column B in sheet two equals column B in sheet one, if Column A is sheet two is equal to any value in Column A in sheet one - worksheet-function

I have two excel sheets. They are formatted the same. Would you please show me the formula to figure out column B value if Column A in Sheet B match any value in Column A in Sheet A?
Sheet A
Column A Column B
Customer A $1.25
Customer B $1.00
Customer C $0.75
Sheet B
Column A Column B
Customer E ?
Customer B ?
Customer A ?

VLOOKUP is what you need to look at.
in cell B1 on sheet B, the formula =VLOOKUP(A1,SheetA!A1:B3,2,FALSE) would get you your data.
the four parameters for the function are:
What data you are looking for
Where to look for the item referenced in part 1
What column from the data to return
If an exact match is needed (no sorting required), or close value will do (sorting required)
False = exact match


How to add additional column showing sheet names & row source in query importrange function (google sheet)

I have a query importrange function to combine hundreds of my sheet into 1 new googlesheet file, but i need an additional column which show sheet/tab source name and the row source.
this is my query so far :
"SELECT * WHERE Col2 IS NOT NULL Order By Col1", 0)
my query is like that (but for hundreds different sheet) and now i hope i can added aditional column in column Z that showing the source tab/sheet name with row :
Example :
Column Z : Sheet1 - Row 7
If i using filter i can add the additional column with the source row & sheet name like that, but im have no idea to add the column using query. Need some help here.

Power Query - Modify tables before combining them

On my table (point1) I am trying to get, that for each table of the grouped rows (point 2) I will have new row inserted (point 3) at the beginning of each table with the value in the column "Metadata1" equal to value form "Column2" for original row number 2 (starting counting from 0).
Link to excel file:
Its hard to know how much of your requirement is generic or specific, but
TransformFirst = Table.TransformColumns(#"PriorStepName",{{"Count", each
) & _
in Together
modifies all the tables in column Count to include an extra row that is made up up Row0/Col1 Row0/Col2 and Row2/Col2
It then combines all those tables into one table

Filter data according to a selected value, sorting and counted by date in Google Sheets

In the first column I have a list sorted by the date of several students and its topics requested. As can be seen, the table is arranged by data, name, topic and a checkbox if the question has been solved.
In the second column, I have a drop down list where I want to select the student and query below his last 15 days requests, checking whether it is completed or not.
Every time the student is selected, the row A4 will display all his/her topics sorted from the latest 15 days, and the cells F3 and F4 will count according to total and solveds.
Is that possible to apply it via formula?
Here is the file if you need:
your column A on Control sheet contains a mixture of dates and text strings (invalid dates) so the formula needs to be:
REGEXEXTRACT(Control!A2:A; "/(\d+) ");
REGEXEXTRACT(Control!A2:A; "/(\d+)/");
REGEXEXTRACT(Control!A2:A; "^\d+"))+
INDEX(SPLIT(Control!A2:A; " ");;2)))\ Control!B2:D}; 1; 0);
"select Col2,Col3,Col4 where Col2 = '"&A1&"' limit 15"; 0))

Can you help me when I select Desc in dropdown list google sheet I want the value become unique number

I have a google Spreadsheet.
Column A = Unique number,
Column B = Desc
In column C, I use data validation from column B. I want when I select 1 value the result in column C should be column A. I tried include image to become more clear. Do you have any ideas?
Thank you.
=IFNA(VLOOKUP(D3, {B:B, A:A}, 2, 0))

Google Spreadsheet Dropdown Filter

I have Google spreadsheet with a list of names in a column. (EX: David, Daniel, John, Cooper).
I made a drop down list of those names. Lets say I two more columns with Age and Birthday.
I want to show the age and birthday column information pertaining to 'David' when I choose 'David' from the drop down list.
A drop down list acting as a 'in spreadsheet filter'.
Any way to do this?
Ive tried the =FILTER() and =UNIQUE() but they don't quite get me what I want. Thanks for the help
Assuming you have the drop down list in cell A1 (of sheet 2) and the columns with data are in sheet1
col A names
col B age
col C birthday
in cell B1 (of sheet2)
=QUERY(Sheet1!A1:C, "Select B, C where A = """&A1&""" ", 1)
