How to update custom field data in product custom option by csv in magento? - magento

I hope someone can help me with this as it is driving me crazy!
I add weight column filed in my custom field by fellow that link:-
Now I want to upload custom option values by csv , i used magmi for that, my csv file data is :-
060-SKdaily,1 oz. bottle:fixed:14.9500:0.120:0:0|5 ml. sample:fixed:2.7500:0.020:2:2
but it not update weight filed
please help me

Magmi does not support the import of data for 3rd party customizations.
Since you've modified Magento to include weight on custom options, you will also need to write a Magmi plugin to import the weight values for custom options.


Magento import products from Excel sheet

I recently got a Excel sheet for some products with at least 900 new records.
Now the problem is wether I shall type this manually in the backend or create an own import script for this?
I tried it with the existing Import/Export and only selected that fields I would need to create a master template and fill the new data into it.
But that new master template doesn't look like I can use it. There are much much more fields exported then I would need to import.
Is there any other way to import an Excel sheet that isn't really conform to that from magento import/export one?
Use Magmi to import the products :
Make sure your CSV is UTF-8 encoded and in csv format.
Else you will getting loads of errors if you are going to use magmi.
Also study about how to use magmi before starting.
I saw your post, here I am happy to share reply from Our Magento team lead:
"One can import data sheet using Magento Import/Export profiles but in this case you would need to convert your excel file to CSV first.
Next step: please change columns names to match Magento product attributes codes.
Required attributes are the following:
another way to get correct CSV template file is to create a simple product and run export profile.
You will get export_produtcs.csv file where you can find all necessary columns."
Hope this helps,
Thank you
Jen Zorina
Itera Research

Importing custom attributes using Magmi

I'm currently trying to use Magmi to update around 1000 products in Magento based on their SKU. Here is an example of my CSV file:
"admin","TA50 WR","AA0096","Aria"
I have two custom attributes called mpn / cat_brand that are currently empty on all of the products.
My question is can you update custom attributes using Magmi?
Also, is there a way to filter the SKU; in Magento the SKU's seem to be being appended with a number, so they end up looking like this: AA0096:1002. Is there a way to use a regular expression on the SKU? or do you think Magmi will still match them up?
Yes, of course, magmi can update any attribute based on its code in the header (either user custom or standard magento)
for skus, you need to use the exact magento sku. so have a line per magento sku for updating values.
magento is not "appending" anything to sku by default, in fact i suppose you have "configurable" product with root skus (AA0096) & associates simple items (AA0096:xxxx) , each being a separate reference.
Magmi has no "multiple match" mode for one item line in the csv, it would be handy but also dangerous. so you'll have to have one line per final sku in magento to have magmi update each wanted sku.

How to put categories from manufacturer csv file into already existing categories with Magmi

I have a webshop with some categories in my root folder.
Root categorie
- Home
- Toys
- Accessoires
- Bricks
From my manufacturer i can download every night a csv file with categoryname1/categoryname2/categoryname3/categoryname4 etc.
What i want to do is the following:
If categoryname1 equals "toys" then Magmi must make the categoryname under my already existing category "Toys". Also al the products from the csv file in the categoryname1 column must be imported and assigned to the right category in Magento.
I also want to exclude some categorys from the csv file of my manufacturer. These excluded categorys must not be imported in my shop.
Is this possible with magmi?
My csv file from the manufacturer is realy big, with lotst of products and categories.
Hope you guys can help me out. I have already worked with magmi, but i was'nt be able to fix this one.
This is doable using the ValueReplacer plugin which has interesting mapping capabilities.
You can use the ValueRemapper Helper of this plugin to use a mapping file between your input csv value & the values that are to be ingested by magmi. It can also create a composite value from several input columns (here you may use it to create a "categories" column that would aggregate the several categories from your input file)
For excluding values to import, the Import Limiter plugin can do it too by selecting rows to exclude based on any column criteria.
A Last option would be to use magmi programmatic APIs:
Datapump API would let you create a script that will wrap magmi calls letting you perform any operation on input data (but this would also mean you'll have to read the input file)
Creating a dedicated ItemProcessor plugin that would do data transformation suiting your needs in its "processItemBeforeId" method.

Magmi Product Attributes

Problem: Imported Attribute Sets not displaying (Using Magmi Import from CSV)
I've successfully imported products and defined attribute sets for these products. However, the attribute sets are not being displayed. I'm specifying a full name for the set under _attribute_set
Am I doing something wrong? i.e.
In the initial import I had the set as default. In a subsequent import, I changed the values in the CSV (under attribute_set) to the new attribute set. Is this wrong or do I have to dump all the products and re-import with the correct set?
I'm using the full name for the attribute set. Is this wrong or should I use the ID for the set instead?
Am I using the incorrect column name for attribute set? or am I missing a required column name or plugin?
Please help!
Your help is greatly appreciated in advance
This one is easy : magmi handles legacy dataflow headers (no underscore). Never use underscored header names if you want magmi to recognize your headers correctly.
so use attribute_set not _attribute_set.
Be also careful, underscored headers are also used in newer (1.5+) import/export magento format which is ABSOLUTELY NOT HANDLED by magmi.

sql to insert default attribute values to all products in magento

I installed an extension that adds an attribute which you can turn on per product when you edit or add a new product... but I need to add it to all existing products.
a) sql?
b) point me to a class somewhere that does this for a Magento collection?
Similar question, but I need to do it in sql or module: Default attribute value for all product in magento
adds an attribute which you can turn on per product
Been here before.
Does it show up in product maintenance now that the module is installed? If so, then it will show up in an export profile. Make an export for skuid, store, type and the new attribute and export to a CSV file. Make sure use Magento column headings is set to yes. Set the new attribute to what you need it to be in the CSV file for what product you need set and import it using the Import All Products profile.
Freshly installed module attributes will default to blank until something edited on the page the attribute shows on is saved. Use the profile import to set them all to yes or 1 if it's a yes/no enable type field to enable across the board. You will have to check the export to see if they're using yes/no in the database or boolean 1/0.
If this attribute is a dropdown item, you will need to create all the selection items in Attribute Maintenance and make sure the value in the upload file matches exactly the selection in attribute maintenance so the upload will work.
As an added note, if this attribute is only created on simple items, filter your export to only include simple items for inclusion in the import file.
It sounds like one of those one-time deals where expending a lot of effort on throwaway code violates the KISS method when a simple import will fix it and you're done with the operation for good.
