab by names - 1st column list of names, 1st row list of meeting dates, an 'x' where the person joined the meetiing and save it in a new tab. Eg
8.15.2020 8.20.2020
John x x
Mike x
Eva x x
Gudrun x
Pete x
How can I solve this problem?
IF(IFERROR(SPLIT(Sheet1!B1:B; ", "))="";;
Sheet1!A1:A&"♦"&SPLIT(Sheet1!B1:B; ", "))); "♦");
"select Col2,count(Col2)
where Col2 is not null
group by Col2
pivot Col1"))
to get xes try:
IF(IFERROR(SPLIT(Sheet1!B1:B; ", "))="";;
Sheet1!A1:A&"♦"&SPLIT(Sheet1!B1:B; ", "))); "♦");
"select Col2,count(Col2)
where Col2 is not null
group by Col2
pivot Col1")); "^\d+$"; "x"))

i want to display the latest price of assigned code from another sheet in google sheet

I have a sheet along with this message. I want to display the latest price for the code which i already purchased earlier(in second sheet 'price history') lets assume that price shown in the topmost of the table is purchased first. so i want to know the latest price which come downwards using importrange. maybe displaying the price in descending order will help me out.
=QUERY(SORTN(SORT({A2:B, ROW(A2:A)}, 3, 0), 99^99, 2, 1, 1),
"select Col1,Col2 where Col1 is not null", 0)
Assuming you have dates in column C in Sheet 2
Try below formula:
Formula in C2 in Sheet1

Sqlite query to determine gender by first name

I have 2 sqlite3 tables :
FND is a Table of names and their likely gender i.e.:
nm,gndr <-column names
Members is second table i.e.
Fname,Lname <-column names
The members table has first and middle names in the fname column.
I am trying to write a query to list the Members table fnames column, with a generated column indicating gender based on the first word in the fname column.
I tried this but it didn't work:
select m.fname,(select gndr from FND where upper(nm) like m.fname||'%')as gender
from Members m
can anyone correct my sql statement?
... upper(nm) like m.fname||'%'
Let's look at some example values:
nm: 'David'
fname: 'DAVID X'
This obviously does not match.
You have to reverse the LIKE operands:
m.fname LIKE nm||'%'

column B in sheet two equals column B in sheet one, if Column A is sheet two is equal to any value in Column A in sheet one

I have two excel sheets. They are formatted the same. Would you please show me the formula to figure out column B value if Column A in Sheet B match any value in Column A in Sheet A?
Sheet A
Column A Column B
Customer A $1.25
Customer B $1.00
Customer C $0.75
Sheet B
Column A Column B
Customer E ?
Customer B ?
Customer A ?
VLOOKUP is what you need to look at.
in cell B1 on sheet B, the formula =VLOOKUP(A1,SheetA!A1:B3,2,FALSE) would get you your data.
the four parameters for the function are:
What data you are looking for
Where to look for the item referenced in part 1
What column from the data to return
If an exact match is needed (no sorting required), or close value will do (sorting required)
False = exact match
